Candy Crowley; hellbent on f'ing up the 2nd presidential debate


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
Even both campaigns agreed on that (so to speak)!

Moderator Role Under Scrutiny

In a rare example of political unity, both the Romney and the Obama campaigns have expressed concern to the Commission on Presidential Debates about how the moderator of the Tuesday town hall has publicly described her role, TIME has learned.

While an early October memorandum of understanding between the Obama and Romney campaigns and the bipartisan commission sponsoring the debates suggests CNN‘s Candy Crowley would play a limited role in the Tuesday night session, Crowley, who is not a party to that agreement, has done a series of interviews on her network in which she has suggested she will assume a broader set of responsibilities. As Crowley put it last week, “Once the table is kind of set by the town hall questioner, there is then time for me to say, ‘Hey, wait a second, what about x, y, z?’”

In the view of both campaigns and the Commission, those and other recent comments by Crowley conflict with the language the two campaigns agreed to which delineates a more limited role for the moderator of the town hall debate. The questioning of the two candidates is supposed to be driven by the audience members themselves — likely voters selected by the Gallup Organization. Crowley’s assignment differs from those of the three other debate moderators, who in the more standard format are supposed to lead the questioning and follow up when appropriate. The town hall debate is planned for Tuesday at 9pm ET at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY.

According to the town hall format language in the agreement, after each audience question and both two-minute responses from the candidates, Obama and Romney are expected to have an additional discussion facilitated by Crowley. Yet her participation is meant to be otherwise limited. As stated in the document: “In managing the two-minute comment periods, the moderator will not rephrase the question or open a new topic….The moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate or otherwise intervene in the debate except to acknowledge the questioners from the audience or enforce the time limits, and invite candidate comments during the 2 minute response period.” The memorandum, which has been obtained by TIME, was signed by lawyers for the two campaigns on October 3, the day of the first presidential debate in Denver.

But if the Obama and Romney campaigns agreed to such terms, there is no evidence that Crowley did — or was ever asked to do so..

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Even both campaigns agreed on that (so to speak)!

Moderator Role Under Scrutiny

In a rare example of political unity, both the Romney and the Obama campaigns have expressed concern to the Commission on Presidential Debates about how the moderator of the Tuesday town hall has publicly described her role, TIME has learned.

While an early October memorandum of understanding between the Obama and Romney campaigns and the bipartisan commission sponsoring the debates suggests CNN‘s Candy Crowley would play a limited role in the Tuesday night session, Crowley, who is not a party to that agreement, has done a series of interviews on her network in which she has suggested she will assume a broader set of responsibilities. As Crowley put it last week, “Once the table is kind of set by the town hall questioner, there is then time for me to say, ‘Hey, wait a second, what about x, y, z?’”

In the view of both campaigns and the Commission, those and other recent comments by Crowley conflict with the language the two campaigns agreed to which delineates a more limited role for the moderator of the town hall debate. The questioning of the two candidates is supposed to be driven by the audience members themselves — likely voters selected by the Gallup Organization. Crowley’s assignment differs from those of the three other debate moderators, who in the more standard format are supposed to lead the questioning and follow up when appropriate. The town hall debate is planned for Tuesday at 9pm ET at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY.

According to the town hall format language in the agreement, after each audience question and both two-minute responses from the candidates, Obama and Romney are expected to have an additional discussion facilitated by Crowley. Yet her participation is meant to be otherwise limited. As stated in the document: “In managing the two-minute comment periods, the moderator will not rephrase the question or open a new topic….The moderator will not ask follow-up questions or comment on either the questions asked by the audience or the answers of the candidates during the debate or otherwise intervene in the debate except to acknowledge the questioners from the audience or enforce the time limits, and invite candidate comments during the 2 minute response period.” The memorandum, which has been obtained by TIME, was signed by lawyers for the two campaigns on October 3, the day of the first presidential debate in Denver.

But if the Obama and Romney campaigns agreed to such terms, there is no evidence that Crowley did — or was ever asked to do so..

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well not a good when both romney and obama can agree on this. Sign she been speaking too much of getting involved. Hope she takes a back seat and lets the debate flow. It about their interaction with the voters and not with her. That why its a townhall debate
You watch how they stump this in favor of "I'm too good to be here Obama."
Good for Crowley

All she is doing is stopping the candidate from avoiding questions they don't like.

I doubt she'll be a Jim Lehr. He allowed the candidates to outline their thoughts and plans and to engage each other.

The last thing I want to see is a 'ref' who thinks we're there to watch her.
Good for Crowley

All she is doing is stopping the candidate from avoiding questions they don't like.

I doubt she'll be a Jim Lehr. He allowed the candidates to outline their thoughts and plans and to engage each other.

The last thing I want to see is a 'ref' who thinks we're there to watch her.
that also a very good point. don,t want a ref. debate needs to flow
You'd have to wonder what she thinks she's doing, going against the express wishes of both candidates.
i think she be careful not to get involved as their already been negative coverage about her before debate got started.
Dumb ass, the audience will control this debate and Obama does best when questioned by his peers.
well i hope he does well with audience. what he must do is keep his point shorter and look the person asking him questions in the eye.
Good for Crowley

All she is doing is stopping the candidate from avoiding questions they don't like.
in one sense that is true. Politicians have a habit of not wanting to answer question.

Romney/Ryan are the question dodgers. Cannot take a direct question because they cannot interact with main stream america.
to be fair all politicians though are bad from bad sides at doing this. but i agree with some of what your saying

CNN Jourrrrnalist in touch with liberal reality

Candy Crowley: Obama's Organic Helper

By Keith Edwards


So what exactly does Candy Crowley mean when she says she will "react organically" and "help voters?"

If by react organically Candy Crowley means react naturally, then America can expect Crowley to react as the partisan liberal she naturally is. In fact, there are many instances of Crowley reacting organically on CNN showing her true liberal colors, and tonight's debate shouldn't be any different.

If by "help voters" Crowley means how she pushed the racist Tea Party narrative and recently told CNN viewers that the Romney/Ryan ticket was "Some sort of ticket death wish," then she probably means she will take every organic chance to help voters conclude that Romney is wrong for America and Obama is the clear choice.


Read more: Blog: Candy Crowley: Obama's Organic Helper
Crowley was disrespectful for much of the night.

On two instances in a row, she gave Obama the first word and then did not allow Romney the last word (and she tried that in other instances).

On another occasion, Obama's two minute time ran up and she allowed him to bloviate for another two minutes over! And on the very next Romney segment, she was interrupting him rather quickly.

Then of course, she tried to flag him Obama's terror call of Libya and that ended up being very misleading of course.
[ame=]Second Presidential Debate 2012: Candy Crowley Reins In Obama, Romney - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Candy Crowley: Romney Was Actually Right On Libya - YouTube[/ame]

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