Canada is now officially a totalitarian shithole

progressive hunter

Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2018
the level of this is amazing,,

how can you call yourself a decent people when you allow the government to do this to you for just going to church,,

JAILED the pastor, STORMED the church, FENCED it off, now DOZENS of Covid TROOPS in gas masks raid worshippers OUTSIDE! [VIDEO]

The pastor of GraceLife Church in Alberta, Canada was jailed after turning himself in to the police for violating the government’s “Covid restrictions” on worshipping God.

On Wednesday of this week, the cops RAIDED the church, shutting it down and fencing it off, even putting a BLACK TARP over the entrance to the Lord’s house. On Friday, they added even more fencing, and more armed police, when members of the church continued to show up.

On Sunday, worshippers from the closed down church showed up anyway, in protest and solidarity. So what happened?

Dozens of Covid cop SHOCK TROOPS, maybe hundreds, invaded that, too. It’s a nightmarish scenario. Take a look:

I bet those Canadians can thank Justin Trudeau for that. Justin is just following Biden's footsteps - toward Totalitarianism.

Prime Minister Trudeau ousting MP Jody Wilson-Raybould from the Liberals. More recently, Premier Doug Ford ousted York Centre MPP Roman Baber from the Ontario Conservatives, and federally, Conservative leader Erin O’Toole ejected MP Derek Sloan.

Why? Because they differed in opinion from the “great leaders.”

You may ask, what are some signs of a totalitarian regime?

  1. Censorship
  2. State run media
  3. One dominant political party
  4. Lockdowns/curfews
  5. Public reaction or opposition is quelled with brute force
  6. Instilling fear amongst the populace
  7. Silencing voices that are speaking out by labelling them, today termed as ‘cancel culture’.
It is up to you to decide whether we are headed in the wrong direction as a country.

We had hope in the Conservative parties, but unfortunately, they don’t seem to want to adhere to conservative values anymore.

Plus, willingly or unwillingly, they haven’t been able to capitalize on any of the ‘WE’ scandals, and not so wee scandals, that the Liberals have handed them on a silver platter.

Instead of worrying about how to tame their own citizens, our political leadership (or lack thereof), law enforcement and strategists should focus on the real danger that is looming ahead, and will be coming at them with full force once the Wuhan virus has subsided.

This is the unholy alliance of the new axis of evil:

  • The Communist Party of China
  • The Islamists
  • Antifa
Such a gorgeous country many idiots living in it.

I have a friend living in Canada, and he also agrees it's a shithole. But there's not anything the citizens are willing to do about it. There are just too many problems to deal with in order to get the government cleaned up and straightened out.....and the people have been pacified for so many decades now, they can't think for themselves anymore, much like the snowflakes, BLMs, millennials, Libs, and Demonrats here in the USA.

First off, you've still got frat boy in the position of Prime Minister. He's been selling out Canada to the Arab's faster than Obama was selling off the USA to China!! And it didn't help that his father was PM before he got into office, so Trudump is pretty much continuing the brain-deadening, mental torture, pacification, and slow murder of true Canadian Citizens.

Secondly, Truderp has ran off big business in Canada, except for the ones that the government has their fingers in. So many companies either moved to another country or just closed down altogether, leaving millions without jobs or income. So they had to get on the dole bandwagon, which hardly pays for anything since SO many people are draining the welfare system now. COVID just tripled the effects and destruction it's having on the country and the people. And just like here in the USA, the media and government refuse to acknowledge any of it.

Truduh is as bad for Canada, as the Demonrats are for the USA.

Thirdly, there are so many new political parties in Canada coming and going, nobody can keep track of who they are or what they are doing. And my friend says all of them are as bad and the Demonrats here in the USA.....they all just want to take over so they can live off government money, they don't give a f*ck about the citizens.

I told my friend to move his ass down here with me, but he doesn't want to move while his 90 something year old father is still alive.....which I understand. But they aren't having a good time of it at all. Everything is so expensive and heinously, price gougingly over-priced, people just cannot afford anything. He was living in a one room apartment for a while, but the government locked them in their homes for 4 solid months!! He moved back to his sisters house, which is out in the boonies. The house is falling apart because shit is just so outrageously over-priced there, she can't afford to get anything fixed. They've been looking for an apartment or a rental house to move into for a while now, and there is just nothing available, because people are too scared to move because of the corrupt government screwing people over on a daily basis now. Even many food pantries have run dry.

For Canada, it's literally armageddon.............a very SLOW, and very TORTUOUS armageddon!!!
It needs to be remembers that while the United States was founded in violent defiance and rebellion against a horrendous tyrant, Canada was founded in cowering and groveling before that same tyrant.

More than two centuries later, this still makes a discernable difference.

Well said. Canada has another country's monarch on their currency. That's a big clue right there.

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