Can you really beg for more free shit and complain about the debt?

this isn't new.
look at Greece.
a small amount of Socialists live off pension, bankrupting the country.
the young Socialists want a revolution because they can't get get a bankrupt the country
the world needs conservatives to tell everyone to find a skill and get to work.
don't wanna work? Then live broke.

welfare programs could work, for people with real problems.
they don't work because of the Socialist, one for you ten for me, structure
the world needs conservatives to tell everyone to find a skill and get to work.
don't wanna work? Then live broke.

welfare programs could work, for people with real problems.
they don't work because of the Socialist, one for you ten for me, structure
Welfare needs enforcement. Stop the cheats. From the recipients on up to the (conservative) doctors who defraud the system daily. Put screws to the dishonest, and taking care of the truly less fortunate would be a non issue.
Kind of an
I’m hoping some of the high ranking members of the FSA (Free Shit Army) will shed some light on this for us.
Check in with us g5000
Yep, Trump is killing the deficit, but free healthcare and college to everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Budget Deficits Keep Growing in the Trump Era | National Review

Budget Deficits Are Only Getting Bigger under Trump
By Michael Tanner

July 25, 2018 6:30 AM

When it comes to big spending and fiscal irresponsibility, he’s as conventional as they come.

Here’s a big surprise. It turns out that if you cut taxes while also spending more money, budget deficits get bigger.

Despite the banal common sense of this proposition, the Trump administration has tried to pretend that it was different for them: They could make everyone happy by cutting taxes but not spending. The tax cuts would generate so much new economic growth that they would not only pay for themselves but also pay for massive increases in government spending.

Now, however, in its most recent mid-year budget review, the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) admits that this fairy tale hasn’t come true.

According to OMB, the federal budget deficit will reach $1 trillion in 2019, roughly $101 billion more than previously projected. That also means deficits will top $1 trillion a year earlier than under previous projections from the Congressional Budget Office. And the tide of red ink is only expected to grow taller in the future.

While imperfect, Trump’s tax cuts did accomplish some important things, including helping to make American businesses more competitive worldwide, slowing corporate inversions, and stimulating innovation. Moreover, allowing people and businesses to keep more of their own money should generally be seen as a positive thing.

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