Can we cut the bullshit about spending under Obama?

Looks like I'm the one schooling you, Billy. You said public debt under Reagan went up more than a trillion dollars, but if you adjust Obama's $6.6 trillion to 1980 dollars (a 3.43% average inflation rate), he spent $2.243 trillion, which roughly doubles that of Reagan's. I know math is scary, but it does teach you things.

Yes that's right. Spending has been high under Obama. That is due to both increased rates of spending in defense as well as record low revenue. However there is proof that the extension of unemployment benefits grew the economy by injecting so much money into it.

So first Billy's absurd narrative was "our debt is because of low revenue" (even though revenues to the federal government are higher than any point in the history of this nation AND even if we had low revenue, it is fucking impossible to create debt from "low revenue").

But now 'ole Billy has taken his bat-shit-crazy liberal ideology to a whole new level of insanity by declaring that spending (not debt - he didn't say debt - he said spending) is "high under Obama because of record low revenue".

So "record low revenue" (a lie which we already proved was a lie) is causing Obama to spend more? Really? How does that work? "Honey - I lost my job today. Since we now are bringing in less money we need to start spending more immediately" :cuckoo:

Billy, buddy, I've tried to help you in this thread but you literally keep holding up a neon flashing sign that says "I'm bat-shit-crazy, I eschew all facts and reality, and I have no credibility".

I will admit we need to cut spending more than we need to raise revenue.

So far you have come up with no facts of your own. You might as well.accept mine.
And when do you expect that cutting of spending will come, Billy? The Obama Administration certainly has no plans to cut spending. They just passed a new entitlement that will add trillions to the deficit.
Reagan was the most profligate deficit spender this nation has ever seen. Everybody knows this

Bush was not far behind.

Clinton and Obama were tame by comparison.

When will the Republicans stop lying.

And when do you expect that cutting of spending will come, Billy? The Obama Administration certainly has no plans to cut spending. They just passed a new entitlement that will add trillions to the deficit.

What entitlement will add trillions?

What Obama needs to do is cut defense spending. The right cuts.
Reagan was the most profligate deficit spender this nation has ever seen. Everybody knows this

Bush was not far behind.

Clinton and Obama were tame by comparison.

When will the Republicans stop lying.


Jesus Christ, Londoner! Why do you even bother posting that silly graph again? It's total crap. All it shows is how much each President increased or decreased spending over those Presidents that came before them. The fact that Barack Obama increased spending by what he did OVER the last year that W. was in office with the unprecedented level of stimulus and bailouts we did in 2008 shows what a prolific spender he has been. The use of statistics in the way that you are is tantamount to telling a lie. It's "technically" correct but it TOTALLY misrepresents whats taken place.
And when do you expect that cutting of spending will come, Billy? The Obama Administration certainly has no plans to cut spending. They just passed a new entitlement that will add trillions to the deficit.

What entitlement will add trillions?

What Obama needs to do is cut defense spending. The right cuts.

ObamaCare, Billy! Oh, let me guess...I bet you STILL think it's going to lower everyone's healthcare costs and save the US government billions? You're naive enough to buy into that nonsense even as the numbers keep getting calibrated to show that it's going to cost us far more than we were led to believe, aren't you?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Reagan was the most profligate deficit spender this nation has ever seen. Everybody knows this

Bush was not far behind.

Clinton and Obama were tame by comparison.

When will the Republicans stop lying.


They can't grasp that just because spending is still too high, they automatically think Obama dramatically increased it. He didnt. We are dealing with Bush level spending still.
And when do you expect that cutting of spending will come, Billy? The Obama Administration certainly has no plans to cut spending. They just passed a new entitlement that will add trillions to the deficit.

What entitlement will add trillions?

What Obama needs to do is cut defense spending. The right cuts.

ObamaCare, Billy! Oh, let me guess...I bet you STILL think it's going to lower everyone's healthcare costs and save the US government billions? You're naive enough to buy into that nonsense even as the numbers keep getting calibrated to show that it's going to cost us far more than we were led to believe, aren't you?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Show me an unbiased source right now that will say ObamaCare alone will add trillions to our debt.
What entitlement will add trillions?

What Obama needs to do is cut defense spending. The right cuts.

ObamaCare, Billy! Oh, let me guess...I bet you STILL think it's going to lower everyone's healthcare costs and save the US government billions? You're naive enough to buy into that nonsense even as the numbers keep getting calibrated to show that it's going to cost us far more than we were led to believe, aren't you?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Show me an unbiased source right now that will say ObamaCare alone will add trillions to our debt.

Social Security Institute | CBO: Obamacare Would Increase National Debt, Spend Medicare 'Savings'

Please note, Billy...that article is from 2011...BEFORE changes to ObamaCare legislation reduced the amount of revenue coming in.

[ame=]Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube[/ame]

If you listen to this Paul Ryan address way back when please note that EVERYTHING that he cautions about the ACA not being a healthcare spending "fix" has in fact proven to be true.
ObamaCare, Billy! Oh, let me guess...I bet you STILL think it's going to lower everyone's healthcare costs and save the US government billions? You're naive enough to buy into that nonsense even as the numbers keep getting calibrated to show that it's going to cost us far more than we were led to believe, aren't you?:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Show me an unbiased source right now that will say ObamaCare alone will add trillions to our debt.

Social Security Institute | CBO: Obamacare Would Increase National Debt, Spend Medicare 'Savings'

Please note, Billy...that article is from 2011...BEFORE changes to ObamaCare legislation reduced the amount of revenue coming in.

[ame=]Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube[/ame]

If you listen to this Paul Ryan address way back when please note that EVERYTHING that he cautions about the ACA not being a healthcare spending "fix" has in fact proven to be true.

Come on dude. The CBO estimates a 700 billion dollar increase over the next 10 years. That is a far cry from "trillions".
Obama Claims He?s Cutting the Deficit, Hits New 4 Trillion Spending Record in One Year | FrontPage Magazine

In keeping with Obama’s candid and honest plan to lie to everyone all the time, he delivered a radio address a few days ago in which he once again announced that he’s cutting the deficit.

No seriously. Stop laughing.

“For years, an argument in Washington has raged between reducing our deficits at all costs, and making the investments we need to grow the economy. My budget puts that argument to rest. Because we don’t have to choose between these goals – we can do both. After all, as we saw in the 1990s, nothing reduces deficits faster than a growing economy.”

Sally, come in here for a minute. This is fantastic. I just found out that we don’t have to choose between spending money and not spending money. We can do both. Because nothing reduces our spending faster than spending more money.

A crazy man on the radio told me so.


Obama hits a new record of spending 4 trillion in one year while making 4.5 trillion in spending cuts. Math has finally been defeated. Numbers are all imaginary now. And money comes from a magic tree in the backyard that Obama bought when he traded the treasury for some magical social justice beans.

According to OMB’s tables, the federal government would spend$3.7778 trillion in fiscal 2014 under Obama’s budget proposal. It would then spend $3.9801 trillion in fiscal 2015; $4.0898 trillion in fiscal 2016; and $4.2474 trillion in fiscal 2017.

See. We don’t have to choose between reducing the deficit and spending more money. We can just spend more money and ban math.
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Revenue levels are at their lowest in history. We need to increase revenue levels to fund government expenses. We can do this without harm as long as the right people are taxed.

We've already proven that you're a liar Billy (and despite your devotion to Nazi propaganda - no, repeating this lie will not get people to believe it).

However, for the sake of argument (and for the sake of proving you're an idiot), lets pretend that revenues to the government are "at an all time low".

So then why isn't spending by the government "at an all time low"? See, that's how balancing a budget works dumb ass. If you bring in $100,000,000,000,000 then you don't spend even one penny more than $100,000,000,000,000. If you bring in $100 then you don't spend even one penny more than $100. You simply adjust your spending to your income. If you bring in less, then you spend less (even a 5 year old understands this Billy).

So thank you Billy for proving that Obama is a fuck'n moron and the Dumbocrats are fuck'n moron.

Rotty, you are a fucking idiot. Funny in your stupidity sometimes. But an idiot none the less.

But rotty, what part of government does the spending bills? Is it the office of the President?
Does it say in the COTUS which part of the government is responsible for the spending by the government?

You have no idea how this works do you? But what the hell, you are a dog.

Seeing as how the democrat led senate hasn't passed a budget in over 5 years and oduma has used the continuing resolutions as a blank check to approve spending to whatever fits his whim at the time, I would have to say the president.
Reagan was the most profligate deficit spender this nation has ever seen. Everybody knows this

Bush was not far behind.

Clinton and Obama were tame by comparison.

When will the Republicans stop lying.


They can't grasp that just because spending is still too high, they automatically think Obama dramatically increased it. He didnt. We are dealing with Bush level spending still.

Still blaming Bush huh? LAME LAME LAME!!!!
Show me an unbiased source right now that will say ObamaCare alone will add trillions to our debt.

Social Security Institute | CBO: Obamacare Would Increase National Debt, Spend Medicare 'Savings'

Please note, Billy...that article is from 2011...BEFORE changes to ObamaCare legislation reduced the amount of revenue coming in.

[ame=]Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube[/ame]

If you listen to this Paul Ryan address way back when please note that EVERYTHING that he cautions about the ACA not being a healthcare spending "fix" has in fact proven to be true.

Come on dude. The CBO estimates a 700 billion dollar increase over the next 10 years. That is a far cry from "trillions".
lol we lost 700b this year if we increase the amount of each years deficit to 1.4t in the next ten years we will have lost on average over a trillion a year for the next ten years. Did you fail elementary school?
Social Security Institute | CBO: Obamacare Would Increase National Debt, Spend Medicare 'Savings'

Please note, Billy...that article is from 2011...BEFORE changes to ObamaCare legislation reduced the amount of revenue coming in.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube

If you listen to this Paul Ryan address way back when please note that EVERYTHING that he cautions about the ACA not being a healthcare spending "fix" has in fact proven to be true.

Come on dude. The CBO estimates a 700 billion dollar increase over the next 10 years. That is a far cry from "trillions".
lol we lost 700b this year if we increase the amount of each years deficit to 1.4t in the next ten years we will have lost on average over a trillion a year for the next ten years. Did you fail elementary school?

You need to cite this with an unbiased source.
Come on dude. The CBO estimates a 700 billion dollar increase over the next 10 years. That is a far cry from "trillions".
lol we lost 700b this year if we increase the amount of each years deficit to 1.4t in the next ten years we will have lost on average over a trillion a year for the next ten years. Did you fail elementary school?

You need to cite this with an unbiased source.

cite what, it's simple math, or are you asking to cite where you failed elementary school?
That's not what I said retard. Lower VALUE of revenue has greatly contributed to our debt.

You actually did not say that.
First you said it was lower revenue. I showed that was untrue.
Then you said it was lower revenue per GDP. I showed that was also wrong.
Now you have some amorphous thing called "value of revenue" that somehow varies independent of value of debt or value of spending. I want an explanation for what "value of revenue" means.
It can't mean inflation. Inflation would lower the deficit and debt, other things being equal. In any case inflation has been running under 2% so it cant have much effect.
So what, precisely is "value of revenue"?

Um no. I will admit I was unclear about the nuance of the low revenue the beginning, however I made it abundantly clear now. Revenue as a percentage of GDP is much lower than it has ever been. That is a fact. Just because you don't accept facts doesn't mean you proved me wrong, you dumb toddler.

The VALUE of revenue is what I meant by percentage of GDP. Less revenue means more debt. Revenue is what pays the government's bills. With less revenue, more money has to be borrowed..Why you can't wrap your tiny brain around this concept just boggles me.

You posted a link that showed the exact opposite. Revenue as a percentage of GDP is higher now than it was 4 years ago.
It's irrelevant in any case because it only measures revenue in terms of something else. So it's useful for some measures but it does not explain the record deficits and enormous increases in the debt.
Another fail post.
Show me an unbiased source right now that will say ObamaCare alone will add trillions to our debt.

Social Security Institute | CBO: Obamacare Would Increase National Debt, Spend Medicare 'Savings'

Please note, Billy...that article is from 2011...BEFORE changes to ObamaCare legislation reduced the amount of revenue coming in.

[ame=]Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube[/ame]

If you listen to this Paul Ryan address way back when please note that EVERYTHING that he cautions about the ACA not being a healthcare spending "fix" has in fact proven to be true.

Come on dude. The CBO estimates a 700 billion dollar increase over the next 10 years. That is a far cry from "trillions".

Did you not listen to the points that Ryan was making about how the Obama Administration essentially "cooked the books" to hide what we were REALLY going to be spending on the ACA? That they were using 10 years of revenue input but only 6 years of outlays? That they were double counting items? That they were taking money out of Medicare? Make no mistake about it, Billy...the ACA will cost TRILLIONS of dollars.
Social Security Institute | CBO: Obamacare Would Increase National Debt, Spend Medicare 'Savings'

Please note, Billy...that article is from 2011...BEFORE changes to ObamaCare legislation reduced the amount of revenue coming in.

Paul Ryan: Hiding Spending Doesn't Reduce Spending - YouTube

If you listen to this Paul Ryan address way back when please note that EVERYTHING that he cautions about the ACA not being a healthcare spending "fix" has in fact proven to be true.

Come on dude. The CBO estimates a 700 billion dollar increase over the next 10 years. That is a far cry from "trillions".

Did you not listen to the points that Ryan was making about how the Obama Administration essentially "cooked the books" to hide what we were REALLY going to be spending on the ACA? That they were using 10 years of revenue input but only 6 years of outlays? That they were double counting items? That they were taking money out of Medicare? Make no mistake about it, Billy...the ACA will cost TRILLIONS of dollars.

Why should I listen to anything Paul Ryan has to say? You simply disregard anything Harry Reid says. Why should i trust Ryan if you don't trust democrats like Reid?
Come on dude. The CBO estimates a 700 billion dollar increase over the next 10 years. That is a far cry from "trillions".

Did you not listen to the points that Ryan was making about how the Obama Administration essentially "cooked the books" to hide what we were REALLY going to be spending on the ACA? That they were using 10 years of revenue input but only 6 years of outlays? That they were double counting items? That they were taking money out of Medicare? Make no mistake about it, Billy...the ACA will cost TRILLIONS of dollars.

Why should I listen to anything Paul Ryan has to say? You simply disregard anything Harry Reid says. Why should i trust Ryan if you don't trust democrats like Reid?
You shouldn't, you should just keep your head up your ass where you don't have to deal with reality.

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