Can we agree


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2018
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

The Democrats are too busy issuing subpoenas for Trump's latest colonoscopy. They don't care about solving problems.
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

Because it won't give politicians and bureaucrats control
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

The commies aren't interested in solving anything, they want to deny Trump anything that could be perceived as a win.

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Aponi, what island are you from such that you cannot type in English. Anyhoo, "health care" is a bullshit buzzword. Doctors are doctors to make money. They have no issue being butchers if need be. That said, if you are injured on a ski slope or bitten by a rattlesnake, or shot by a nigga, it would be nice to pay what niggas pay when they are shot by other niggas which is ZERO. Behave in a civilized manner, use basic Western values like washing, not inbreeding, etc., and you really do not have a need to see a "doctor."
You are a ingorant bastard
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

The Democrats are too busy issuing subpoenas for Trump's latest colonoscopy. They don't care about solving problems.

Actually, the latest colonoscopy was done on America and all they want to see is the pictures.
What is great is that the generic "blue pill" is available from several, totally legit USA websites. IMO, it is a miracle drug and every inexpensive in the generic form. Aponi, this might not be relevant to you since no dosage would cause a male to get aroused in your presence. :p
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

Hi Aponi
The more I look into health care cooperatives as direct service associations,
I can see why advocates are saying this takes the best of all approaches and eliminates the disadvantages and problems.

I set up a thread to compare the different approaches:
Political Beliefs 101: Who should pay for Health Care?

The advantage of nonprofit cooperatives is not only cutting the costs of high profits and administrative overhead
of insurance and claims, but also organize enough people in smaller groups to still get
the best rates and discounts on prescriptions and catastrophic insurance.
The direct relations paying physicians and hospitals allows the associations
to negotiate medicare rates with anyone (since so much money and burden is saved by NOT going through insurance)

Thus, the more people replicate these cooperative programs, we can get the same effect as "universal health care" and "medicare RATES for all" but WITHOUT GOING THROUGH GOVT to get those benefits. SOURCE:

If you'd like to respond to different poster's on this topic,
please feel free to add your statements to the mix: Political Beliefs 101: Who should pay for Health Care?
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

The Democrats are too busy issuing subpoenas for Trump's latest colonoscopy. They don't care about solving problems.

Actually, the latest colonoscopy was done on America and all they want to see is the pictures.
They removed 4 polyps. Each was over a carat.
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

Because it won't give politicians and bureaucrats control

Avatar4321 we the people can convert to cooperative payment and pricing structures,
and CREATE jobs for administrators to run programs that represent US, the consumers and taxpayers.

Then WE appoint and elect these Administrators to the jobs that WE pay for, as the boss doing the hiring and firing.
Snouter, wtf? They don't have to pay so nobody should have to? Doctors need to make money. Insurance companies are not doctors, people! Get the government and insurance companies out the way for a while and things will be alright!
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

The Democrats are too busy issuing subpoenas for Trump's latest colonoscopy. They don't care about solving problems.

I agree. They are holding investigation after investigation. All they care about is trying to find something to hang Trump with especially after the Mueller report cleared Trump.

Hope they keep it up all through 2019. A waste of time and tax money. Voters are watching and I'd be very surprised if the Dems keep the House.
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans
no--they [ Dems/leftists/libs/etc ] are indoctrinated/brainwashed--like the blacks
Max Maxine Waters/Harris/Sharpton/AOC/Obama--they hate/etc
never will be racial harmony=blacks indoctrinated
It would be great if the two sides could work together, but we are too far gone for that to happen. There is too much of a power struggle in Washington. Nobody can agree on what is right for the country.
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans
As long as Trump is here, never. The traitor dims can't see past him.
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans

The great thing about our democracy is that Donald Trump can't be president forever (as much as he'd like to be), he will be gone, and he will (eventually) be forgotten, but whoever inherits the mess he leaves behind will need more than four years to clean up. I feel like this is a test for future generations and future elections. Kids will read about this menace in history books, and (hopefully) what they'll take away from the experience is that this is the kind of leader you DON'T want governing your country. The President is supposed to set a positive example, they should not base decisions on ignorance and hate, but rather compassion, clear thinking, and steady leadership. They should not feel the need to be the center of attention every single day just because it strokes their ego, they should WANT to step out of the spotlight every once in a while, but most importantly, they need to listen, sure they make the ultimate decision, but it doesn't hurt to seek out the advice of others. Our democracy works when it's a team effort.
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans
Except that all your conservative buddies will be dead set against it because each and every one of those thing will cut some rich guy's profit margins.
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans
How about prosecuting everyone involved in The COUP and FISA abuse and then reforming FISA or abolishing it, so this can never happen again. You had an entire party, The Democrat Party essentially working for our enemies to attempt to bring our Democracy down, and they blasted propaganda through the media at The American People 24-7

How about we purge Washington of traitors, put an end to lobbyists, graft and Senators and Congressmen enriching themselves at The Expense of The People, then we can get people in there that want to work For The People, instead of Against The People?
Both demo and republicans need to work on some issues and stop fighting .
Could it happen in real life YES it has in the past.

Now I cant see why we cant work on healrh care reform .

Little steps to change the system to make it more affordable.

Tort reform for one.
Medicine prices in the usa the same as other nations.
Next being able to by health insurance across state lines .

Just these 3 can make a huge differance in costs .
Just a start no big jump no mass8ve plan just basics that dont cost the tax payers the people who need care or cost the goverment . just 3 simple common sense plans
How about prosecuting everyone involved in The COUP and FISA abuse and then reforming FISA or abolishing it, so this can never happen again. You had an entire party, The Democrat Party essentially working for our enemies to attempt to bring our Democracy down, and they blasted propaganda through the media at The American People 24-7

How about we purge Washington of traitors, put an end to lobbyists, graft and Senators and Congressmen enriching themselves at The Expense of The People, then we can get people in there that want to work For The People, instead of Against The People?

Can we do all that without bloodshed? I do believe it's possible!

It will take time and effort, though.

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