Can we agree on this?


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2009
There are some pretty well defined borders on this debt issue.

I was wondering how both sides feel about this idea.

Raise taxes on the wealthy 2-3% and make it a debt paydown only use. Maybe the percentages aren't in line with what is necessary, but what do you think?

I also assume at least $1T on spending cuts right now and an additional $1.7T-3T within a year.
There are some pretty well defined borders on this debt issue.

I was wondering how both sides feel about this idea.

Raise taxes on the wealthy 2-3% and make it a debt paydown only use. Maybe the percentages aren't in line with what is necessary, but what do you think?

I also assume at least $1T on spending cuts right now and an additional $1.7T-3T within a year.

So we continue with trillion dollar deficits from here to infinity.

Doctor to patient

We can take the toe now or the leg later.

The leg doc the leg. NO THANKS.
Raise taxes on the wealthy 2-3% and make it a debt paydown only use. Maybe the percentages aren't in line with what is necessary, but what do you think?

I also assume at least $1T on spending cuts right now and an additional $1.7T-3T within a year.
Well done, agreed.

Reasonable and fair, something meaningful to build on.
Raise taxes on the wealthy 2-3% and make it a debt paydown only use. Maybe the percentages aren't in line with what is necessary, but what do you think?

I also assume at least $1T on spending cuts right now and an additional $1.7T-3T within a year.
Well done, agreed.

Reasonable and fair, something meaningful to build on.

The national debt has increased for the last 53 years running.

When does the building start?
There are some pretty well defined borders on this debt issue.

I was wondering how both sides feel about this idea.

Raise taxes on the wealthy 2-3% and make it a debt paydown only use. Maybe the percentages aren't in line with what is necessary, but what do you think?

I also assume at least $1T on spending cuts right now and an additional $1.7T-3T within a year.

Pay down the debt tax is a good idea. How about we put 5% tax on all non-food products across the board.

I think you need to spread the debt over several years, so as not to create another recession. Create tax equality laws where everybody pays the same amount, no more deductions, loop holes,.....just blow up the IRS building and all the laws in it.
The answer needs to include how to cover the $51-trillion of unfunded Medicare & SS entitlements


Raise taxes on the wealthy 2-3% and make it a debt paydown only use. Maybe the percentages aren't in line with what is necessary, but what do you think?

I also assume at least $1T on spending cuts right now and an additional $1.7T-3T within a year.
Well done, agreed.

Reasonable and fair, something meaningful to build on.

The national debt has increased for the last 53 years running.

When does the building start?

That's a good question. Why don't we aim for something meaningful like paying off our 15T dollar debt in the next 5 to 7 years or balancing a damn budget someday in the near future.
Why are you people so cynical? We can trust Congress.

Congress should give Obama what he really wants, a "blank check" to just keep spending and spending. His budget was wrongly defeated by 97-0 vote- it only doubles the national debt in 8 years. What's wrong with that? More government spending helps the economy. The best stimulus is unemployment. Just ask Nanny Pelosi.

[ame=]‪Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Serve As "Job Creator"‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

Any responsible fiscal measure would require at least the bare minimum of raising the tax on the uber rich while cutting back spending.
Why are you people so cynical? We can trust Congress.

Congress should give Obama what he really wants, a "blank check" to just keep spending and spending. His budget was wrongly defeated by 97-0 vote- it only doubles the national debt in 8 years. What's wrong with that? More government spending helps the economy. The best stimulus is unemployment. Just ask Nanny Pelosi.

‪Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Serve As "Job Creator"‬‏ - YouTube


You're right. O is leading us into the promised land. It's best to set back and watch the unicorns and enjoy this alice in wonderland trip.
Well done, agreed.

Reasonable and fair, something meaningful to build on.

The national debt has increased for the last 53 years running.

When does the building start?

That's a good question. Why don't we aim for something meaningful like paying off our 15T dollar debt in the next 5 to 7 years or balancing a damn budget someday in the near future.

Well sir,, the dimocrats have to have a damn budget first. have they passed one yet?
The national debt has increased for the last 53 years running.

When does the building start?

That's a good question. Why don't we aim for something meaningful like paying off our 15T dollar debt in the next 5 to 7 years or balancing a damn budget someday in the near future.

Well sir,, the dimocrats have to have a damn budget first. have they passed one yet?

No, they avoided that, just a bunch of continuous resolutions that meant nothing.
No. We can't agree to this. Raising taxes isnt going to fix the deficit or the debt. We need to cut spending. No sacred cows. We need to have an honest look at every thing the government spends money on and find ways to be thrifty and save.
Well, my idea was meant to make sure, if there was a tax increase it be specific to debt payment. I think I had a total of close to $4T in spending cuts. That is as much or more than what is being proposed. You guys are welcome to modify it. Seems to me we are staring at a $1T reduction in spending and nothing at all toward the debt. I fail to see how that is better.
Why are you people so cynical? We can trust Congress.

Congress should give Obama what he really wants, a "blank check" to just keep spending and spending. His budget was wrongly defeated by 97-0 vote- it only doubles the national debt in 8 years. What's wrong with that? More government spending helps the economy. The best stimulus is unemployment. Just ask Nanny Pelosi.

‪Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Serve As "Job Creator"‬‏ - YouTube


You're right. O is leading us into the promised land. It's best to set back and watch the unicorns and enjoy this alice in wonderland trip.

Yes we can!! Hope and Change!! Yes we can!!!


Yes we can!! Hope and Change!! Yes we can!!!

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