Can someone explain this? This is scary as hell.

Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle

Not asleep at all. Just trying to get someone to explain how anyone can say "because you print the money," when discussing US debt and the economy.

If you don't have an answer, that is fine.
When a democrat is president Republicans care about the debt but now debt doesn't matter.

And whenever they want they can create an economic crisis and go bankrupt. Could you imagine relying on a 401k and have that happen? Or they might go bankrupt and renig on social security.

If anyone will go bankrupt it's trump. He's not afraid to gamble and lose. He will still be rich but the people he hired or us, get screwed
They also use the debt to cut social services.

Americans pay more for insurance, defense and taxes and we get less social services than the rest of the world
What happens when you print money. Hyperinflation..

hyperinflation (1).jpg
They also use the debt to cut social services.

Americans pay more for insurance, defense and taxes and we get less social services than the rest of the world

Hyperbole-----I get hot and cold running water-----CLEAN water. and the side walk
in front of my house works ------and the street lights work-----the mail is fairly
regular, --------I even have electricity and indoor plumbing
Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle

Not asleep at all. Just trying to get someone to explain how anyone can say "because you print the money," when discussing US debt and the economy.

If you don't have an answer, that is fine.

How do you think we just ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt?
I don't know-----I do not understand economics-----I hate to have debts so I do
not buy much stuff-------When I bought a car----I paid cash (that means a bank
check) -------debt is a problem
It's a CNN story, so there's really no point in taking it seriously.

After about 6 more months we'll know if Trump is going to do well or not.

Were you asleep next to Rip Van Winkle

Not asleep at all. Just trying to get someone to explain how anyone can say "because you print the money," when discussing US debt and the economy.

If you don't have an answer, that is fine.

How do you think we just ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt?
I`ll tell you exactly how we ran up $10,000,000,000,000 in new debt. These 3 charts tell the story.
The three best charts on how Clinton’s surpluses became Bush and Obama’s deficits
Donald Trump: U.S. will never default 'because you print the money' -

"Donald Trump declared Monday the U.S. never has to default on debt "because you print the money," while trying to clarify his strategy for managing the national debt."
It's old news, might have been a Monday but it was a while back. I'm not leaving to go to a fake news site either. The issue was defaulting and we'd print our way out first. It would be massive inflation though and I didn't hear Trump say that's the preferred economic strategy.
It's a CNN story, so there's really no point in taking it seriously.

After about 6 more months we'll know if Trump is going to do well or not.

If Trump didn't say it, I will be relieved. But if this is an accurate quote, there is a huge potential for disaster.

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