Can money buy happiness?

Nothing in life is 100% guarantee, but peace of mind can influence a person in many positive ways.

any peace of mind that money can buy is an illusion. As long as one understands the illusion they are under the better they will handle it when the inevitable happens.

Money can open doors for such things as an education, a safe place to raise a family, etc. What is the inevitable??

death and suffering.
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This begs the question: Can generational welfare recipients ever feel happiness without "feeling respected, having autonomy, and working at a fulfilling job"?

Money can buy security and the things you want, but unless it has been earned by you, it won't grow self-esteem....

What good is security if it cannot be guaranteed to be 100% fool proof ?

As Tosh said... It can buy a Wave Runner...


any peace of mind that money can buy is an illusion. As long as one understands the illusion they are under the better they will handle it when the inevitable happens.

Money can open doors for such things as an education, a safe place to raise a family, etc. What is the inevitable??

death and suffering.

Alright, Mr. Happy, but how does that relate to your attitude that what good is security if it's not a 100% guarantee?? Let me just go find a hole and die now.:lol:
Money can open doors for such things as an education, a safe place to raise a family, etc. What is the inevitable??

death and suffering.

Alright, Mr. Happy, but how does that relate to your attitude that what good is security if it's not a 100% guarantee?? Let me just go find a hole and die now.:lol:

wear the world as a loose garment

Several great thinkers have made that point. (trust me--I didn't invent this stuff)

Wanna feel insecure ? Try really hard to protect yourself from every danger.
death and suffering.

Alright, Mr. Happy, but how does that relate to your attitude that what good is security if it's not a 100% guarantee?? Let me just go find a hole and die now.:lol:

wear the world as a loose garment

Several great thinkers have made that point. (trust me--I didn't invent this stuff)

Wanna feel insecure ? Try really hard to protect yourself from every danger.

Whatever you say, wise one.
death and suffering.

Alright, Mr. Happy, but how does that relate to your attitude that what good is security if it's not a 100% guarantee?? Let me just go find a hole and die now.:lol:

wear the world as a loose garment

Several great thinkers have made that point. (trust me--I didn't invent this stuff)

Wanna feel insecure ? Try really hard to protect yourself from every danger.

so the boyscouts ''Always be PREPARED'' ain't true? that just brings more insecurity? j/k
2 men are in a life raft, lost at sea. One has $10 bucks in his pocket. Is he gonna be happier ?

Now would you like to paint a realistic scenerio that shows how money can make a difference?? Anybody can go to extremes.
2 men are in a life raft, lost at sea. One has $10 bucks in his pocket. Is he gonna be happier ?

Now would you like to paint a realistic scenerio that shows how money can make a difference?? Anybody can go to extremes.

so money only can buy you happiness under certain circumstances ?

Money alone will not make you happy, but it can provide opportunities that could lead to some happiness.
I have been dirt poor, and i have been comfortable. Never made it to the rich part.

But I can promise you that there were many times when we were dirt poor and not sure where the kids next days meal was coming from, well, we were still happy.

I really do believe the old adage (I've got hundreds of them)
"When life throws you a lemon, make lemonade."

I've led a happy life, even with certain days and times I would rather forget.

But to buy happiness? NAW ! No fun in that.
The happiest people I ever met lived in the Jungle in Indonesia, they had little use for money as everything they needed for day to day living was available to them, problems started with the influx of T V s Maybe the whole thing is about our expectations of satisfaction? [ame=]YouTube - Los Rolling Stones - Satisfaction - 1969 live[/ame]
There have been times in my life when I had no money, and there have been times in my life when I had plenty of money. Seems like I'm the happiest when I have some money. It can't buy you happiness but it can get you to the places where you can be happy at!

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