Can Bloomberg buy delegates ?


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
i was watching the news and a political strategist said that at the convention Bloomberg may legally be able to pay delegates to switch from the front runner to vote for him ! he said as knows that although it would be seen as an unprecedented move and an outrage that it could in fact be perfectly legal ! 'ive tried to find info to see if it is indeed possible and legal but so far havent found anything that weighs in on the matter ! so im not saying that is Bloombergs strategy to actually and literally buy the election ...but can he ? he's got the money !
It would have to be done covertly for Bloomberg to have a chance of beating Trump in November.
i was watching the news and a political strategist said that at the convention Bloomberg may legally be able to pay delegates to switch from the front runner to vote for him ! he said as knows that although it would be seen as an unprecedented move and an outrage that it could in fact be perfectly legal ! 'ive tried to find info to see if it is indeed possible and legal but so far havent found anything that weighs in on the matter ! so im not saying that is Bloombergs strategy to actually and literally buy the election ...but can he ? he's got the money !

The delegates become unbounded if nobody wins a majority on the first ballot. So if you have a bunch of unbounded delegates and $60 billion dollars, yeah, I suspect you can buy yourself some votes.
Mini Mike has already bought the DNC and a growing percentage of Fake News ... "delegates" .. no problem..

I'm loving this implosion of the Democratic Party and TDS News either way...

i was watching the news and a political strategist said that at the convention Bloomberg may legally be able to pay delegates to switch from the front runner to vote for him ! he said as knows that although it would be seen as an unprecedented move and an outrage that it could in fact be perfectly legal ! 'ive tried to find info to see if it is indeed possible and legal but so far havent found anything that weighs in on the matter ! so im not saying that is Bloombergs strategy to actually and literally buy the election ...but can he ? he's got the money !
If Fakes News Reporterettes will screw for dirt on Trump why can't Bloomberg buy delegates?


If he can't now, I'm sure the DNC would come up with a new rule that says he can. The DNC does not not NOT want Bernie as the candidate.
Having trouble with the triple negative, do you mean they do or they don't)

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