Can a MOD get back to me ASAP?

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Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
I've asked my husband to begin to post here. And he has. :D But I have to ask is he allowed to post from home? It was an old rule on a number of boards where you couldn't have a multiple account from the same server. I'm really a computer person with no ability to speak " internet lingo" so I hope I'm phrasing the question correctly.

But we want to make sure that this is alright for him to do so. We don't want to break any forum rules.

Thanks in advance.


I've asked my husband to begin to post here. And he has. :D But I have to ask is he allowed to post from home? It was an old rule on a number of boards where you couldn't have a multiple account from the same server. I'm really a computer person with no ability to speak " internet lingo" so I hope I'm phrasing the question correctly.

But we want to make sure that this is alright for him to do so. We don't want to break any forum rules.

Thanks in advance.



If you can make us aware in a PM what his handle is going to be, we can make a note on each account that you are both posting from the same machine/IP address so that you won't get flagged. If we are aware of it, then there shouldn't be any problems.

between us we can double the poster count....good for re sell and all...

*why do i envision driveby sitting at her monitor saying bad words*
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