Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

The conference, which was the launch pad of a week of events around UK, gathered British MPs, Arab ambassadors, academics, experts, activists, journalists, and supporters to the Palestinian cause to hear about Britain's Legacy in Palestine.

Muhammad Hamed, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) chairman of Board of Trustees, stressed during the conference's first session the Palestinian national constants especially the Palestinian right of return, launching the PRC's five year Balfour Campaign which calls on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake and make reparations to Palestinians who endured human rights abuses at British hands.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake
And this will change what exactly?

its how islamo nazi pigs get anything they want---BLACK MAIL.

It has worked for them for 1400 years ----- they even get their
murderers out of jail to MURDER AGAIN Why give it up?


(do not expect apologies FROM islamo nazi pigs)
Great - then the Jews who were legislated out of their citizenship and property in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and other countries can go and demand that those nations apologize for their historical mistakes and make reparations for all that was stolen.

And of course the Palestinian continent and all the fine humanitarian pacifists who support them, will make themselves available to support that cause as well!

After all, the principle is the same no matter who despoiled who.
Great - then the Jews who were legislated out of their citizenship and property in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and other countries can go and demand that those nations apologize for their historical mistakes and make reparations for all that was stolen.

And of course the Palestinian continent and all the fine humanitarian pacifists who support them, will make themselves available to support that cause as well!

After all, the principle is the same no matter who despoiled who.

The first task assigned the UMMAH should be

"OK SLUTS AND DOGS ---start putting those majestic
Buddhist sculptures back together---then we will talk"
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

The conference, which was the launch pad of a week of events around UK, gathered British MPs, Arab ambassadors, academics, experts, activists, journalists, and supporters to the Palestinian cause to hear about Britain's Legacy in Palestine.

Muhammad Hamed, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) chairman of Board of Trustees, stressed during the conference's first session the Palestinian national constants especially the Palestinian right of return, launching the PRC's five year Balfour Campaign which calls on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake and make reparations to Palestinians who endured human rights abuses at British hands.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake

Only harms the credibility of those who do it. Try using mainstream news media sources that are reliable like World Net Daily. thanks. - Jeremiah
when will Saudi Arabia APOLOGIZE for its ethnic cleansing ---
which destroyed whole communities of zoroastrians, jews,
and christians?------THE OIL WELLS can be distributed
amongst the damaged peoples
when will Saudi Arabia APOLOGIZE for its ethnic cleansing ---
which destroyed whole communities of zoroastrians, jews,
and christians?------THE OIL WELLS can be distributed
amongst the damaged peoples

Are you lost again?

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

The conference, which was the launch pad of a week of events around UK, gathered British MPs, Arab ambassadors, academics, experts, activists, journalists, and supporters to the Palestinian cause to hear about Britain's Legacy in Palestine.

Muhammad Hamed, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) chairman of Board of Trustees, stressed during the conference's first session the Palestinian national constants especially the Palestinian right of return, launching the PRC's five year Balfour Campaign which calls on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake and make reparations to Palestinians who endured human rights abuses at British hands.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake

Only harms the credibility of those who do it. Try using mainstream news media sources that are reliable like World Net Daily. thanks. - Jeremiah

:lol::lol::lol:Thanks, I needed a good laugh today.:lol::lol::lol:
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

The conference, which was the launch pad of a week of events around UK, gathered British MPs, Arab ambassadors, academics, experts, activists, journalists, and supporters to the Palestinian cause to hear about Britain's Legacy in Palestine.

Muhammad Hamed, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) chairman of Board of Trustees, stressed during the conference's first session the Palestinian national constants especially the Palestinian right of return, launching the PRC's five year Balfour Campaign which calls on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake and make reparations to Palestinians who endured human rights abuses at British hands.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake
Why stop here? Why not apologize for all the mistakes and blunders of the British Empire for the past 500 years? Why not apologize to the Jews for not giving them back the land of their ancestors like they promised, instead carving it up twice more, then allowing massive invasion by Arabs who later decided to call themselves Palestinians in 1967.
I needed a good laugh too. The historical genocidal
pigs looking for an "APOLOGY" from the world it happily
raped and pillaged I am reminded of a neighbor---of my
BOMBING OF BERLIN. My dad did a wonderful imitation
of the jerk and his hatred of all things british ----in his
Great - then the Jews who were legislated out of their citizenship and property in Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan and other countries can go and demand that those nations apologize for their historical mistakes and make reparations for all that was stolen.

And of course the Palestinian continent and all the fine humanitarian pacifists who support them, will make themselves available to support that cause as well!

After all, the principle is the same no matter who despoiled who.

i think jews who were forced to leave their native homes deserve an apology and reparations.

i think jews who chose to leave their native lands do not deserve an apology or reparations.

i know that their are many cases where jewish zionists "spirited away" or otherwise encouraged or coerced or manipulated into leaving their native lands for the porpose of building the jewish state or maintaining a political hegemony there. examples would be ariel sharon claiming french jews were victims of european anti-semitism and that they should immigrate to israel or operation eagle.

i think it is disengenuous and deceptive of you to equate the act of a colonial power over a colonised people with the acts of a sovereign state over her own citisens, now matter how unjust you think the acts of the sovereign state are.

here is but one opinion contrary to your rather vague opinion, by a mizrahi jew who immigrated to israel from iraq and is a professor at tel aviv unuversity...

Hitching a ride on the magic carpet Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

The conference, which was the launch pad of a week of events around UK, gathered British MPs, Arab ambassadors, academics, experts, activists, journalists, and supporters to the Palestinian cause to hear about Britain's Legacy in Palestine.

Muhammad Hamed, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) chairman of Board of Trustees, stressed during the conference's first session the Palestinian national constants especially the Palestinian right of return, launching the PRC's five year Balfour Campaign which calls on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake and make reparations to Palestinians who endured human rights abuses at British hands.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake
Why stop here? Why not apologize for all the mistakes and blunders of the British Empire for the past 500 years? Why not apologize to the Jews for not giving them back the land of their ancestors like they promised, instead carving it up twice more, then allowing massive invasion by Arabs who later decided to call themselves Palestinians in 1967.

gabh mo leithsceal ?!?!?
843 years.
I am related thru marriage or am acquainted with
hundreds of jews who migrated to Israel from
arab lands I never heard a single story about
people being "SPIRITED AWAY" or overtly encouraged
against their judgement. There is no question that
jews are in danger in France----some of your fellow pigs
have murdered a few just for being jews. The fact that
Netanyahu assured them that they have a place to flee--
may annoy you---but it is a fact. As to arabs being
"compensated" Lots of them left their mud floor
hovels under the advice that JOINING UP with the destroyers
of Israel would assure them a portion of the PILLAGE---you want them compensated?-----well ---of course you do.
PS I agree with Netanyahu----jews should leave France
Now tell me which arab country you have decided was
such a DELIGHT for jews----that they needed to be
kidnapped in order to be "SPIRITED" away to Israel?
I am related thru marriage or am acquainted with
hundreds of jews who migrated to Israel from
arab lands I never heard a single story about
people being "SPIRITED AWAY" or overtly encouraged
against their judgement. There is no question that
jews are in danger in France----some of your fellow pigs
have murdered a few just for being jews. The fact that
Netanyahu assured them that they have a place to flee--
may annoy you---but it is a fact. As to arabs being
"compensated" Lots of them left their mud floor
hovels under the advice that JOINING UP with the destroyers
of Israel would assure them a portion of the PILLAGE---you want them compensated?-----well ---of course you do.
PS I agree with Netanyahu----jews should leave France
Now tell me which arab country you have decided was
such a DELIGHT for jews----that they needed to be
kidnapped in order to be "SPIRITED" away to Israel?

the french jews who were encouraged to emigrate from france told sharon to go to hell.

the rest of your post is also obscure hysteria.
I am related thru marriage or am acquainted with
hundreds of jews who migrated to Israel from
arab lands I never heard a single story about
people being "SPIRITED AWAY" or overtly encouraged
against their judgement. There is no question that
jews are in danger in France----some of your fellow pigs
have murdered a few just for being jews. The fact that
Netanyahu assured them that they have a place to flee--
may annoy you---but it is a fact. As to arabs being
"compensated" Lots of them left their mud floor
hovels under the advice that JOINING UP with the destroyers
of Israel would assure them a portion of the PILLAGE---you want them compensated?-----well ---of course you do.
PS I agree with Netanyahu----jews should leave France
Now tell me which arab country you have decided was
such a DELIGHT for jews----that they needed to be
kidnapped in order to be "SPIRITED" away to Israel?

the french jews who were encouraged to emigrate from france told sharon to go to hell.

the rest of your post is also obscure hysteria.

REALLY? which french jew told sharon to "GO TO HELL" ---is that
something like the approximately 6% of the IRANIAN JEWS
who remain in Iran saying "GO TO HELL"? I know lots of French
jews in Israel and lots of Iranian jews in Israel ----in my own family
thru marriage You are spitting the usual islamo nazi propaganda.

FAR more Iranian jews PROPORTIONATELY fled Iran since 1960--
when the stench of islamicism began to raise its ugly head---
than arab muslims fled Israel in their supposed NAQBA ---yet
islamo nazi propagandaists claim the IRANIAN JEWS all remain
in Iran what a joke------yeah--something like 6% remain. For
the record---a 94% attrition of any population is called GENOCIDE.

The jews of France will not remain if the muslims of France GET
THEIR WAY-----of course it is possible that the French will ---
WISE UP to the growing filth in its streets
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

The conference, which was the launch pad of a week of events around UK, gathered British MPs, Arab ambassadors, academics, experts, activists, journalists, and supporters to the Palestinian cause to hear about Britain's Legacy in Palestine.

Muhammad Hamed, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) chairman of Board of Trustees, stressed during the conference's first session the Palestinian national constants especially the Palestinian right of return, launching the PRC's five year Balfour Campaign which calls on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake and make reparations to Palestinians who endured human rights abuses at British hands.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake
Why stop here? Why not apologize for all the mistakes and blunders of the British Empire for the past 500 years? Why not apologize to the Jews for not giving them back the land of their ancestors like they promised, instead carving it up twice more, then allowing massive invasion by Arabs who later decided to call themselves Palestinians in 1967.

gabh mo leithsceal ?!?!?
843 years.
I gave them a discount.
I am related thru marriage or am acquainted with
hundreds of jews who migrated to Israel from
arab lands I never heard a single story about
people being "SPIRITED AWAY" or overtly encouraged
against their judgement. There is no question that
jews are in danger in France----some of your fellow pigs
have murdered a few just for being jews. The fact that
Netanyahu assured them that they have a place to flee--
may annoy you---but it is a fact. As to arabs being
"compensated" Lots of them left their mud floor
hovels under the advice that JOINING UP with the destroyers
of Israel would assure them a portion of the PILLAGE---you want them compensated?-----well ---of course you do.
PS I agree with Netanyahu----jews should leave France
Now tell me which arab country you have decided was
such a DELIGHT for jews----that they needed to be
kidnapped in order to be "SPIRITED" away to Israel?

the french jews who were encouraged to emigrate from france told sharon to go to hell.

the rest of your post is also obscure hysteria.
Blowhard bar-talk by an ignorant Nazi Jew hater.
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

The conference, which was the launch pad of a week of events around UK, gathered British MPs, Arab ambassadors, academics, experts, activists, journalists, and supporters to the Palestinian cause to hear about Britain's Legacy in Palestine.

Muhammad Hamed, the Palestinian Return Centre (PRC) chairman of Board of Trustees, stressed during the conference's first session the Palestinian national constants especially the Palestinian right of return, launching the PRC's five year Balfour Campaign which calls on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake and make reparations to Palestinians who endured human rights abuses at British hands.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake
Why stop here? Why not apologize for all the mistakes and blunders of the British Empire for the past 500 years? Why not apologize to the Jews for not giving them back the land of their ancestors like they promised, instead carving it up twice more, then allowing massive invasion by Arabs who later decided to call themselves Palestinians in 1967.

gabh mo leithsceal ?!?!?
843 years.
Well we have to remember what a poster who retired from the State Department said......
Sure there was a Palestine. It was invented in the 1960s in a conference room at 1 Lubyanka, Dzershinsky Place, Red Square, Moscow, CCCP. It came complete with a "Palestinian people" too. In fact, its legacy leader was trained east of Moscow at the legendary Balashikha special-ops school.

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