Calls to 'Cancel Canada Day' draw mixed reaction


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
If citizens of the world knew the truth about Canada, our entire country would be Cancelled.

As it were, I firmly believe the world is far better educated on how creepy our system is. Then, as it is now.

An ally to democracy and progress we are not. Our economy and lost global influence further reflects this.

Findings at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that indicate the remains of an estimated 215 children could be buried at the site prompted some to call for the cancellation of Canada Day celebrations this year.

Shortly after those revelations, #cancelcanadaday began trending on social media. Meanwhile, some communities across the country, including in Victoria, announced they weren't going ahead with planned events for July 1.

And now, with revelations of potentially hundreds of unmarked graves at the Marieval Indian Residential School at Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan, such calls will likely grow stronger.

CBC News asked people in many parts of the country whether they will be celebrating Canada Day and whether they support the cancellation of events in light of the findings at the former Kamloops and Marieval residential schools.
Even more destructive self-loathing and self-flagellation - just what the world needs - Canada's turn this time.

Great. You must be so proud.

What's the end game? the citizens of every country walks through the streets for 2-weeks with crosses strapped to their backs getting whipped and then everyone just moves on together?
If citizens of the world knew the truth about Canada, our entire country would be Cancelled.

As it were, I firmly believe the world is far better educated on how creepy our system is. Then, as it is now.

An ally to democracy and progress we are not. Our economy and lost global influence further reflects this.

Findings at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that indicate the remains of an estimated 215 children could be buried at the site prompted some to call for the cancellation of Canada Day celebrations this year.

Shortly after those revelations, #cancelcanadaday began trending on social media. Meanwhile, some communities across the country, including in Victoria, announced they weren't going ahead with planned events for July 1.

And now, with revelations of potentially hundreds of unmarked graves at the Marieval Indian Residential School at Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan, such calls will likely grow stronger.

CBC News asked people in many parts of the country whether they will be celebrating Canada Day and whether they support the cancellation of events in light of the findings at the former Kamloops and Marieval residential schools.
Dude. I've read about these places here over the years. This was quite common everywhere back then. If we only knew. Lot of these places were cleaned up decades ago

Maybe they'll dig up Jimmy Hoffa. Good as place as any
Even more destructive self-loathing and self-flagellation - just what the world needs - Canada's turn this time.

Great. You must be so proud.

What's the end game? the citizens of every country walks through the streets for 2-weeks with crosses strapped to their backs getting whipped and then everyone just moves on together?
I was thinking slashing their wrists screaming down the street naked
I have a friend in Canada, and he's told me all the horror's about that country.

First and foremost, Canada doesn't have a government.......they have an oligarchy ruling class of bloated, self-serving, self-entitled, money manic, narcissistic, filthy rich traitors. And these traitors have absolutely no regard for anything or anyone, unless it puts money in THEIR pockets. The traitorous, treasonous Trudeau is prime proof of this.

And just like Biden, the majority of the Canadian citizens did NOT want Trudeau in office.........but yet, somehow he "won" the vote......TWICE!! Trudeau consistently declares his hatred and animosity towards all Canadian citizens that are not like him, think like him, or have money like him. He's made many a derogatory remark against all indigenous Canadians, which has gone completely ignored by international media.

Trudeau is the final destruction of Canada. If he isn't exterminated and replaced with a Canadian that wants for Canada what Trump wants for the USA...........they are the new Third World Country.
Even more destructive self-loathing and self-flagellation - just what the world needs - Canada's turn this time.

Great. You must be so proud.

What's the end game? the citizens of every country walks through the streets for 2-weeks with crosses strapped to their backs getting whipped and then everyone just moves on together?

It's not about self loathing, it's about personal experience and information. The TPS, OPP, RCMP and their surrogates have powers that Americans would be shocked to hear. With full systemic support from politicians to the wealthy and of course, the British Monarchy.

If you want to be a creepy undercover cop in Canada, milking the system, stealing, abusing the young and setting up your dumb ugly kid for a career doing the same, you must take an oath to the Queen. Polticians don't care who you destroy or how much you steal from the bloated budget as long as you leave them alone. They could be a serial killer, no problem, he's "a Goodfella".

I once was uncertain about CSIS, now I understand the mammoth task they have trying to reign in traitors in the police and the political crooks who support them. This is particularly true in municipalities like Toronto and the general province of Ontario.
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What do you expect? with that communist idiot Trudeau there.... he sold out the country.

Governments are just trying to rewrite history.
Once they have eliminated or destroyed any holidays that represent anything that even remotely promotes unity and love and patriotism for ones country, then they will replace them with a newer new normal one that fits an agenda that promotes genocide, hatefuleness, and globalization.

Their biggest fear is that they are outnumbered.
They can not allow people to unite under one flag or one banner of this thing we call freedom.
Our freedom is their loss of control.

Hold on to what you got. Once it's gone, there's no getting it back.
Pray for Canada and the USA, and all countries that are facing this globalization crisis.
It's an entirely individual decision. I don't believe regions or municipalities should be putting off celebrations that would be held otherwise on the basis of petty politics however.
I have a friend in Canada, and he's told me all the horror's about that country.

First and foremost, Canada doesn't have a government.......they have an oligarchy ruling class of bloated, self-serving, self-entitled, money manic, narcissistic, filthy rich traitors. And these traitors have absolutely no regard for anything or anyone, unless it puts money in THEIR pockets. The traitorous, treasonous Trudeau is prime proof of this.

And just like Biden, the majority of the Canadian citizens did NOT want Trudeau in office.........but yet, somehow he "won" the vote......TWICE!! Trudeau consistently declares his hatred and animosity towards all Canadian citizens that are not like him, think like him, or have money like him. He's made many a derogatory remark against all indigenous Canadians, which has gone completely ignored by international media.

Trudeau is the final destruction of Canada. If he isn't exterminated and replaced with a Canadian that wants for Canada what Trump wants for the USA...........they are the new Third World Country.

Horror's? What belongs to the horror? Learn the difference in plural and possessive!
If citizens of the world knew the truth about Canada, our entire country would be Cancelled.

As it were, I firmly believe the world is far better educated on how creepy our system is. Then, as it is now.

An ally to democracy and progress we are not. Our economy and lost global influence further reflects this.

Findings at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that indicate the remains of an estimated 215 children could be buried at the site prompted some to call for the cancellation of Canada Day celebrations this year.

Shortly after those revelations, #cancelcanadaday began trending on social media. Meanwhile, some communities across the country, including in Victoria, announced they weren't going ahead with planned events for July 1.

And now, with revelations of potentially hundreds of unmarked graves at the Marieval Indian Residential School at Cowessess First Nation in Saskatchewan, such calls will likely grow stronger.

CBC News asked people in many parts of the country whether they will be celebrating Canada Day and whether they support the cancellation of events in light of the findings at the former Kamloops and Marieval residential schools.
Dude. I've read about these places here over the years. This was quite common everywhere back then. If we only knew. Lot of these places were cleaned up decades ago

Maybe they'll dig up Jimmy Hoffa. Good as place as any

Even as a child, I thought it horrible what they did to Native children, taking them away from their families so young. But I thought that the churches were at least taking good care of them.

It is shocking the number of people posting on this page with a “so what” attitude. Or referring to Canadians’ horror at learning the truth as “self-flagellation”. I guess that given the lengths that American go to in order to cover up and minimize their own genocide and ongoing abuses of minorities by the white majority, it’s hardly surprising that your first reaction is denial.

Yes, Canada Day has been cancelled. Few people feel like celebrating our nation as Native Canadians are retraumatized by the recovery of their loved ones.

The Catholic Church had never apologized for their role on the abuse and murder of children at the residential schools. For the rape of children - both boys and girls. For the murder of infants who were born of those rapes. Nor has the Church paid reparations to the survivors.

The local Catholic priest removed all of the tributes left on stairs into the Church, even though there is a Native Reserve just outside town. The United Church simply designated an area for the tributes, and they’re still there.

Canadians have seen with their own eyes, the affect these policies have had and continue to have on our Native Communities. As do continued attempts to simply steal their land.

I live about 30 miles from the Six Nations Reserve, one of the largest Native Communities in Canada. Until this month, the locals were complaining about continuing Native protests over the new subdivision being built on treaty lands, because they were blocking the highway.

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