Calif Libs Love Their New Dictatorship


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Democrats have gone mad with their dictatorship powers.


Official Statement of Newport Beach Police Chief Jon Lewis and Newport Beach Fire Chief Jeff Boyles:
Newport Beach Police Department and Newport Beach Fire's Lifeguard Operations Division were on the beach patrolling and educating residents and visitors on April 24, 25 and 26.
It was our personal observation, and that of our officers, that the overwhelming majority of Newport Beach residents and visitors were families or practicing social distancing.

What we observed from land and by air was the vast majority of beach goers practicing social distancing. There were, in places, some clusters of people that were not social distancing. Throughout the day, our police officers and lifeguards patrolled the entire beach area to educate and remind those individuals of the necessity of physical distancing. We understand photos captured some individuals who were not social distancing. However, the photos above, taken from our police helicopter on the peak day of attendance, Saturday, April 25 at approximately 2:30 p.m., reflect what we saw along much of the City’s seven miles of ocean beaches this past weekend From @cityofnewportbeach @ Newport Beach, California

I live a mile from the beach in Southern CA and its been like a ghost town here...normally we would be inundated with tourists right now....Its been nice to have the place to ourselves and I must admit when I went to my bakery for bread this morning to find it full of folks from Phoenix not wearing masks and not staying 6 ft apart it kind of unsettled me a bit....but I know the businesses here are on the edge of closing for good...its time for government to let us be responsible for ourselves....I could have waited until the people left the bakery to go in for example....set the guidelines and let us go back to work....
Meanwhile, the Republicans governors of many states are implementing the same restrictions.

Needless to say, none of the Trump cultists are calling them "dictators".

If it weren't for double standards, the Trump cult would have no standards at all.
Meanwhile, the Republicans governors of many states are implementing the same restrictions.

Needless to say, none of the Trump cultists are calling them "dictators".

If it weren't for double standards, the Trump cult would have no standards at all.
Find me one that said his constituents couldn't buy paint or tomato plants....just one smart ass....

The shutdown and economic carnage gets dumped right at Trump's doorstep. If he acts like a President in January, maybe shutting everything down isn't necessary.
We'll never know. The states had to take action when he wouldn't.
Progs were not acting like a Congress since the 2016 election. Remember. All of those mensa men and women with their sayings demeaning Trump everyday. Refusing to do anything for the people of our nation. Turning the State of the Union into a farce year after year, And wasting valuable time trying to impeach him. Imagine the Prog geniuses spending their time on top of this issue. Since they all hold multiple college degrees then they should have known about the virus the day it happened many months ago. And warned us all. But we were getting the sayings. The funny sayings. Trump has tried to be transparent. He even kept press conferences and the partisan press destroyed it the first couple of years. He even opened it up again for the virus. And he did not have to. Hillary would not have. Biden definitely would not. Even Obama could not spew his much renowned bullshit even with his teleprompters working overtime. You will get your fuhrer at some point. And he will turn on you.
Its not a are being shorted the full story by the MSM....

Oh, so reality is just a big liberal plot. I see. That explains everything.

Meanwhile, here I am in Indiana, totally locked down, with a republican governor. Oh, what tyranny! Yet there are no Trump rallies against tyranny anywhere in sight. Imagine that. Same in neighboring Ohio, and every other lockdown state with a Republican gov. That causes one to doubt the sincerity of the protestors party apparatchiks.
Its not a are being shorted the full story by the MSM....

Oh, so reality is just a big liberal plot. I see. That explains everything.

Meanwhile, here I am in Indiana, totally locked down, with a republican governor. Oh, what tyranny! Yet there are no Trump rallies against tyranny anywhere in sight. Imagine that. Same in neighboring Ohio, and every other lockdown state with a Republican gov. That causes one to doubt the sincerity of the protestors party apparatchiks.
You are beyond help....
In the second round of sex offender release Gay Gavin Gruesome Newsom released these seven

Aren't they adorable? Why is Newsom scouring the prisons to release sex offenders?
If you want to get your freedom back you'll have to take it back.

Along the way if the herd of Little Hitlers oppressing you were to be thinned with extreme prejudice the world would have a better of the same shit hot happening again too quickly. So long as they are around they are a threat.

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