CAIR: Protector of Freedom for all Americans

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
CAIR The Council on American-Islamic Relations

Core Principles of CAIR

CAIR supports free enterprise, freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
CAIR is committed to protecting the civil rights of all Americans, regardless of faith.
CAIR supports domestic policies that promote civil rights, diversity and freedom of religion.
CAIR opposes domestic policies that limit civil rights, permit racial, ethnic or religious profiling, infringe on due process, or that prevent Muslims and others from participating fully in American civic life.
CAIR is a natural ally of groups, religious or secular, that advocate justice and human rights in America and around the world.
CAIR supports foreign policies that help create free and equitable trade, encourage human rights and promote representative government based on socio-economic justice.
CAIR believes the active practice of Islam strengthens the social and religious fabric of our nation.
CAIR condemns all acts of violence against civilians by any individual, group or state.
CAIR advocates dialogue between faith communities both in America and worldwide.
CAIR supports equal and complementary rights and responsibilities for men and women.
CAIR has proven it's self to be a Loyal and Patriotic organization.

It seeks to help all citizens achieve equality by working with the system and not against it.

All true Americans should support CAIR and learn from it's example of political advocacy in action. :cool:
Then it would change its name to the Council on American Values. Like the ADL, NAACP and La Raza, it pretends to be an organization for all, but its true goal is to advance the agenda of a single group.
Omar M. Ahmad, chairman of the board of the Council on American-Islamic relations, spoke before a packed crowd at the Flamingo Palace banquet hall on Peralta Boulevard, urging Muslims not to shirk their duty of sharing the Islamic faith with those who are "on the wrong side."

Muslim institutions, schools and economic power should be strengthened in America, he said. Those who stay in America should be "open to society without melting (into it)," keeping mosques open so anyone can come and learn about Islam, he said.

"If you choose to live here (in America) ... you have a responsibility to deliver the message of Islam," he said.

Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant, he said. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth, he said.

Should Muslim Quran be USA's top authority?

Isn't CAIR part of the Muslim Brotherhood?
How stupid do you think people are?

Let me see, they elected George W. Bush not once, but twice...hmmmmmmmmmmm that's a tough question.

And then they elected Obama.

Doesn't make them stupid though.


I didn't vote for Bush (twice) and I didn't vote for Obama (twice). I beg to differ.

I liked Obama learning on the job up until I saw the movie Inside Job.

but two years is a lifetime plus in politics. who knows if Obama will ever get my vote
Let me see, they elected George W. Bush not once, but twice...hmmmmmmmmmmm that's a tough question.

And then they elected Obama.

Doesn't make them stupid though.


I didn't vote for Bush (twice) and I didn't vote for Obama (twice). I beg to differ.

I liked Obama learning on the job up until I saw the movie Inside Job.

but two years is a lifetime plus in politics. who knows if Obama will ever get my vote

So what? I thought we were talking about how stupid people in general are, not you in particular. If I wanted to prove you were stupid it would not even be a challenge because you have posted some pretty stupid stuff. You have also posted some insightful stuff.

Unfortunately, this post was neither.

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