CA SB 1272 - Overturn Citizens United


Senior Member
Nov 4, 2013
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Sold to the highest bidder, eh?

Obama spent nearly 2 BILLION dollars to get elected.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.
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Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·
. Oh wow, does that ever sound familiar! Obamacare.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land
Does the name "Cliven Bundy" ring any bells in your head?

Take your time to really think about it.
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·
. This restriction on spending applies to unions too, right?
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land
Does the name "Cliven Bundy" ring any bells in your head?

Take your time to really think about it.

Does the term "Haldol" ring any bells for you?
Time to consider some.
It would apply limits on campaign financing to all natural persons. It says that.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land
Does the name "Cliven Bundy" ring any bells in your head?

Take your time to really think about it.

Does the term "Haldol" ring any bells for you?
Time to consider some.
You didn't take your time to think about it.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land
Does the name "Cliven Bundy" ring any bells in your head?

Take your time to really think about it.

Leave it to you to derail your own thread. You lose.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land
Does the name "Cliven Bundy" ring any bells in your head?

Take your time to really think about it.

Leave it to you to derail your own thread. You lose.
You didn't take any time to think about it, either.

"The courts are the law of the land." That's your point? And yet you support Cliven Bundy who refuses to accept the law of the land. And I lose? Yeah, you're a Teabagger. Good job, imbecile.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land

Bpy, are you dumb. Read the OP very very slowly with the aid of someone who has a 9th grade comprehension ability.
CaféAuLait;8979458 said:
Dear California Senators, Assembly Members and Governor Brown,

Please act quickly to place Senator Ted Lieu's SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, a Voter Instruction measure, that calls for the overturning of Citizens United v FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and all other applicable judicial precedents, on the November 2014 California statewide ballot. The Overturn Citizens United Act will call upon the US Congress to draft and pass and return to the states for ratification an amendment or amendments clearly stating that We The People have the right to regulate and or limit spending on elections and that the rights and privileges granted by the US Constitution are the rights of natural persons only.

Why is this important?

The Supreme Court of the United States, acting without the support or consent of We The People, and without judicial restraint, has eviscerated over one hundred years of campaign finance laws enacted by the US Congress, finding that to limit spending on elections, limits speech. The Court's misapplication of the 1st Amendment, equating money with "free speech" and asserting that incorporated entities should benefit from 1st Amendment rights and protections, undermines the fundamental one person one vote precept of our democracy and sets us on a course where elections will be auctions, sold to the highest bidder, rather than the free and fair expressions of the will the voters. If our democratic republic and system of representative government is to survive, these egregiously damaging rulings must be overturned. The only way that can be accomplished, barring the unlikely event that the Court reverses itself, is through the amendment process afforded us by the US Constitution.
Overturn Citizens United Act - California SB 1272 | Democracy For America

Feel free to forward this petition to your state's Senators as many times as possible.

The United States House of Representatives ·

Sold to the highest bidder, eh?

Obama spent nearly 2 BILLION dollars to get elected.

Potential 2016 GOP candidates court mega donor Adelson during Vegas weekend | Fox News

Gee, and you expect the Democratic Candidate to play by different rules?! Your response is ridiculous, if you oppose the money in politics as I do, you would want a level playing field (unless of course you're a partisan hack?!).
Does the name "Cliven Bundy" ring any bells in your head?

Take your time to really think about it.

Leave it to you to derail your own thread. You lose.
You didn't take any time to think about it, either.

"The courts are the law of the land." That's your point? And yet you support Cliven Bundy who refuses to accept the law of the land. And I lose? Yeah, you're a Teabagger. Good job, imbecile.

You don't have any facts to back up your thread. You thus have to deflect to another issue to gain any leverage. I thought about it. I've educated myself on the Bundy situation for the past almost three weeks. I've already told you he broke the law. But apparently you don't read.

And besides, what's the "law of the land" to you? Obama's flouting the law all the time, and where exactly are you, oh champion of law and order? He's wanting to grant clemency to drug offenders and illegal immigrants; he keeps changing Obamacare... my gosh, should you actually care about the law as it is written, let me know.

Ahh, but I'm an imbecile. No, you're a hypocrite.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land

Bpy, are you dumb. Read the OP very very slowly with the aid of someone who has a 9th grade comprehension ability.

Actually, a first year law student could tell you that you can't overturn a Supreme Court decision via referendum. Please, educate yourself on the justice system before insulting me.

Each time I read a KNB post, I lose brain cells.
California will drag the whole country into the abyss, by design. California is too big to fail.

You already pay higher prices for produce because of California policies. Just wait until we fail, prices will skyrocket.
LOL. Apparently the OP doesn't know what the Supremacy Clause is. All courts and states are bound by Constitutionally enacted law, and including Supreme Court rulings. That initiative is unconstitutional. You cannot start an initiative which overturns a Supreme Court ruling. States cannot themselves pass laws which conflict or overturn federal laws or Supreme Court rulings. It violates the Supremacy Clause:

Article VI, Clause 2. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

Is the US Supreme Court the law of the land
But if 2/3's of the States get together, they can change the law at the federal level.

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