CA bill would force foster parents to use any transgender pronouns foster children want


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
OPINION (CBN News) – California lawmakers are debating a bill that would force foster parents to use any transgender pronouns that their foster children want. Supporters say it’s the best way to care for youth who believe they’re transgender but opponents say it will force out foster parents with religious beliefs that conflict. These opponents argue that California can’t afford to lose any more foster parents.
CA Bill Would Force Foster Parents to Use Any Transgender Pronouns Foster Children Want

By the time the mental dems get done with this country the last thing these mentally ll will be worried about is a sex change or meds to change it , instead we will all be trying to survive.
Some day democratici idiots will figure out they taught their kids to be the adults and the adults to be the kids SO YES DUMBASSES TAKE ORDERS FROM A KID!!!


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OPINION (CBN News) – California lawmakers are debating a bill that would force foster parents to use any transgender pronouns that their foster children want. Supporters say it’s the best way to care for youth who believe they’re transgender but opponents say it will force out foster parents with religious beliefs that conflict. These opponents argue that California can’t afford to lose any more foster parents.
CA Bill Would Force Foster Parents to Use Any Transgender Pronouns Foster Children Want

By the time the mental dems get done with this country the last thing these mentally ll will be worried about is a sex change or meds to change it , instead we will all be trying to survive.
Some day democratici idiots will figure out they taught their kids to be the adults and the adults to be the kids SO YES DUMBASSES TAKE ORDERS FROM A KID!!!
Children need to be respected and to have their identities validated
As far as "forcing out foster parents" is concerned, that is just a bullshit excuse. I worked in a foster care agency. Foster parents are given a wide latitude as to what kinds of kids that they will accept. There are not that many trans kids in the system and I doubt that many foster parents would have a problem respecting their identity.
Children need to be respected and to have their identities validated
As far as "forcing out foster parents" is concerned, that is just a bullshit excuse. I worked in a foster care agency. Foster parents are given a wide latitude as to what kinds of kids that they will accept. There are not that many trans kids in the system and I doubt that many foster parents would have a problem respecting their identity.

Children do not need their delusions and fantasies treated as if they are reality. Any child who is “trans” is only so as a result of abusive sexual abuse and manipulation from adults, and indulging such delusions in them is only further abuse of the same kind that created the problem in the first place. It is, of course, no surprise at all to see you, in here, advocating exactly that.
Children need to be respected and to have their identities validated
As far as "forcing out foster parents" is concerned, that is just a bullshit excuse. I worked in a foster care agency. Foster parents are given a wide latitude as to what kinds of kids that they will accept. There are not that many trans kids in the system and I doubt that many foster parents would have a problem respecting their identity.

Children do not need their delusions and fantasies treated as if they are reality. Any child who is “trans” is only so as a result of abusive sexual abuse and manipulation from adults, and indulging such delusions in them is only further abuse of the same kind that created the problem in the first place. It is, of course, no surprise at all to see you, in here, advocating exactly that.
Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and expertise on the issue of gender dysphoria. I'm sure that you have had many years of training in the at the finest institutions of higher learning and completed your residency at the top of your class. You must also have both medical and psychiatric training as well as a background in child psychology and sociology to be able to be so authoritative on the subject. You are a true gift to the USMB. We can all learn so much from you.:iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:

Please share the vast body of research that I'm sure you've compiled on the etiology of the transgender phenomena
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OPINION (CBN News) – California lawmakers are debating a bill that would force foster parents to use any transgender pronouns that their foster children want. Supporters say it’s the best way to care for youth who believe they’re transgender but opponents say it will force out foster parents with religious beliefs that conflict. These opponents argue that California can’t afford to lose any more foster parents.
CA Bill Would Force Foster Parents to Use Any Transgender Pronouns Foster Children Want

By the time the mental dems get done with this country the last thing these mentally ll will be worried about is a sex change or meds to change it , instead we will all be trying to survive.
Some day democratici idiots will figure out they taught their kids to be the adults and the adults to be the kids SO YES DUMBASSES TAKE ORDERS FROM A KID!!!
Children need to be respected and to have their identities validated
As far as "forcing out foster parents" is concerned, that is just a bullshit excuse. I worked in a foster care agency. Foster parents are given a wide latitude as to what kinds of kids that they will accept. There are not that many trans kids in the system and I doubt that many foster parents would have a problem respecting their identity.
What the fuck is so funny people?
Thank you for sharing your vast knowledge and expertise on the issue of gender dysphoria. I'm sure that you have had many years of training in the at the finest institutions of higher learning and completed your residency at the top of your class. You must also have both medical and psychiatric training as well as a background in child psychology and sociology to be able to be so authoritative on the subject. You are a true gift to the USMB.

It does not take any special education to understand the basic biological facts that underlie the distinction between male and female in humans. It does, however, take a very special kind of mentally-defective madness to deny these biological facts, and to deny this distinction.
What the fuck is so funny people?

You are.

Every sane person can see that you are, among other things, batshit crazy, and so mentally-defective that you don't even understand the distinction between male and female.

You act as if your delusions and madness and general state of severe mental defectiveness somehow makes you superior to the rest of us; and address those of us who are sane as if we are the ones who have a problem.

I don't know that I'd agree, that “funny” is really the right adjective to describe your madness. When your kind of madness is inflicted on children, as you advocate, it results in seriously f•••ed-up children who grow up to be seriously f•••ed-up adults, like yourself. No sane, decent person would find it amusing that such harm would be done to children.

All of the foster parents I have ever met and that's a large number are foriegn. They are Vietnamese or African. They run their foster homes like a business. They rent large homes and set up dormitory beds sleeping up to 20 children. The foster parents won't care. Pin a note on their clothes so they don't forget. It's the other foster children that will wreak havoc on a kid looking for attention.
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but kids are still getting names when they are born, right? Because if they are, when did a child's name become no longer enough?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Also do people no longer use names like "dear", "honey", and "darling" anymore?
OPINION (CBN News) – California lawmakers are debating a bill that would force foster parents to use any transgender pronouns that their foster children want. Supporters say it’s the best way to care for youth who believe they’re transgender but opponents say it will force out foster parents with religious beliefs that conflict. These opponents argue that California can’t afford to lose any more foster parents.
CA Bill Would Force Foster Parents to Use Any Transgender Pronouns Foster Children Want

By the time the mental dems get done with this country the last thing these mentally ll will be worried about is a sex change or meds to change it , instead we will all be trying to survive.
Some day democratici idiots will figure out they taught their kids to be the adults and the adults to be the kids SO YES DUMBASSES TAKE ORDERS FROM A KID!!!
Not to worry, there are plenty of "differently oriented" volunteers to foster children in Cali.
OPINION (CBN News) – California lawmakers are debating a bill that would force foster parents to use any transgender pronouns that their foster children want. Supporters say it’s the best way to care for youth who believe they’re transgender but opponents say it will force out foster parents with religious beliefs that conflict. These opponents argue that California can’t afford to lose any more foster parents.
CA Bill Would Force Foster Parents to Use Any Transgender Pronouns Foster Children Want

By the time the mental dems get done with this country the last thing these mentally ll will be worried about is a sex change or meds to change it , instead we will all be trying to survive.
Some day democratici idiots will figure out they taught their kids to be the adults and the adults to be the kids SO YES DUMBASSES TAKE ORDERS FROM A KID!!!
Children need to be respected and to have their identities validated
As far as "forcing out foster parents" is concerned, that is just a bullshit excuse. I worked in a foster care agency. Foster parents are given a wide latitude as to what kinds of kids that they will accept. There are not that many trans kids in the system and I doubt that many foster parents would have a problem respecting their identity.

Children need to be put in structured environments and not be given latitude to make decisions best made by adults.

Sorry, but how many kids without actual gender dysphoria will be confused by this? All this gender fluid raising crap is bascially messing up the 99% of people with normal gender ID to placate a loud obnoxious minority.
A child shouldn't be worrying about this kind of stuff. The only thing they should be thinking about, is when the next play time is. Or when the next Chuckie Cheese venture will be. Not about sex, this is child abuse.
Maybe the state of California can provide wireless body cams and mics for trans children to assure compliance with
this proposed law straight out of East Germany.
Good luck with ANY State forcing Me to use any language I chose not to use.
I doubt the state will force you to do anything. The children, as wards of the state will simply be removed.
California lawmakers are debating a bill that would force foster parents to use any transgender pronouns that their foster children want.

Like I said, good luck with that.

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