Buttigieg Stoops To Attempting To Incite Racial Division In Own Defense From Potestors


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Buttigieg slams 'white protester's disruption
of black supporters: 'This is the climate that we're in'

-- https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/473205-buttigieg-slams-white-protesters-disruption-of-black-supporters-this-is-the

Interestingly enough, the WHITE man who interrupted the BLACK woman - a black South Bend Common Council member - who was speaking was wearing a 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' T-SHIRT, yet Buttigieg attempted to infer that the interruption was RACIST-based.

The 'BLM'-supporter demanded to know who in their community had elected / appointed current self-appointed / self-professed 'Leaders' as the Leaders of THEIR community. He went on to say their community has a police crisis in their town and wanted to knwo why they were wasting time talking about Pete Bittigieg.

The 'BLM-supporter' was asking the valid question because of Buttigieg's horrible track record regarding crime in Southbend:

'Reports of violent crime increased nearly 18 percent during the first seven months of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. The number of people being shot has also risen markedly this year, after dropping last year. The city’s violent crime rate is double the average for American cities its size.'
-- Pete Buttigieg Was Rising. Then Came South Bend’s Policing Crisis.

So Pete attempted to falsely claim that the 'protestor' was a racist who sought to derail his Townhall meeting, when the real story is the man was NOT a Racist at all, but was instead a member of the community who wanted to know - based on Buttigieg's poor record - why their community was wasting time talking to the man who oversaw the decline of their community and the worsening of the problem.

Anyone so cowardly and disingenuously willing to SEEMINGLY make false accusations of Racism to distract from his own piss-poor, indefensible political record should never be elected to any government office ever again.

Even if NOT intended to be meant as a RACIST slap at the 'protestor', attempting to blame the man for 'the climate we live in' in defense of his poor record is an attempt to distract from and avoid talking about his failed record. If he has to deflect and throw blame / accusations on others to avoid talking about his past failures he doesn't need to be considered 'Presidential' material.

'MAN UP, Buttigieg! OWN It! At least tell the people some BS like you 'learned' from those past mistakes / failures.
He probably went home and pimp slapped his husband after that. Spousal abuse in hairy man butt loving relationships is a real thing.
NEVER TOO WOKE: Pete Buttigieg Under Fire for Ringing Bell for ‘Homophobic’ Salvation Army That Helps Gay People.

In the latest hilarious episode of woke cancel culture, LGBT activists are angry at ... the first serious openly gay presidential contender in American history. His crime? Raising money for a Christian charity that — get this — goes out of its way to help gay people! Yes, some LGBT activists have attacked Mayor Pete Buttigieg for raising money for the Salvation Army.

Out magazine first published the damning photos of Mayor Pete ringing the bell to raise money for the CANCELLED charity. Buttigieg was caught red-handed outside the South Bend, Ind., restaurant PEGGS, participating in the Red Kettle Ring-Off in 2017: a competition between South Bend and Mishawaka. New York-based actor Eric Shorey posted a photo on Twitter with a profanity-laced attack.


LGBTQ Nation piled on with an article explaining that Buttigieg raised money for the Salvation Army before 2017 as well — Oh horrors!

When it comes to "LGBTQ+ people in need," the church has a stellar record of service.

"Many gay men who lived through the AIDS crisis say they don’t know what they would have done had it not been for the 'Sally Army' there to care for them when nurses refused," tweeted health policy consultant Derek Dye.

Derek Dye@voterdye

· 23h

Replying to @voterdye
Im going to try not to assign to that tweet what sounds like some obvious condescending elitism (that gave us Trump) and politely point out that yes the Salvation Army's theology is (imo) problematic but its good works certainly are not.

Derek Dye@voterdye

Many gay men who lived through the AIDS crisis say they don’t know what they would have done had it not been for the “Sally Army” there to care for them when nurses refusedhttps://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/paul-ogrady-reveals-how-salvation-7682782 …

Paul O'Grady reveals how Sally Army cared for AIDS victims when nurses wouldn't
The television presenter admitted he was full of admiration for the charity organisation for all the good they did



8:19 PM - Dec 4, 2019
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See Derek Dye's other Tweets

His tweet linked to a 2016 interview with gay British comedian Paul O'Grady.

"When AIDS hit London, I'll never forget the Salvation Army," O'Grady said. "Because in the Westminster Hospital, this was a time when they had yellow tape across doors and you were expected to wear a mask and protection because they didn't know anything about it. You frequently got nurses who wouldn't work on AIDS wards, they'd say no. And who was there - the Salvation Army."

"They really were amazing, seriously. So I've a lot of respect for the organisation," he said.

In other words, when little was known about AIDS and even nurses refused to help those suffering from the disease, Salvation Army volunteers risked exposure — and perhaps death — to help the infected. This at a time when AIDS was stigmatized and when many believed it was a form of judgment against gay people.

The Salvation Army may believe that homosexual activity is sinful. It may refuse to hire staff who are openly LGBT. It may advocate for a traditional definition of marriage. But the church is also focused on service, and that includes sacrificial service for the very people it considers to be sinners. Because, according to Christian doctrine, Jesus Christ died for us when we were still sinners.

The Salvation Army continues to serve the LGBT community, providing homeless shelters, job training, help with substance abuse and food insecurity, and fighting suicide, to which LGBT people are tragically susceptible.

Yet LGBT activists — and even some governments! — have treated this church with nothing but contempt. In 2017, New York City's Commission on Human Rights ran a sting operation to see how the Salvation Army would treat transgender people in homeless shelters. The church — which believes that God made humans male and female and therefore we cannot change our biological sex — placed biological men and women in sex-segregated spaces, regardless of their gender identity.

The Salvation Army provided homes for needy people, and New York City charged it with "gender identity discrimination for refusing to accept transgender patients and for discriminatory housing policies, including assigning rooms based on a patient’s gender assigned at birth rather than their gender identity, subjecting patients to physical examinations, and forcing transgender patients into separate rooms."

This kind of hostility beggars belief.

Buttigieg slams 'white protester's disruption
of black supporters: 'This is the climate that we're in'

-- https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/473205-buttigieg-slams-white-protesters-disruption-of-black-supporters-this-is-the

Interestingly enough, the WHITE man who interrupted the BLACK woman - a black South Bend Common Council member - who was speaking was wearing a 'BLACK LIVES MATTER' T-SHIRT, yet Buttigieg attempted to infer that the interruption was RACIST-based.

The 'BLM'-supporter demanded to know who in their community had elected / appointed current self-appointed / self-professed 'Leaders' as the Leaders of THEIR community. He went on to say their community has a police crisis in their town and wanted to knwo why they were wasting time talking about Pete Bittigieg.

The 'BLM-supporter' was asking the valid question because of Buttigieg's horrible track record regarding crime in Southbend:

'Reports of violent crime increased nearly 18 percent during the first seven months of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018. The number of people being shot has also risen markedly this year, after dropping last year. The city’s violent crime rate is double the average for American cities its size.'
-- Pete Buttigieg Was Rising. Then Came South Bend’s Policing Crisis.

So Pete attempted to falsely claim that the 'protestor' was a racist who sought to derail his Townhall meeting, when the real story is the man was NOT a Racist at all, but was instead a member of the community who wanted to know - based on Buttigieg's poor record - why their community was wasting time talking to the man who oversaw the decline of their community and the worsening of the problem.

Anyone so cowardly and disingenuously willing to SEEMINGLY make false accusations of Racism to distract from his own piss-poor, indefensible political record should never be elected to any government office ever again.

Even if NOT intended to be meant as a RACIST slap at the 'protestor', attempting to blame the man for 'the climate we live in' in defense of his poor record is an attempt to distract from and avoid talking about his failed record. If he has to deflect and throw blame / accusations on others to avoid talking about his past failures he doesn't need to be considered 'Presidential' material.

'MAN UP, Buttigieg! OWN It! At least tell the people some BS like you 'learned' from those past mistakes / failures.
Yeah, Buttigeig seems to be one of those self-righteous sanctimonious "progressives" that push crap that no one is really interested in through abuse and division.

Rally of black supporters for Buttigieg disrupted by Black Lives Matter protesters (and Bernie Bros)

“It shows kind of where politics has come to…”


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