Buttigieg quits

Smart move. The moderates who have no chance need to step aside. Klobuchar should do the same as well as Bloomberg. Make it a Biden v. Sanders race. Biden will win. The moderates should consolidate.
Well, that amused me to no end. It is funny you think there is a moderate running for the Democrat nomination.
This what you folks do. You are so extreme you can’t distinguish any ideology that is more liberal than yours. That is why Sanders and his brand gains traction. Folks like you make no distinction between liberalism and socialism.
Liberals are socialists. Socialists are communists.

As between Biden and Bolshevik Bernie neither can win against Trump. Most democrats won't vote for a communist. The Bernie Brownshirts have vowed to burn cities if the nominee is not Bernie and they surely won't vote Biden. Republicans are united behind Trump.
Donald J. Trump


Pete Buttigieg is OUT. All of his SuperTuesday votes will go to Sleepy Joe Biden. Great timing. This is the REAL beginning of the Dems taking Bernie out of play - NO NOMINATION, AGAIN!

That explains everything. Someone in the DNC twisted some arms to make the field wide open for Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe. Bernie Sanders is fixin' to get schlonged like he did in 2016.

Watch the hilarity ensue.
Donald J. Trump


Pete Buttigieg is OUT. All of his SuperTuesday votes will go to Sleepy Joe Biden. Great timing. This is the REAL beginning of the Dems taking Bernie out of play - NO NOMINATION, AGAIN!

That explains everything. Someone in the DNC twisted some arms to make the field wide open for Sleepy Creepy Uncle Joe. Bernie Sanders is fixin' to get schlonged like he did in 2016.

Watch the hilarity ensue.

Exactly right!
Joe Biden is now the youngest man in the Democratic Primary. How's that for "diversity"?

Biden 77
Sanders 78
Bloomberg 78
He hung it up. Blamed blacks. Thanks black people.
Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

Yep. The Buttiplug falls out. He just wasn't a very good fit for the anal retentive voters.

Now we are down to the last Fabulous Four of The Pasty White View attachment 309750 Liberal League:
  • Mad Mike Oldie
  • Cherokee Liz
  • Bolshevik Bern and
  • Quid Pro Grope Your Daughter Joe
And the winner is...

View attachment 309751

No, but he might be Bidens VP pick....then become President when Biden strokes out.

Don't forget the DNC talked Biden into the race to begin with. They want him in, but he's had a hard time of getting the voters support, until finally SC. More than likely they are narrowing the field, in the hopes of boosting his numbers.
I'd venture a guess that Warren & Bloomberg are next on the chopping block, though she won't like it one bit.
Nope, biden can't remember where he is or what office he's running for.

Sure, you know that and I know that...….even the DNC knows that, but they'll prop him up anyway.
Smart move. The moderates need to step aside. Klobuchar should do the same. Make if a Biden v. Sanders race.

Biden is not a moderate. He's a typical left wing Democrat, although, I suppose compared to Sanders anybody looks moderate.
Biden is liberal no doubt, but he is also pragmatic in many cases. Biden will restore normalcy to the presidency.

Well I hope so, after 150 million gunshot deaths, since 2007, we need his frank answers for his made up stories.
ok....very interesting...

Donald Trump Jr.


So Pete gave this interview this morning and dropped out a few hours later? I wonder what’s going on that no one is reporting? Did the DNC make a deal with him to try to screw Bernie? Something is very shady here.

Meet the Press

WATCH: Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg describes his campaign's delegate strategy ahead of Super Tuesday #MTP #IfItsSunday Buttigieg: "We do a lot of math on this campaign" to make campaign decisions
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He hung it up. Blamed blacks. Thanks black people.
Pete Buttigieg to Quit Democratic Presidential Race

Yep. The Buttiplug falls out. He just wasn't a very good fit for the anal retentive voters.

Now we are down to the last Fabulous Four of The Pasty White View attachment 309750 Liberal League:
  • Mad Mike Oldie
  • Cherokee Liz
  • Bolshevik Bern and
  • Quid Pro Grope Your Daughter Joe
And the winner is...

View attachment 309751

No, but he might be Bidens VP pick....then become President when Biden strokes out.

Don't forget the DNC talked Biden into the race to begin with. They want him in, but he's had a hard time of getting the voters support, until finally SC. More than likely they are narrowing the field, in the hopes of boosting his numbers.
I'd venture a guess that Warren & Bloomberg are next on the chopping block, though she won't like it one bit.
Nope, biden can't remember where he is or what office he's running for.

Sure, you know that and I know that...….even the DNC knows that, but they'll prop him up anyway.
He could be the ideal puppet.
I thought he was the next Obama

I think I heard that too.

No wait, that was Beto.

No wait, that was Booker.

No wait, that was Harris.

No wait.... :21:
It's strange how Mayor Pete went from hero to zero in such short time. This one is mighty fishy. I have a feeling he was paid to bow out. It appears that the Dems really want it to be a Biden-Sanders showdown.
I thought he was the next Obama

I think I heard that too.

No wait, that was Beto.

No wait, that was Booker.

No wait, that was Harris.

No wait.... :21:
It's strange how Mayor Pete went from hero to zero in such short time. This one is mighty fishy. I have a feeling he was paid to bow out. It appears that the Dems really want it to be a Biden-Sanders showdown.

I don't think it was ever about him getting the nomination, or even winning the presidency. His campaign was meant to make it more acceptable Americans to have a gay candidate running for President. That was the Democrat's mission and they pretty much accomplished it.