Bush’s “unpaid bills”


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Bush left Obama a pile of unpaid bills and a check book with zero balance. He wrote bad checks for two wars, a Medicare prescription drug program, tax cuts for the rich and encourage business to leave the country creating an un paid unemployment insurance bill. Unemployed Americans do not pay taxes that is money going into the Government check book. Bush’s 8 years in office cost us the lives of 6,000 U.S. troops and lives of millions of innocent Muslims which enraged terrorist and created more terrorist and ignoring the 911 warning cost the live or 3,000 Americans. Iraq war was a billion dollar mistake that did not pay off and Bush admitted it. And investment like Solyndra that did not pay off. When Bush went away he did not take the economic disaster with him, he dumped it in Obama’s lap. Now it is Obama problem and because he has not fixed in 4 years what Bush took 8 years to break he is being demonized as a failure. It may take many terms to fix if it can be fixed at all. But Obama has to be given credit for keeping us out of the poor house. And it costing us. Too bad Bush did not have disaster insurance on the economy. Obama got the car out of the ditch and running but right winger keep putting up road blocks at every turn. We were heading for a depression when Bush left office and Obama has avoided that and the recession is in recovery in spite of what right winger are saying. They believe if they say Obama is FAILING long and loud enough it will be true but it ain’t true. Right wingers worse nightmare is that Obama is not failing. They must wake up in cold sweats.
Give Obama credit were credit is due and give Bush credit were credit is due.

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Bush left Obama a pile of unpaid bills and a check book with zero balance. He wrote bad checks for two wars, a Medicare prescription drug program, tax cuts for the rich and encourage business to leave the country creating an un paid unemployment insurance bill. Unemployed Americans do not pay taxes that is money going into the Government check book. Bush’s 8 years in office cost us the lives of 6,000 U.S. troops and lives of millions of innocent Muslims which enraged terrorist and created more terrorist and ignoring the 911 warning cost the live or 3,000 Americans. Iraq war was a billion dollar mistake that did not pay off and Bush admitted it. And investment like Solyndra that did not pay off. When Bush went away he did not take the economic disaster with him, he dumped it in Obama’s lap. Now it is Obama problem and because he has not fixed in 4 years what Bush took 8 years to break he is being demonized as a failure. It may take many terms to fix if it can be fixed at all. But Obama has to be given credit for keeping us out of the poor house. And it costing us. Too bad Bush did not have disaster insurance on the economy. Obama got the car out of the ditch and running but right winger keep putting up road blocks at every turn. We were heading for a depression when Bush left office and Obama has avoided that and the recession is in recovery in spite of what right winger are saying. They believe if they say Obama is FAILING long and loud enough it will be true but it ain’t true. Right wingers worse nightmare is that Obama is not failing. They must wake up in cold sweats.
Give Obama credit were credit is due and give Bush credit were credit is due.

Surely you jest! Obama has amassed more debt in his first term than all 43 of his predecessors combined. Trillions of his future debt will begin to hit us after the 2012 election.

You are correct that Obama has not been able to fix the problem yet. He has managed to (deliberately) make it worse. Obama's goal is to spend the United States into bankruptcy and make us "equal" to those miserable countries that have already tried socialism.

Obama is a goddamned Marxist. If I wake up in a cold sweat it is from fear that he may successfully steal the election with multiple votes from single people, votes from dead people, votes from non-existent people, votes from illegal aliens, deliberate miscounts and other methods that his ilk may use to steal elections. I have no doubt in my mind that he is the most inept president in our history.

Just wait. If he wins the election, he will have more flexibility in dealing with the Russians. He can give them whatever concessions they desire...by executive order.

To hell with Obama!
...and so in response the Dems don't pass a budget in three years and get us our first ever credit downgrade

Bush left Obama a pile of unpaid bills and a check book with zero balance. He wrote bad checks for two wars, a Medicare prescription drug program, tax cuts for the rich and encourage business to leave the country creating an un paid unemployment insurance bill. Unemployed Americans do not pay taxes that is money going into the Government check book. Bush’s 8 years in office cost us the lives of 6,000 U.S. troops and lives of millions of innocent Muslims which enraged terrorist and created more terrorist and ignoring the 911 warning cost the live or 3,000 Americans. Iraq war was a billion dollar mistake that did not pay off and Bush admitted it. And investment like Solyndra that did not pay off. When Bush went away he did not take the economic disaster with him, he dumped it in Obama’s lap. Now it is Obama problem and because he has not fixed in 4 years what Bush took 8 years to break he is being demonized as a failure. It may take many terms to fix if it can be fixed at all. But Obama has to be given credit for keeping us out of the poor house. And it costing us. Too bad Bush did not have disaster insurance on the economy. Obama got the car out of the ditch and running but right winger keep putting up road blocks at every turn. We were heading for a depression when Bush left office and Obama has avoided that and the recession is in recovery in spite of what right winger are saying. They believe if they say Obama is FAILING long and loud enough it will be true but it ain’t true. Right wingers worse nightmare is that Obama is not failing. They must wake up in cold sweats.
Give Obama credit were credit is due and give Bush credit were credit is due.


WOW what a load of horseshit.

We all know Barry hasn't got a clue on how to fix the economy. Thats pretty evident.

I would venture to say that Romney has more than a fucking clue on how to fix it.

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