Bush’s lies and cover ups got a million killed


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama’s lies and cover ups got four Americans killed. Where is the rage from republicans against Bush and why didn’t they call for Bush to resign or impeach him and his accomplices Cheney and Rumsfeld? Powell warned then and they ignored him. Rice reported on information that she received. Why are they not going after whomever gave her incorrect information. In the early days of the Benghazi incident, numerous news stations reported that there were violent demonstrations against the Embassy and the Consulate. This is nothing but a witch hunt by Issa, McCain, Graham and other Republicans who is on a witch hunt to discredit Obama. Give it a rest Obama’s administration did not lie and did not attempt a cover up of the incident. End of discussion. How could they possible be so incredibable stupid to think the truth would not come forth eventually. and Rice and Obama are not stupid.That'a just like saying the night before the sun will not rise the the next day. Like "I did not eat the blue berry pie and blue berry pie all over his mouth.
This smell of someone delibertly feeding Rich incorrect information.

Obama’s lies and cover ups got four Americans killed. Where is the rage from republicans against Bush and why didn’t they call for Bush to resign or impeach him and his accomplices Cheney and Rumsfeld? Powell warned then and they ignored him. Rice reported on information that she received. Why are they not going after whomever gave her incorrect information. In the early days of the Benghazi incident, numerous news stations reported that there were violent demonstrations against the Embassy and the Consulate. This is nothing but a witch hunt by Issa, McCain, Graham and other Republicans who is on a witch hunt to discredit Obama. Give it a rest Obama’s administration did not lie and did not attempt a cover up of the incident. End of discussion. How could they possible be so incredibable stupid to think the truth would not come forth eventually. and Rice and Obama are not stupid.That'a just like saying the night before the sun will not rise the the next day. Like "I did not eat the blue berry pie and blue berry pie all over his mouth.
This smell of someone delibertly feeding Rich incorrect information.

Obama had nothing to do with those that died in Libya.

Bush and the Republicans on the other hand.....

Obama’s lies and cover ups got four Americans killed. Where is the rage from republicans against Bush and why didn’t they call for Bush to resign or impeach him and his accomplices Cheney and Rumsfeld? Powell warned then and they ignored him. Rice reported on information that she received. Why are they not going after whomever gave her incorrect information. In the early days of the Benghazi incident, numerous news stations reported that there were violent demonstrations against the Embassy and the Consulate. This is nothing but a witch hunt by Issa, McCain, Graham and other Republicans who is on a witch hunt to discredit Obama. Give it a rest Obama’s administration did not lie and did not attempt a cover up of the incident. End of discussion. How could they possible be so incredibable stupid to think the truth would not come forth eventually. and Rice and Obama are not stupid.That'a just like saying the night before the sun will not rise the the next day. Like "I did not eat the blue berry pie and blue berry pie all over his mouth.
This smell of someone delibertly feeding Rich incorrect information.

Obama had nothing to do with those that died in Libya.

Sure he did. Don't play coy.

Bush and the Republicans on the other hand.....

Oh, so now you're blaming those who died in Benghazi, on Bush and Republicans? LOL!

Obama’s lies and cover ups got four Americans killed. Where is the rage from republicans against Bush and why didn’t they call for Bush to resign or impeach him and his accomplices Cheney and Rumsfeld? Powell warned then and they ignored him. Rice reported on information that she received. Why are they not going after whomever gave her incorrect information. In the early days of the Benghazi incident, numerous news stations reported that there were violent demonstrations against the Embassy and the Consulate. This is nothing but a witch hunt by Issa, McCain, Graham and other Republicans who is on a witch hunt to discredit Obama. Give it a rest Obama’s administration did not lie and did not attempt a cover up of the incident. End of discussion. How could they possible be so incredibable stupid to think the truth would not come forth eventually. and Rice and Obama are not stupid.That'a just like saying the night before the sun will not rise the the next day. Like "I did not eat the blue berry pie and blue berry pie all over his mouth.
This smell of someone delibertly feeding Rich incorrect information.

Bush who?
Bush beer
The Burning bush
A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush
the bush between a woman legs? As in she's got a harry bush.

Clinton should be tried for war crimes as well then.

He had the same intel. He had it far longer than Bush and in fact passed it on to Bush.

Hell he sure didn't shut the country down on a vague warning. Perhaps if he had and if he had taken out UBL when he had the chance 9-11 wouldn't have happened.

You can bet your ass Clintons thanks God on his knees every night that AQ waited that 8 months before killing those 3,000 people.

Oh you can blame Bush because he was POTUS but Clinton is just as much to blame. He had the same intel and did nothing. Like it or not He and Bush were in the same boat.

Clinton should be tried for war crimes as well then.

He had the same intel. He had it far longer than Bush and in fact passed it on to Bush.

Hell he sure didn't shut the country down on a vague warning. Perhaps if he had and if he had taken out UBL when he had the chance 9-11 wouldn't have happened.

You can bet your ass Clintons thanks God on his knees every night that AQ waited that 8 months before killing those 3,000 people.

Oh you can blame Bush because he was POTUS but Clinton is just as much to blame. He had the same intel and did nothing. Like it or not He and Bush were in the same boat.

Terrorists were in this country staking it out and taking flight lessons right underneath Slick's nose. However, I'm not aware of anyone claiming there was any specific prior warning concerning the attack on Benghazi. I know it might have been prudent, since it was the anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, to be ready for any eventuality but, other than that obvious indicator, I'm not aware of any other warnings that an attack on Benghazi was imminent. And, I don't believe anyone is implying there was. What is clear though is that people who took it upon themselves to try to help were told to stand down and, people were relieved of their command. Additionally, what is clear, is no one went on the Sunday talk show circuit and tried to claim 9/11/2001 was the result of riots, spurred by an anti-Muslim YouTube video.

Obama’s lies and cover ups got four Americans killed. Where is the rage from republicans against Bush and why didn’t they call for Bush to resign or impeach him and his accomplices Cheney and Rumsfeld? Powell warned then and they ignored him. Rice reported on information that she received. Why are they not going after whomever gave her incorrect information. In the early days of the Benghazi incident, numerous news stations reported that there were violent demonstrations against the Embassy and the Consulate. This is nothing but a witch hunt by Issa, McCain, Graham and other Republicans who is on a witch hunt to discredit Obama. Give it a rest Obama’s administration did not lie and did not attempt a cover up of the incident. End of discussion. How could they possible be so incredibable stupid to think the truth would not come forth eventually. and Rice and Obama are not stupid.That'a just like saying the night before the sun will not rise the the next day. Like "I did not eat the blue berry pie and blue berry pie all over his mouth.
This smell of someone delibertly feeding Rich incorrect information.

Being a liberal is like being a goldfish. Every trip around the bowl is a whole new world. There is no sense of history or reason, just a bunch of blogs that reinforce hatred. George Bush asked for and received congressional permission for US Military combat in Iraq after the US gave Saddam almost a year to comply with UN sanctions. After giving Bush permission for a military operation in Iraq democrats sat back and sniped at the US Military (remember "betray-us"?) and supported crazy anti-war activists who disappeared the moment Obama was elected. Every major conflict in the bloody 20th century happened during a democrat administration. Wilson declared war on Germany and FDR declared war on Germany and Japan about 25 years later. Harry Truman never declared war nor did he have permission to use the US Military in Korea. He just did it and we lost 50,000 American Troops in three years and ended up right back where we started. LBJ used a fake crisis to get us into VietNam and the libs blamed the whole thing on Nixon. You can't compare losses during a military conflict with the cover up of the murder of a US Ambassador and three other people including two Veteran Navy Seals.

Obama’s lies and cover ups got four Americans killed. Where is the rage from republicans against Bush and why didn’t they call for Bush to resign or impeach him and his accomplices Cheney and Rumsfeld? Powell warned then and they ignored him. Rice reported on information that she received. Why are they not going after whomever gave her incorrect information. In the early days of the Benghazi incident, numerous news stations reported that there were violent demonstrations against the Embassy and the Consulate. This is nothing but a witch hunt by Issa, McCain, Graham and other Republicans who is on a witch hunt to discredit Obama. Give it a rest Obama’s administration did not lie and did not attempt a cover up of the incident. End of discussion. How could they possible be so incredibable stupid to think the truth would not come forth eventually. and Rice and Obama are not stupid.That'a just like saying the night before the sun will not rise the the next day. Like "I did not eat the blue berry pie and blue berry pie all over his mouth.
This smell of someone delibertly feeding Rich incorrect information.

Obama had nothing to do with those that died in Libya.

Bush and the Republicans on the other hand.....

cause giving weapons to the terrorists was meant to be a peace offering from us, right?

Obama’s lies and cover ups got four Americans killed. Where is the rage from republicans against Bush and why didn’t they call for Bush to resign or impeach him and his accomplices Cheney and Rumsfeld? Powell warned then and they ignored him. Rice reported on information that she received. Why are they not going after whomever gave her incorrect information. In the early days of the Benghazi incident, numerous news stations reported that there were violent demonstrations against the Embassy and the Consulate. This is nothing but a witch hunt by Issa, McCain, Graham and other Republicans who is on a witch hunt to discredit Obama. Give it a rest Obama’s administration did not lie and did not attempt a cover up of the incident. End of discussion. How could they possible be so incredibable stupid to think the truth would not come forth eventually. and Rice and Obama are not stupid.That'a just like saying the night before the sun will not rise the the next day. Like "I did not eat the blue berry pie and blue berry pie all over his mouth.
This smell of someone delibertly feeding Rich incorrect information.

Obama had nothing to do with those that died in Libya.

Bush and the Republicans on the other hand.....

cause giving weapons to the terrorists was meant to be a peace offering from us, right?

Didn't Reagan get a world of shit for giving weapons to what some may have considered terrorists?

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