Bush tax cuts caused the recesson.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Bush’s tax cuts across board have not created jobs and paid down the deficit. It caused jobs lost and the recession because it put more money in hands of the rich and small business and they did not spend it and if they did they bought items made in China with slave labor contributing to China’s economy.

Tax cuts and jobs going overseas was the cause of the recession so extending the tax cuts will only extend the recession.

End the tax cuts for all and bring jobs back from overseas and only then will we see the economy recovery.

Extending tax cuts is like beating a dead horse.
Tax cuts helped to create the recession but were not by any means the sole cause.
And more tax cuts will not help anything at this point.
Except maybe getting some politicians some votes frome the less mentally endowed among us.
I'm all for beating that dead horse some more. We pay enough taxes. Congress and the President need to stop spending money like it grows on trees. Maybe even quit giving money away to overseas countries that really don't like America - just our money. There are many things we can do to improve our financial course besides raising taxes. The more money Congress has, the more they spend. Paying off our massive national debt to China would be a good start. We pay them billions and billions on just interest alone. You're yelling about collecting small change when the government foolishly spends big bucks every day. If you don't feel you pay enough taxes, send the government a big old check everytime you feel this way. However, leave the rest of us out of it.
Bush’s tax cuts across board have not created jobs and paid down the deficit. It caused jobs lost and the recession because it put more money in hands of the rich and small business and they did not spend it and if they did they bought items made in China with slave labor contributing to China’s economy.

Tax cuts and jobs going overseas was the cause of the recession so extending the tax cuts will only extend the recession.

End the tax cuts for all and bring jobs back from overseas and only then will we see the economy recovery.

Extending tax cuts is like beating a dead horse.
The Federal Reserve in union with Big Banks cause recessions and depressions.

Solution: End the Privately Owned Federal Reserve. Reduce the size of Federal Government by at least half.
Bush’s tax cuts across board have not created jobs and paid down the deficit. It caused jobs lost and the recession because it put more money in hands of the rich and small business and they did not spend it and if they did they bought items made in China with slave labor contributing to China’s economy.

Tax cuts and jobs going overseas was the cause of the recession so extending the tax cuts will only extend the recession.

End the tax cuts for all and bring jobs back from overseas and only then will we see the economy recovery.

Extending tax cuts is like beating a dead horse.

In small part that is true.

It took a number of bad policies and laws to make this depression manifest.

Cutting taxes in such a way that the lions share of the savings went to the very people who least needed it was rather stupid, though, I agree.
I don't think the Bush tax cuts helped pull us out of the 2001 recession, nor contributed directly to putting us into this recession of 2008-2009.

The Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 did drive up the deficit, and inordinately benefited the rich. Combined with the ill-advised war in Iraq, the deficit began to destroy the value of the dollar under Bush and the repubs, which is part of what brought us $4 a gal. gasoline, which did help bring on the recession, just like a big tax hike on EVERYONE.

But most of the recession was caused by the repubs allowing housing to spin out of control, with loose money polices, and failure to regulate the subprime mortgage industry, and failure to control fannie and freddie in 2004-2006, when things really got wild.

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