Bush kept us safe?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

“By taking the war on terrorist to the terrorist“. LMAO It has made us less safe because it has created more terrorist, more terrorist attacks, and more attempts, loss of the lives of 5,000 young American women and men in Iraq and thousand of innocent Iraqi men, women and children, Jewish and Christians. Made millions refugees of other countries and the Fort Hood shooter, etc.

War against terrorist in Afghanistan has had the same result as war in Iraq. We have done more damage in Iraq and Afghanistan then terrorist has done to us. Illegal aliens has done more damage to this country than Muslim terrorist.

Taking the war against terrorist to the terrorist has not make us safe. Just because we have not had any mayor attacks here does not mean terrorist are not attacking and killing us else where. Homeland security has made us safer. They have managed to ward off all attempt by terrorist to attack us here but it is only a matter of time when we will be attacked again here.
Sounds like you've been reading the liberal Democrat Handbook again. The talking points you are spouting are on page 102, second paragraph. Just can't admit that Bush did a good job can you? Go ahead. It won't cause you any pain. The truth is never painful.
Sounds like you've been reading the liberal Democrat Handbook again. The talking points you are spouting are on page 102, second paragraph. Just can't admit that Bush did a good job can you? Go ahead. It won't cause you any pain. The truth is never painful.

Talking points? Or, historical facts? You decide, dog.

On September 11, 2001 the United States was attacked by 19 men, most Saudi Nationals, trained and funded by OBL, also a Saudi. The attack killed approximately 3,000 people, representing nations from around the world.
This happened on the watch of George W. Bush.
On Sept. 12, 2001 we had an opportunity to lead the civilized world in an effort to greatly eradicate terrorism, and bring to justice the criminals who engage in terror. By defining terrorism as a war, we set a course which lead to our invasion and occupation of two countries at a much greater cost in lives and treasure than we suffered at the hands of 19 criminals and those who lead them. One of those countries was NOT Saudia Arabia.
Taking this course of action, invading Iraq, was not by whim; it was the stated goal of many of those in the Bush Administration as early as 1997. See: Statement of Principles
Take note of the names of those who signed this document.

Nearly ten years after the horror of 9-11, we remain engaged in a 'Kafkaish' war on a noun (terror). The alleged and admitted leader of the attack remains free. Because of the arrogance of GWB and Cheney, our relationship with the rest of the nations of the world became strained and our greatest foe of this new century - China - now holds our economy in their hands.
Under Bush&Co the regulation of Banking and Wall St. was for the most part absent, based on ideology and a belief that markets and Wall St. would somehow self-regulate. A giant, legal - for the most part - ponzi scheme enriched the few and harmed the many bringing our nation to the brink of economic collapse.
Today there is great effort to re-write history, helped along by rightwing members of the idiot fringe who reside on this MB daily. Proudly they echo each other's lies & half-truths, spreading rumors and damning with pejoratives while they monger hate and fear.

These are facts, immutable facts of history, that no sarcstic comment can blemish. Yes, the constant repitition of lies can fool most of the people most of the time - and whether you're a fool dog or simply one more liar matters not to those whose eyes are open to the greater threat to our nation today, the right wing fringe.
Did Bush need men and women in blue shirts to penetrate you or fondle your children to keep you safe?

Yes, he needed them. But he was busy cutting brush, fishing and golfing to worry about such things as airline safety. Or, did you forget 9-11 happened on his watch?
How's his war on terror going? Feel safe yet?
President Bush fought the terrorists. But, we are counseled by liberals, "fighting terrorists creates terrorists." Let us extrapolate:

By fighting them after 9/11/2001 Bush CREATED them before they attacked us on 9/11/2001.

That old W was a metaphysical kinda guy.

“By taking the war on terrorist to the terrorist“. LMAO It has made us less safe because it has created more terrorist, more terrorist attacks, and more attempts, loss of the lives of 5,000 young American women and men in Iraq and thousand of innocent Iraqi men, women and children, Jewish and Christians. Made millions refugees of other countries and the Fort Hood shooter, etc.

War against terrorist in Afghanistan has had the same result as war in Iraq. We have done more damage in Iraq and Afghanistan then terrorist has done to us. Illegal aliens has done more damage to this country than Muslim terrorist.

Taking the war against terrorist to the terrorist has not make us safe. Just because we have not had any mayor attacks here does not mean terrorist are not attacking and killing us else where. Homeland security has made us safer. They have managed to ward off all attempt by terrorist to attack us here but it is only a matter of time when we will be attacked again here.

Actually, that's not the situation at all.

When attacked by terrorists, you have to take it the "to the terrorists". Nothing else makes sense.

The entire world was against Bin Laden and al Qaeda. Bush had the highest approval rating of any president in history. Then he lost sight of America's goal and instead, let Republican/right wing ideology kick in. Bush thought he would be the one to bring "democracy" to the Middle East and assumed those people would want to be like us. Bush used the 9/11 attack to push the Conservative/Republican agenda.

The Conservative/Republican agenda rarely succeeds. The reason is that agenda is never based on "facts". It's always based on "feelings". A simple study would have shown the people of Iraq don't want and never wanted democracy. In fact, the majority prefer a "strong man" to keep the people in line. Like Saddam, but without his cruel streak.

Bush/Republican adventurism was doomed to fail, like most, if not all of their policies.

When Bush had Bin Laden on the ropes, he turned his focus away, letting Bin Laden go to rebuild al Qaeda, then, when he invaded Iraq, opened the doors which let al Qaeda flood the country and create an entirely new base of operations. If Bush had planned to rebuild al Qaeda, he couldn't have done a better job. In fact, if that had been part of his plan, it probably would have failed, like all his other plans.

Even though we had al Qaeda on the ropes and with the help of the rest of the world, we could have wiped out that organization, Bush/Republican policies and adventurism completely resurrected that group and made it what it is today. Worse, the Bush/Republican torture was the best recruiting tool al Qaeda could have imagined. If you looked at the outcome, without knowing the situation or players, you would think they were working together against the best interests of the US.
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Bush didn't keep us safe..

Actually what Bush did..was to gloam more power to the Executive branch under the guise of fighting a war on terror.

So thank you for the Patriot Act, Department of Homeland security, illegal imprisonment, torture, illegal wire taps, 2 full on wars, wrecking the economy and making those doctors and librarians that fought your constitution violatin' ways, heroes.

It was a fun 8 years.

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