Bush Credits ‘The Work That Was Done’ During ‘My Presidency’ For Bin Laden’s Death

The rabid right was too busy trying to impeach President Clinton for cigar-flavoring to worry about finding Osama bin Laden. I remember thinking while the Clinton witch hunts were taking place that Republicans were putting America at great risk - and they were!


Me! Oh, you mean about me "thinking"... Funny...
Did Clinton Pass on Killing bin Laden?

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

FULL QUESTION: Was Bill Clinton offered bin Laden on "a silver platter"? Did he refuse? Was there cause at the time?

FULL ANSWER: Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden? | FactCheck.org

Probably not? LOL

As far as there being no evidence for crimes aginst American citizens?

In 1992 bin Laden claimed responsibility for attempting to bomb U.S. soldiers in Yemen and for attacking U.S. troops in Somalia the following year. In 1994 pressure from the U.S. and Saudi Arabia prompted Sudan to expel bin Laden, and he returned to Afghanistan.

Read more: Osama bin Laden — Infoplease.com Osama bin Laden — Infoplease.com

Osama bin Laden — Infoplease.com

And if there was no evidence of any attacks on American Citizens as your link claims why would Bush have to kill him a few months later? Since you state it was Bush's fault for not getting him before 9-11.

Your logic escapes me!
Did Clinton Pass on Killing bin Laden?

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

FULL QUESTION: Was Bill Clinton offered bin Laden on "a silver platter"? Did he refuse? Was there cause at the time?

FULL ANSWER: Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden? | FactCheck.org

Can you wingnut assholes deal with this or not...? My guess is you'll just ignore it - or spin it...
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Did Clinton Pass on Killing bin Laden?

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

FULL QUESTION: Was Bill Clinton offered bin Laden on "a silver platter"? Did he refuse? Was there cause at the time?

FULL ANSWER: Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden? | FactCheck.org

Can you wingnut assholes deal with this or not...? My guess is you'll just ignore it...

More like you ignoring post 62 which answers your link. LOL
Well, I do give Bush credit for this: He found all those WMD in Iraq and proved Saddam Hussein was directly tied to 9/11. There...
More like you ignoring post 62 which answers your link. LOL

I saw your post and it doesn't answer Jack Shit about the legality of Clinton not taking out bin Laden. One must also remember that the bin Laden family had close ties to the Saudi royal family.
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How does Bush deserve credit? In 2005, Bush shut down the CIA’s unit dedicated to finding bin Laden in order to shift resources to Iraq.


Where's your source????

IMO neither Bush nor Obama deserve credit for killing OBL. The CIA finally tracked him down, after 10 years of NONSTOP investigating. The fact that it took us so long to find him, and being that he was living right next to the West Point of Pakistan for years, indicates an extreme intelligence debacle, but they did finally locate him.

The mission itself was easy as pie. We had surveillance on him for 6 months prior, even a carbon copy model of the compound itself to train with, and all types of back up units in place at the time of the mission.

The media saying it was a "risky mission" and "gutsy call", were doing so to sensationalize the story and help their guy out. C'mon the POTUS has a academic background ( i'm being kind), and never talks about the wars we're in or in respect to military policy in general. Now because Bin Laden was killed on his watch we're supposed to think of him as a great military or CIA mastermind.

The American people look at it as Bin Laden was killed on Obama's watch, so the best thing to do is not fight it and give the guy credit, but that doesn't change the fact if Bush was serving a third term it would be on Bush's watch, minus the Muslim burial and with proof for the American people to see, instead of treating it like his personal crime scene.

And don't give me that spiking the football nonsense. He'll be spiking the football as much as he can right before the election.
More like you ignoring post 62 which answers your link. LOL

I saw your post and it doesn't answer Jack Shit about the legality of Clinton not taking out bin Laden. One must also remember that the bin Laden family had close ties to the Saudi royal family.

Your assertion was Clintion never gave up and opportunity to get OBL and now you spin it to be "the legality of Clinton not taking out bin Laden". Wow. :clap2:
CaféAuLait;4119466 said:
Well, I do give Bush credit for this: He found all those WMD in Iraq and proved Saddam Hussein was directly tied to 9/11. There...

Have you been to Wikileaks lately?

There were WMD's in Iraq.

Wikileaks Confirms Other Ignored Reports About Iraq WMDs

Wikileaks confirms other ignored reports about Iraq WMDs :: Iraq Daily Times

Iraq war logs: Allegations of chemical weapons smuggling

Allegations of chemical weapons smuggling | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iraq Daily news? Are you fucking kidding me?
Where's your source????

El Dorko, the source is in the OP link - and umpteen other Internet sources.

Is there not a difference between a and the?

You said the CIA unit right?

from the article cited by the NY times, in the article you posted.

"The efforts to find Osama bin Laden are as strong as ever," said Jennifer Millerwise Dyck, a C.I.A. spokeswoman. "This is an agile agency, and the decision was made to ensure greater reach and focus."

Any proof of the Obama administration ramp-ping up efforts to find him???

la dorka
Clinton didnt realize OBL's compound was full of diddle-able young women.

[arkiedrawl] whoo-wee ladies [/arkiedrawl]
CaféAuLait;4119466 said:
Well, I do give Bush credit for this: He found all those WMD in Iraq and proved Saddam Hussein was directly tied to 9/11. There...

Have you been to Wikileaks lately?

There were WMD's in Iraq.

Wikileaks Confirms Other Ignored Reports About Iraq WMDs

Wikileaks confirms other ignored reports about Iraq WMDs :: Iraq Daily Times

Iraq war logs: Allegations of chemical weapons smuggling

Allegations of chemical weapons smuggling | World news | guardian.co.uk

Iraq Daily news? Are you fucking kidding me?

Did you have a problem with the Guardian article?
Wow, the lefties want to blame Bush for all of Obama's social experimental failures but don't want to give him credit for what's clearly a contribution to the killing of an international terrorist.
If Bush hadn't wasted so much time "dithering" in Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11, based on lies and misinformation, I'd be more willing to give him some credit for finding and killing Osama bin Laden. However, Iraq gave us nothing but dead soldiers and an empty Treasury.

Bush 41: Suckered Saddam Hussein into invading Kuwait. Is the US State Department still keeping April Glaspie under wraps?

President Clinton had Saddam Hussein well contained between the northern and southern no-fly zones. Then along came Boy George...

Bush 43: Ordered weapons inspectors out and invaded Irag a second time based on lies and misinformation.
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