Burning Ferry’s Faulty Fire Doors


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Ships change hands “in a matter of hours” “This accident is a result of the disgraceful trade in used ships. Greece and Sardinia, round-trip”, claimed UNIDOS parliamentarian Sardinian-born Mauro Pili. “The vessel on fire is the Scintu, a ship that came first from Greece to Sardinia as part of the ‘Frottola Sarda’ [Sardinian Scam] and then went back to Greece”, said Mr Pili, pointing out that the ferry was leased in 2011 by the Sardinian regional authority to form the “Flotta Sarda” [Sardinian Fleet] with the “Dimonios”. Mr Pili went on: “And then the ‘Bonaria’ and the ‘Amsicora’, more ships coming and going from Greece to Sardinia. Another ship, the Aurelia, went from Cagliari to Albania. All this and more happens on Europe’s seas. Too many silences, too many deals and no controls”. “Recently, I presented a detailed report to the Chamber on the trade involving ship owners in Sardinia and the Balkans, with the odd trip to Egypt and Turkey. No response. All far from clear, with changes of ownership registered in a matter of hours, and always among the same people. These are public services run with no transparency using ships that change hands in deals no one talks about”.
Burning Ferry rsquo s Faulty Fire Doors - Corriere.it

After a harrowing rescue operation that involved airlifting hundreds of passengers off a burning ferry off the coast of Greece, most are now safe.
7 Die In A Burning Ferry Off Greek Coast All Others Are Now Safe The Two-Way NPR

7 Dead.

I have been listening to this all morning. Has anyone been following this?

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