Bureau of Land Management vs Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, and the US Constitution

Chicken Man kills himself after long fight with Roswell government officials

This is one of those stories that often never makes it to the Front Page of any newspaper or website. It’s a story about Property Rights and Eminent domain. It’s the story of one man who tried to fight back; and sadly it’s the story of a man who lost it all in the process. It’s also a story that can happen to anyone who is reading this article.

The story begins back in 2009 when Andrew Wordes, otherwise known as the Roswell Chicken Man, began his fight to raise chickens on his property. In February 2009, the city of Roswell, GA started to cite Andrew Wordes for raising livestock in his backyard. Wordes, who had started raising chickens on his .97-acre homestead in 2005, decided to fight back. And guess what he won.

When taking a look at a map that was published back in 2003, as part of Roswell’s 2030 Comprehensive Planfor city improvements, one thing becomes painfully obvious; The city had already planned to take Wordes’ property.

The Map showed that the city had major plans for his property. In fact, his property sat right in the middle of a planned city park. His property was being targeted for “city improvements”, and this fight had nothing to do with chickens. The chickens were really just the catalyst for the city to unlawfully seize his land.


California dreaming..........ATTACKING OFF GRIDDERS..........................

I thought you guys liked SOLAR POWER..................
NAW.......................The GOV'T DOESN'T ABUSE PEOPLE.........OR TAKE THEIR LAND...........................

And the left wants to give them MORE POWER.............:cuckoo:

I can do this all day......................................

The EPA ordered them to stop building their home on a lake.........This lake home was not listed on their wet land maps....All construction permits were approved and construction had begun.........................and the EPA showed up with their intimidation....ordered immediate restoration of the property to previous condition..............racked up fines in the MILLIONS when they tried to challenge in court....................

Went on to the SUPREME COURT..........where the EPA LOST......................

ABUSE OF THE EPA on a couple...................WHO STOOD THEIR GROUND AND WON.................

That is why we have courts instead of vigilantes
The EPA ordered them to stop building their home on a lake.........This lake home was not listed on their wet land maps....All construction permits were approved and construction had begun.........................and the EPA showed up with their intimidation....ordered immediate restoration of the property to previous condition..............racked up fines in the MILLIONS when they tried to challenge in court....................

Went on to the SUPREME COURT..........where the EPA LOST......................

ABUSE OF THE EPA on a couple...................WHO STOOD THEIR GROUND AND WON.................

What does this case have to do with the BLM or public lands of any kind?
Chicken Man kills himself after long fight with Roswell government officials

This is one of those stories that often never makes it to the Front Page of any newspaper or website. It’s a story about Property Rights and Eminent domain. It’s the story of one man who tried to fight back; and sadly it’s the story of a man who lost it all in the process. It’s also a story that can happen to anyone who is reading this article.

The story begins back in 2009 when Andrew Wordes, otherwise known as the Roswell Chicken Man, began his fight to raise chickens on his property. In February 2009, the city of Roswell, GA started to cite Andrew Wordes for raising livestock in his backyard. Wordes, who had started raising chickens on his .97-acre homestead in 2005, decided to fight back. And guess what he won.

When taking a look at a map that was published back in 2003, as part of Roswell’s 2030 Comprehensive Planfor city improvements, one thing becomes painfully obvious; The city had already planned to take Wordes’ property.

The Map showed that the city had major plans for his property. In fact, his property sat right in the middle of a planned city park. His property was being targeted for “city improvements”, and this fight had nothing to do with chickens. The chickens were really just the catalyst for the city to unlawfully seize his land.


another dumbass that thought the rules didn't apply to him
The EPA ordered them to stop building their home on a lake.........This lake home was not listed on their wet land maps....All construction permits were approved and construction had begun.........................and the EPA showed up with their intimidation....ordered immediate restoration of the property to previous condition..............racked up fines in the MILLIONS when they tried to challenge in court....................

Went on to the SUPREME COURT..........where the EPA LOST......................

ABUSE OF THE EPA on a couple...................WHO STOOD THEIR GROUND AND WON.................

That is why we have courts instead of vigilantes
Riddle me this...............How would you like to have been in their shoes???????? Bought the land, got all permits, checked the wet land maps.......start construction and then get visited by the EPA???? Fined $75,000 a day.............must retore land to original condition...................asked on what authority.............and told they have ultimate authority and you will comply because we say so..............go to the courts and say you have NO LEGAL RECOURSE to sue the EPA.............fight it all the way to the SUPREME COURT.............to JUST HAVE THE RIGHT TO SUE THE GOV'T....................................hmmmm

Should the EPA HAVE THIS POWER? Speak into the microphone............
I see what OP's prob is. Look at his siggie. He's sore because he saw what happens when a handful of lawbreakers/clingers w/ firesticks encounter a duly established law enforcement agency.


Sometimes "duly (wink, wink) established law enforcement agencies" execute 6,000,000 million people for the hell of it. Right , Adolf
CURL: Obama admin asserts dominion over creeks, streams, wetlands, ditches — even big puddles

President Obama’s administration on Wednesday claimed dominion over all of America’s streams, creeks, rills, ditches, brooks, rivulets, burns, tributaries, criks, wetlands — perhaps even puddles — in a sweeping move to assert unilateral federal authority.

The Environmental Protection Agency, along with the Army Corps of Engineers, says it has the authority to control all waterways within the United States — and will exercise that authority.

The Supreme Court has twice questioned the breadth of powers decreed under the Clean Water Act, prompting Wednesday’s actions.
McCarthy claimed the new powers would “not interfere with private property rights or address land use.”

“It does not regulate any ditches unless they function as tributaries. It does not apply to groundwater or shallow subsurface water, copper tile drains or change policy on irrigation or water transfer.”

Not surprisingly, Sen. Barbara Boxer of California, THE top Democrat on the Environment and Public Works Committee, loves the plan.

“The Obama administration listened to all perspectives and developed a final rule that will help guarantee safe drinking water supplies for American families and businesses and restore much-needed certainty, consistency, and effectiveness to the Clean Water Act,” she said in a statement.
The EPA ordered them to stop building their home on a lake.........This lake home was not listed on their wet land maps....All construction permits were approved and construction had begun.........................and the EPA showed up with their intimidation....ordered immediate restoration of the property to previous condition..............racked up fines in the MILLIONS when they tried to challenge in court....................

Went on to the SUPREME COURT..........where the EPA LOST......................

ABUSE OF THE EPA on a couple...................WHO STOOD THEIR GROUND AND WON.................

That is why we have courts instead of vigilantes

Yeah right , we have "courts" populated and controlled by the fascist/socialist faction.
The EPA ordered them to stop building their home on a lake.........This lake home was not listed on their wet land maps....All construction permits were approved and construction had begun.........................and the EPA showed up with their intimidation....ordered immediate restoration of the property to previous condition..............racked up fines in the MILLIONS when they tried to challenge in court....................

Went on to the SUPREME COURT..........where the EPA LOST......................

ABUSE OF THE EPA on a couple...................WHO STOOD THEIR GROUND AND WON.................

What does this case have to do with the BLM or public lands of any kind?
It has to do with FEDERAL AGENCIES BOTH ABUSING POWERS...........................the BLM is a Federal Agency...........the EPA is a Federal Agency..................................

Do you agree with what they are doing here.............................................................

Do you agree with what they tried in Texas............................................................

Do you agree with what they did to the small family with a pond..........................

Do you agree with the Chicken man, RIP, story....................................................

COME THE FUCK ON..............SAY GOV'T IS GOOD..................
Chicken Man kills himself after long fight with Roswell government officials

This is one of those stories that often never makes it to the Front Page of any newspaper or website. It’s a story about Property Rights and Eminent domain. It’s the story of one man who tried to fight back; and sadly it’s the story of a man who lost it all in the process. It’s also a story that can happen to anyone who is reading this article.

The story begins back in 2009 when Andrew Wordes, otherwise known as the Roswell Chicken Man, began his fight to raise chickens on his property. In February 2009, the city of Roswell, GA started to cite Andrew Wordes for raising livestock in his backyard. Wordes, who had started raising chickens on his .97-acre homestead in 2005, decided to fight back. And guess what he won.

When taking a look at a map that was published back in 2003, as part of Roswell’s 2030 Comprehensive Planfor city improvements, one thing becomes painfully obvious; The city had already planned to take Wordes’ property.

The Map showed that the city had major plans for his property. In fact, his property sat right in the middle of a planned city park. His property was being targeted for “city improvements”, and this fight had nothing to do with chickens. The chickens were really just the catalyst for the city to unlawfully seize his land.


another dumbass that thought the rules didn't apply to him

And it had nothing to do with public lands. The guys problem was with his city government.
I see what OP's prob is. Look at his siggie. He's sore because he saw what happens when a handful of lawbreakers/clingers w/ firesticks encounter a duly established law enforcement agency.


Sometimes "duly (wink, wink) established law enforcement agencies" execute 6,000,000 million people for the hell of it. Right , Adolf
again w/ your hyperbole. You're not very good at this old man :itsok:
Execution style killing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol he was 15 ft from his vehile and reached for his gun not once but twice lolibertarian gramps

WATCH: FBI releases LaVoy Finicium shooting video showing he went for his gun — twice

\end thread

Listen Retard

If he meant to harm the federal gestapo he would have driven his SUV into the barricade and/or come out with guns blazing.

That did not happen.

Set your socialist/government supremacist prejudice aside.

oh so you are in the snack gang's head now? Stop wasting our time here gramps :talktothehand: You are ASSuming "stuff"

I get your drift

Liberty, the US Constitution are now blasé.

We feel the "bern".

Sooo..... you have no rebuttal. All you had to say was you give up.

Socialists do nor understand rebuttals based on our right to Liberty.

You fuckers let Comrade Bern define freedom for you.


One of the first engagements with the Bundy ranch as the BLM seize their cattle.......They killed the cattle and then buried them with a back hoe..................

Did the same to the Dann Sisters.............Killed their horses basically through STARVATION..........Killed their cows the same way.

The fascists/socialist motherfuckers at USMB don't give a shit about things like that - they get fed via food stamps.



They weren't playing a game Scooter.

The LEO community gave those dummies PLENTY of time to leave on their own accord for weeks, so spare us

Yeah man

We are being conditioned to accept the fact that Constitutional rights have been abolished

Now we only have those rights Comrade Bern allows us to have from time to time.


hyperbole much gramps? You're going to have a break down over your perceived persecution. :(

Yeah man, under the new socialist rule the Constitution and Liberty are just mere hyperbole.

Chicken Man kills himself after long fight with Roswell government officials

This is one of those stories that often never makes it to the Front Page of any newspaper or website. It’s a story about Property Rights and Eminent domain. It’s the story of one man who tried to fight back; and sadly it’s the story of a man who lost it all in the process. It’s also a story that can happen to anyone who is reading this article.

The story begins back in 2009 when Andrew Wordes, otherwise known as the Roswell Chicken Man, began his fight to raise chickens on his property. In February 2009, the city of Roswell, GA started to cite Andrew Wordes for raising livestock in his backyard. Wordes, who had started raising chickens on his .97-acre homestead in 2005, decided to fight back. And guess what he won.

When taking a look at a map that was published back in 2003, as part of Roswell’s 2030 Comprehensive Planfor city improvements, one thing becomes painfully obvious; The city had already planned to take Wordes’ property.

The Map showed that the city had major plans for his property. In fact, his property sat right in the middle of a planned city park. His property was being targeted for “city improvements”, and this fight had nothing to do with chickens. The chickens were really just the catalyst for the city to unlawfully seize his land.


another dumbass that thought the rules didn't apply to him

And it had nothing to do with public lands. The guys problem was with his city government.

That story was Eminent Domain.............they wanted the land........................they took it.................HE TOOK HIS OWN LIFE.................Gov't again........local............................are still gov't.......................

Who the fuck was he hurting........................

Oh..............he needed to go............they were building a park................

What do you want on your tombstone..............................


One of the first engagements with the Bundy ranch as the BLM seize their cattle.......They killed the cattle and then buried them with a back hoe..................

Did the same to the Dann Sisters.............Killed their horses basically through STARVATION..........Killed their cows the same way.

The fascists/socialist motherfuckers at USMB don't give a shit about things like that - they get fed via food stamps.



They weren't playing a game Scooter.

The LEO community gave those dummies PLENTY of time to leave on their own accord for weeks, so spare us

Yeah man

We are being conditioned to accept the fact that Constitutional rights have been abolished

Now we only have those rights Comrade Bern allows us to have from time to time.


hyperbole much gramps? You're going to have a break down over your perceived persecution. :(

Yeah man, under the new socialist rule the Constitution and Liberty are just mere hyperbole.


why you talking like a teen when we all know you have to be > 70 to have been in 'nam. Do you even know what hyperbole means?

Back to topic- stop w/ the diversions gramps

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