Bull fighting

Safety behind an avatar is very courageous indeed. Try a real life bull sometimes and you will understand.
So tell us all about your experiences standing down bulls. It's obvious your just dying to.

maybe she told Michael Jordan to go fuck himself.

"You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later." Hey! You're a mod. Can't you do something about that?
What is unfair about it is if the bull wins and knocks out or kills the little greasy guy poking it with sharp things the bull still dies.

I think the bull should get to retire in a field of fecund cows if it wins.

Sort of like boxers.
What is unfair about it is if the bull wins and knocks out or kills the little greasy guy poking it with sharp things the bull still dies.

I think the bull should get to retire in a field of fecund cows if it wins.

Sort of like boxers.
One of my books as a child.

No. I only stand down internet trolls.

Safety behind an avatar is very courageous indeed. Try a real life bull sometimes and you will understand.
So tell us all about your experiences standing down bulls. It's obvious you're just dying to.

Actually I am not dying to tell anyone anything, that doesn't mean I haven't done it though. You said you didnt understand what standing down a bull would do to a person psychologically.

Don't spin it with personal disgust for the sport. I would guess you think it is a terribly scaring thing for their minds. Its not. What they feel is triumph. They feel pride. Everything they feel psychologically is positive. Those feelings are transferred and absorbed by the crowd, and that is why they love the sport.
Safety behind an avatar is very courageous indeed. Try a real life bull sometimes and you will understand.
So tell us all about your experiences standing down bulls. It's obvious you're just dying to.

Actually I am not dying to tell anyone anything, that doesn't mean I haven't done it though. You said you didnt understand what standing down a bull would do to a person psychologically.

Don't spin it with personal disgust for the sport. I would guess you think it is a terribly scaring thing for their minds. Its not. What they feel is triumph. They feel pride. Everything they feel psychologically is positive. Those feelings are transferred and absorbed by the crowd, and that is why they love the sport.
Toreador-ah don't spit on the floor
use the cuspidor
that's what its for.
Does it reflect poorly on my manhood that I think bull fighting is barbaric and cruel and has no place in a civilized world?


I'm not a fan of any sport where the entire premise of the sport is violence.

That includes boxing, MMA, and wrestling.

It just bores me.

To each his own of course.

But to equate something for which the climax is killing an animal for spectacle with sports whose only participants are consenting human beings is straight up retarded. No offense.
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I went to a bull fight in Barcelona, Spain back around 1972. It was a big deal apparently to the local population. The stadium was completely full of people and only standing room. I forget just how may bull fights there were that afternoon but I think I remember it as either four or five. I have to say that it was pretty impressive. There was a group of people who came out first on horses and they fought with the bull and then the crowd went absolutely wild when the matador came out to meet the bull by himself. In the end, of course, the bull is killed by a sword being stuck into it spine just behind the head. The bull drops like a sack of rocks and then is drug out with a horse towing it. We were told by our tour guide that the bulls killed in these events are all donated to local orphanages. After the final bull is slain and the event is over, everybody throws their seat cushion into the bull ring. It's the first and only bull fight I ever went to and it was ok. I won't say great because actually I thought it was all kind of slow and boring but the pagentry was quite glorious and the Spanish people who came to watch the bull fights just went wild with excitement. I don't know that I would call it cruel because when it is time for the bull to die, he dies very quickly. However, it isn't exactly how we slaughter our cattle in this country. Bull fighting is a very big event in Spain.

Yeah, our cattle are trucked in cramped metal boxes across the US in all sorts of weather, shitting and pissing on each other, trampling each other, then are pushed through the slaughterhouse, where they certainly know what's waiting for them.

Dead is dead. The Spanish bulls are revered and treated like kings until they're killed in the ring.

The pagentry is cool. I don't think I could get into it, though, because it is brutal and sad in the end. I can't say I think it should be outlawed, however. To each his own.

I hate wild horse races as well, and don't watch them. Terrified, wild horses are put into chutes, and a team of three men rope, mug and saddle the animal, who is fighting the whole time, and then one tries to ride it across a finish line. The horses get hurt all the time. So do the men, but they know what they're doing...the horses have no choice, and they're terrified.
Does it reflect poorly on my manhood that I think bull fighting is barbaric and cruel and has no place in a civilized world?


No. It reflects proudly on your manhood. And I agree, with passion.

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