Building blocks of perversion

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Two seperate stories.

BEWARE: LEGO Batman movie promotes gay adoption

Lego stops advertising in the Daily Mail

But the whole thing comes together.

Lego is a Danish company and Denmark is the cess pit of EURO GLOBALISM SLEAZE.

They are obviously soft peddling the FAG agenda to 4 year olds in order to prepare them to accept "naked perverts in the changing rooms".



It is always the children who are in the focus of the government´s care. Except when homosexuals want to rent a pet child. Suddenly, the children´s right is of no importance. A gay right to raise children does not exist. The children will face the consequences in school and social life, given that they were not aborted.
Isn't it kinda funny how the right is obsessed with sex? When deep down you are an insure person you must worry that life isn't so simple and the world can be complex. Don't worry children, draft dodger Donnie will protect you, his cpac speech was a mommy speech for conservatives in need of a hug and a mental crib. All the gay people I know are head and shoulders above you insecure winguts. Damn, America appears to be growing stupider by the day. Keep your religion and your stupidity private, thanks.

know what really causes homosexuality....

Causes of transsexualism

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
The grand-children's vocabulary expands exponentially whenever I step on their Lego's.

I'm pleased to be an active participant when it comes to their education.

It's a plus when I use Spanish.
Isn't it kinda funny how the right is obsessed with sex? When deep down you are an insure person you must worry that life isn't so simple and the world can be complex. Don't worry children, draft dodger Donnie will protect you, his cpac speech was a mommy speech for conservatives in need of a hug and a mental crib. All the gay people I know are head and shoulders above you insecure winguts. Damn, America appears to be growing stupider by the day. Keep your religion and your stupidity private, thanks.

know what really causes homosexuality....

Causes of transsexualism

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
To bad your diatribe isn't supported by science.
Study after study shows religious people and conservatives have better sex lives than you guys do.
Isn't it kinda funny how the right is obsessed with sex? When deep down you are an insure person you must worry that life isn't so simple and the world can be complex. Don't worry children, draft dodger Donnie will protect you, his cpac speech was a mommy speech for conservatives in need of a hug and a mental crib. All the gay people I know are head and shoulders above you insecure winguts. Damn, America appears to be growing stupider by the day. Keep your religion and your stupidity private, thanks.

know what really causes homosexuality....

Causes of transsexualism

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

Is homosexuality a choice, a mental illness or something simply inherent?

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

H. L. Mencken's prediction became a fact on January 20th, 2009.

What a guy!!
midcan5: I don't think anyone has figured out yet what causes homosexuality. For public policy purposes, suffice it to say that it is not generally something that one chooses to BE. No rational person would make such a choice, and homosexual activity is revolting to the average mature man. THIS is the reason why homosexuals and homosexual activity has been scorned and criminalized for most of human history. Even if the various holy books are simply made-up nonsense, the condemnation of homosexuals and homosexual activity are rooted in this instinctive revulsion by normal men.

On the other hand, homosexual BEHAVIOR is 100% voluntary, just as heterosexual ACTIVITY is voluntary. Without homosexual ACTIVITY, any laws against sodomy, etc., are MOOT and of no effect. So the statement that "People are persecuted for BEING HOMOSEXUAL" is utter nonsense. Nobody knows that anyone else is homosexual absent overt, voluntary behavior.

Homosexual behavior is sexually PERVERSE. Fact, not opinion. The male sexual organs have a purpose and function that is easily observable (i.e., to facilitate fertilization of an ovum), and ejaculating in another man's ass or mouth is a perverse bodily function, even if it feels good or "natural" to the dispenser.

It is not possible to create a legal definition of "homosexual." Many homosexuals are not sexually active, or are sexually active as heterosexuals; many heterosexuals, placed in extreme circumstances, are known to commit homosexual acts. Which of these groups of individuals could be called "homosexual" as a matter of law. Only one: active homosexuals. And what about when they are older and are no longer interested or able? Are they still homosexual?

Lesbianism is a whole different matter. It IS possible and even common for a female to identify as lesbian even with little or no sexual attraction to other females. There are a number of reasons why this happens, many of which would be unkind to mention. For example, Linda Hunt and Rosie O'Donnell are "lesbians." Really? Or are they just so repulsive to men that their only hope of a loving relationship is with another woman who doesn't care about their repulsiveness?

Many lesbian couples are completely inactive, sexually speaking.

Trans-sexualism is a neurosis, bordering on psychosis. It is the firm belief in a fact that is false. There is NO MEDICAL OR BIOLOGICAL BASIS for this belief. Indeed, biology mocks such a claim, making it necessary to go to extraordinary measures to modify the body to promote the pretense of the opposite gender. In patronizing such a false belief, society is doing the individual no favors. The suicide rate - even in an "accepting" environment - for trannies is ten times the normal suicide rate. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
^^^ Not really when kids are put up for adoption for different reasons. Biological parent(s) may not have any other choice due to whatever their life circumstance is. They might even be dead and no one in their families are able to take the kids and that is if they even had anything to do with the kids in the first place.

Tyroneweaver, I don't know what your intention is at this point, but if you were to stop trying to find them, I wouldn't blame you. No one can say that you have not done your part.

God bless you and Death Angel and JoeMoma always!!!


P.S. Sadly sometimes the real parents do not want their identity to be put out there, should anyone know of them at all, and it could be for any reason.

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