Build pond on your own land,get thrown in prison

bullshit ! the so called low price of fossil fuels is superseded by their effect on the environment.
the most ironic thing about you and kosher hags' "argument" is it exactly the same as the whale oil business said about fossil fuels.
You go ahead and drive your Prius, I don't give a shit. I will drive what I want to drive - none of your fucking business - control freak.
That's the funny thing, all of these fucking greeny control freaks want to tell everyone else what to do all along being totally hypocrites in their own lives - all fucking morons… LOL

No one gives a fuck what you drive now that you've driven yourself batshit crazy.

That last guys is the spitting image of the guy who runs my garage. Thanks. Now I will be thinking about the size of his member when I am getting my oil changed....
Is that a euphemism?
Conservative men really shouldn't advertise that they use big vehicles to compensate for their shortcomings.

Yet many of them do. Curious.

It's as if it's a badge of honor among them, having the most shortcomings.
Amazing. Reading this thread, I can only assume that total ignorance is something that 'Conservatives' find admirable. Water right laws have been on the books in the West for 8 generations. You want to change that law, do so through legislation. In the meantime, you break those laws, you are liable for the penalties. Roberson was and is in the wrong. He deserves what he is getting.

As far as the far right wing nut sites go, they have always been centers of insanity, and remain so. No credibility and less logic.

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