Buffet's "poor" secretary makes between $100,000 to $200,000!

no. it hasn't. though it has gone up closer to a million.

Oh......so it hasnt been $250,000 all the time.....huh

are you being intentionally obtuse? you know that we're referring to a higher percentage of income.
is this the type of poster you intend to be?


No because the word "rate" is conveniently omitted by many of those arguing for wealth redistribution.

Tax Cheat Buffet paid 7 million in taxes last year........His Secretary paid around 30 grand.

You know Warren Buffet pays a Capital Gains Rate and his Secretary pays Payroll and Income Tax rates.........

.......so give Warren Buffet's Secretary a tax cut.
Remember Obama had Buffet's secretary as representative of the "poor" having higher tax rate the Buffet and looking so destitute sitting beside Michelle???

Since Buffet didn't reveal her actual salary just that she paid higher percent then Buffet,
Assume all total income NOT dividends, capital gains etc.. that is she paid more then
Buffet's 15% in taxes...
How much income i.e. salary no bonuses etc. did she have to make to pay more then Buffet's 15%???

UNLIKE most people I seemingly am able to access the IRS tax tables for 2009.
from this site:SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

Down loaded the taxes paid in 2009 spreadsheet.. very easy!!!

13,370,297 tax returns with adjusted taxable income between $100,000 and $200,000.
Basically 13.3 million people averaged taxable income per person $100,000 to $200,000.

These 13.3 million returns paid 16.3% of their taxable income in taxes!
Wait.. THAT's MORE the Buffet's 15% RIGHT???
WELL if it's more then Buffet's secretary had taxable income more then $100,000!
HMMM.... that's not FAIR!!!

These 13.3 million had total taxable income 1.299 trillion.
They paid 212.29 Billion..........divide $212.29 billion / $1.29 Trillion it is 16.3%!!!

For you simpletons out there..AGAIN FACTS ARE AVAILABLE if you care to use them!!!
4.6 million paid just 8.7% of their $25,000 to $30,000 taxable income in taxes!
16.4 million people paid 11.6% of their $50,000 to $75,000 income IN TAXES!
2.8 million paid just 6.% of their $10,000 to $15,000 income in taxes!

Come on you simpletons.. YOU gonna let OBAMA sucker you into that BIG LIE???
YEA... Buffet's $200,000 a year secretary paid 16%..
AND THOSE FILTHY EVIL people that stole $5 million to $10 million or more a year???
those 14,236 people PAID 29.1% of their INCOME in taxes!!!

Why are people so stupid as to fall for that socialist/Class warfare cliche of Obama???

For Buffet's secretary to pay more then 15% which Buffet did in taxes
means she had to make over $100,000 and that's the FACTS JACK!!!!

You silly dumb shit, Romney already stated that he paid only 13.9% on his income of millions. While many of us making in the 100K range paid more than that. And people like you think he paid too much. LOL

It is assholes like you that are contineuing the lie that the very rich pay more in percentages of income than does the middle class. Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and many other captains of industry have told you differant many times. You simply prefer the lie that fits your ideology and the parrellel universe you "Conservatives" seem to live in.

ARE YOU STUPID that CAN't download the file I showed you?
THIS 56kbyte file is SO simple to read!
I showed you exactly the percentages paid TO the IRS that the IRS reported that came directly from the tax returns!

JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE too stupid to download the FACTS makes me very very
confident to call you an absolute F..king LIAR!

FACTS DIRECTLY from that Spreadsheet!

These 13.3 million had total taxable income 1.299 trillion.
They paid 212.29 Billion..........divide $212.29 billion / $1.29 Trillion it is 16.3%!!!

For you simpletons out there..AGAIN FACTS ARE AVAILABLE if you care to use them!!!
4.6 million paid just 8.7% of their $25,000 to $30,000 taxable income in taxes!
16.4 million people paid 11.6% of their $50,000 to $75,000 income IN TAXES!
2.8 million paid just 6% of their $10,000 to $15,000 income in taxes!

FACTS from the IRS table that if you weren't too stupid you would download!

AND THOSE FILTHY EVIL people that stole $5 million to $10 million or more a year???
those 14,236 people PAID 29.1% of their INCOME in taxes!!!

I f..king DARE you you idiot and if YOU do and if you can follow simple arithmetic
YOU will see..
227,202 tax returns paid an average of 29.5% on taxable income of $1 million and above!

YOU are so stupid though YOU won't download the below file BECAUSE it will prove you so totally stupidly WRONG!!!
YOU are a chickenshit though I know because you don't deal with the FACTS!

download this file and find the FACTS!!!
What is it with some idiots?

THE IRS tax returns for 2009 clearly and simply show that
If Buffet's secretary paid more then 15% (which Buffet says he paid) she made $100,000 to $200,000!

Comes directly from the tax returns of 140 million filed returns!
HOW MUCH MORE CLEAR IS IT THAT IDIOTS LIKE OBAMA KNOW sh..t about what the are reading off the teleprompter!
Obama takes EACH year 100,000+ OFF HIS TAXES for capital losses!
HE TOOK 14% off for his donations!
WHY ? Put your money where you mouth is OBAMA!!!
And for you idiots who think there isn't enough TAX REVENUE to meet our pressing needs???

TELL ME WHY I should pay more taxes to do the following:

$2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
The (NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their social setting.!

THIS IS OUR TAX MONEY tax dollars going overseas to training/studying prostitutes!

$11.5 billion in tax dollars absolutely WASTEFULLY spent like the above!
If its $150,000+......... she is one of those evil rich people that needs to pay more.....

....according to Obama. Irony at its finest........

So now $150,000 is rich according to Obama? You guys can't even keep your lies straight.

have facts ever mattered to rightwingnuts?

Did this lady pay more then a few million in taxes yes or no?
If not then she did not pay more in taxes then Buffet.
And for you idiots who think there isn't enough TAX REVENUE to meet our pressing needs???

TELL ME WHY I should pay more taxes to do the following:

$2.6 million training Chinese prostitutes to drink more responsibly on the job
The (NIH) spent nearly $442,340 to study male prostitutes in Vietnam and their social setting.!

THIS IS OUR TAX MONEY tax dollars going overseas to training/studying prostitutes!

$11.5 billion in tax dollars absolutely WASTEFULLY spent like the above!

According to Democrats we will never pay enough in taxes....
What do they want...

Higher taxes....

When do they want it?....


What do they want to do with it,pay down the debt?

Of course not.They want to spend it.:lol:
Remember Obama had Buffet's secretary as representative of the "poor" having higher tax rate the Buffet and looking so destitute sitting beside Michelle???

Since Buffet didn't reveal her actual salary just that she paid higher percent then Buffet,
Assume all total income NOT dividends, capital gains etc.. that is she paid more then
Buffet's 15% in taxes...
How much income i.e. salary no bonuses etc. did she have to make to pay more then Buffet's 15%???

UNLIKE most people I seemingly am able to access the IRS tax tables for 2009.
from this site:SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

Down loaded the taxes paid in 2009 spreadsheet.. very easy!!!

13,370,297 tax returns with adjusted taxable income between $100,000 and $200,000.
Basically 13.3 million people averaged taxable income per person $100,000 to $200,000.

These 13.3 million returns paid 16.3% of their taxable income in taxes!
Wait.. THAT's MORE the Buffet's 15% RIGHT???
WELL if it's more then Buffet's secretary had taxable income more then $100,000!
HMMM.... that's not FAIR!!!

These 13.3 million had total taxable income 1.299 trillion.
They paid 212.29 Billion..........divide $212.29 billion / $1.29 Trillion it is 16.3%!!!

For you simpletons out there..AGAIN FACTS ARE AVAILABLE if you care to use them!!!
4.6 million paid just 8.7% of their $25,000 to $30,000 taxable income in taxes!
16.4 million people paid 11.6% of their $50,000 to $75,000 income IN TAXES!
2.8 million paid just 6.% of their $10,000 to $15,000 income in taxes!

Come on you simpletons.. YOU gonna let OBAMA sucker you into that BIG LIE???
YEA... Buffet's $200,000 a year secretary paid 16%..
AND THOSE FILTHY EVIL people that stole $5 million to $10 million or more a year???
those 14,236 people PAID 29.1% of their INCOME in taxes!!!

Why are people so stupid as to fall for that socialist/Class warfare cliche of Obama???

For Buffet's secretary to pay more then 15% which Buffet did in taxes
means she had to make over $100,000 and that's the FACTS JACK!!!!

Who said she was "poor"?

Don't you like the way Right Wingers make shit up and then demand you stand by words that were never yours?
If its $150,000+......... she is one of those evil rich people that needs to pay more.....

....according to Obama. Irony at its finest........

1. the number was over $250,000, so don't lie.
2. she already pays more because she's a W-2 employee. THAT is the point.

I know it's difficult for rightwingnuts to follow along. But at least try.

So lower/eliminate the progressive income tax. Problem solved.
I thought only Dems engaged in Class Warfare? This and the John Kerry pays less than Romney thread smacks of it

There is a difference between class warfare and pointing out hypocrisy.

Of course, you don't want to honestly accept that because you'd have to admit your a flaming hypocrite. That's fine.

But those of us who are honest can tell the difference.
Remember Obama had Buffet's secretary as representative of the "poor" having higher tax rate the Buffet and looking so destitute sitting beside Michelle???

Since Buffet didn't reveal her actual salary just that she paid higher percent then Buffet,
Assume all total income NOT dividends, capital gains etc.. that is she paid more then
Buffet's 15% in taxes...
How much income i.e. salary no bonuses etc. did she have to make to pay more then Buffet's 15%???

UNLIKE most people I seemingly am able to access the IRS tax tables for 2009.
from this site:SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

Down loaded the taxes paid in 2009 spreadsheet.. very easy!!!

13,370,297 tax returns with adjusted taxable income between $100,000 and $200,000.
Basically 13.3 million people averaged taxable income per person $100,000 to $200,000.

These 13.3 million returns paid 16.3% of their taxable income in taxes!
Wait.. THAT's MORE the Buffet's 15% RIGHT???
WELL if it's more then Buffet's secretary had taxable income more then $100,000!
HMMM.... that's not FAIR!!!

These 13.3 million had total taxable income 1.299 trillion.
They paid 212.29 Billion..........divide $212.29 billion / $1.29 Trillion it is 16.3%!!!

For you simpletons out there..AGAIN FACTS ARE AVAILABLE if you care to use them!!!
4.6 million paid just 8.7% of their $25,000 to $30,000 taxable income in taxes!
16.4 million people paid 11.6% of their $50,000 to $75,000 income IN TAXES!
2.8 million paid just 6.% of their $10,000 to $15,000 income in taxes!

Come on you simpletons.. YOU gonna let OBAMA sucker you into that BIG LIE???
YEA... Buffet's $200,000 a year secretary paid 16%..
AND THOSE FILTHY EVIL people that stole $5 million to $10 million or more a year???
those 14,236 people PAID 29.1% of their INCOME in taxes!!!

Why are people so stupid as to fall for that socialist/Class warfare cliche of Obama???

For Buffet's secretary to pay more then 15% which Buffet did in taxes
means she had to make over $100,000 and that's the FACTS JACK!!!!

I would expect Warren Buffet's secretary to earn a good wage. He is one of the richest people in America. She is still under the $250,000 a year level and the point is that he pays less a percentage than she does in taxes.

This is silly, you all can't continue to be this obtuse.
I would expect Warren Buffet's secretary to earn a good wage. He is one of the richest people in America. She is still under the $250,000 a year level and the point is that he pays less a percentage than she does in taxes.

This is silly, you all can't continue to be this obtuse.

Income tax and Capital gains tax aren't thet same thing.

Why you want to pretend otherwise is absurd.

If you want her to pay less, then slash the income tax. Establish a flat tax lower than the capital gains rate. Problem solved.

No. You never suggest burdening people who earn income less. It's always, lets make everyone else pay more.
I would expect Warren Buffet's secretary to earn a good wage. He is one of the richest people in America. She is still under the $250,000 a year level and the point is that he pays less a percentage than she does in taxes.

This is silly, you all can't continue to be this obtuse.

Income tax and Capital gains tax aren't thet same thing.

Why you want to pretend otherwise is absurd.

If you want her to pay less, then slash the income tax. Establish a flat tax lower than the capital gains rate. Problem solved.

No. You never suggest burdening people who earn income less. It's always, lets make everyone else pay more.

Income tax and Capital gains tax aren't thet same thing.

Nobody has suggested they are, but I see no reason why they shouldn't be the same rate.

You never suggest burdening people who earn income less.

If we were running a big federal surplus, that might be the right approach. Thing is, someone's contribution to the budget is going to increase, one way or another. Cut taxes for the rich, and you either increase taxes on the middle class, or cut government services that primarily benefit the middle class, or use deficit spending which works as a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the rich. One way or another, unless we're running a big surplus already, a tax cut for the rich is something the middle class pay for. Always. Every time.
Last edited:
I thought only Dems engaged in Class Warfare? This and the John Kerry pays less than Romney thread smacks of it

There is a difference between class warfare and pointing out hypocrisy.

Of course, you don't want to honestly accept that because you'd have to admit your a flaming hypocrite. That's fine.

But those of us who are honest can tell the difference.

Remember Obama had Buffet's secretary as representative of the "poor" having higher tax rate the Buffet and looking so destitute sitting beside Michelle???

Since Buffet didn't reveal her actual salary just that she paid higher percent then Buffet,
Assume all total income NOT dividends, capital gains etc.. that is she paid more then
Buffet's 15% in taxes...
How much income i.e. salary no bonuses etc. did she have to make to pay more then Buffet's 15%???

UNLIKE most people I seemingly am able to access the IRS tax tables for 2009.
from this site:SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

Down loaded the taxes paid in 2009 spreadsheet.. very easy!!!

13,370,297 tax returns with adjusted taxable income between $100,000 and $200,000.
Basically 13.3 million people averaged taxable income per person $100,000 to $200,000.

These 13.3 million returns paid 16.3% of their taxable income in taxes!
Wait.. THAT's MORE the Buffet's 15% RIGHT???
WELL if it's more then Buffet's secretary had taxable income more then $100,000!
HMMM.... that's not FAIR!!!

These 13.3 million had total taxable income 1.299 trillion.
They paid 212.29 Billion..........divide $212.29 billion / $1.29 Trillion it is 16.3%!!!

For you simpletons out there..AGAIN FACTS ARE AVAILABLE if you care to use them!!!
4.6 million paid just 8.7% of their $25,000 to $30,000 taxable income in taxes!
16.4 million people paid 11.6% of their $50,000 to $75,000 income IN TAXES!
2.8 million paid just 6.% of their $10,000 to $15,000 income in taxes!

Come on you simpletons.. YOU gonna let OBAMA sucker you into that BIG LIE???
YEA... Buffet's $200,000 a year secretary paid 16%..
AND THOSE FILTHY EVIL people that stole $5 million to $10 million or more a year???
those 14,236 people PAID 29.1% of their INCOME in taxes!!!

Why are people so stupid as to fall for that socialist/Class warfare cliche of Obama???

For Buffet's secretary to pay more then 15% which Buffet did in taxes
means she had to make over $100,000 and that's the FACTS JACK!!!!

I would expect Warren Buffet's secretary to earn a good wage. He is one of the richest people in America. She is still under the $250,000 a year level and the point is that he pays less a percentage than she does in taxes.

This is silly, you all can't continue to be this obtuse.

percentage smercentage. the fact is Romney pays more in one year than that funky secretary is likely to pay in her lifetime. Warren Buffet should stop being so damn cheap and pay the woman.
What a bunch of dumb asses these Dems are.....
Buffet's secretary is the poster child child of the poor and the oppressed....

This had to have been Michelle's idea ....
Remember Obama had Buffet's secretary as representative of the "poor" having higher tax rate the Buffet and looking so destitute sitting beside Michelle???

Since Buffet didn't reveal her actual salary just that she paid higher percent then Buffet,
Assume all total income NOT dividends, capital gains etc.. that is she paid more then
Buffet's 15% in taxes...
How much income i.e. salary no bonuses etc. did she have to make to pay more then Buffet's 15%???

UNLIKE most people I seemingly am able to access the IRS tax tables for 2009.
from this site:SOI Tax Stats - Individual Statistical Tables by Size of Adjusted Gross Income

Down loaded the taxes paid in 2009 spreadsheet.. very easy!!!

13,370,297 tax returns with adjusted taxable income between $100,000 and $200,000.
Basically 13.3 million people averaged taxable income per person $100,000 to $200,000.

These 13.3 million returns paid 16.3% of their taxable income in taxes!
Wait.. THAT's MORE the Buffet's 15% RIGHT???
WELL if it's more then Buffet's secretary had taxable income more then $100,000!
HMMM.... that's not FAIR!!!

These 13.3 million had total taxable income 1.299 trillion.
They paid 212.29 Billion..........divide $212.29 billion / $1.29 Trillion it is 16.3%!!!

For you simpletons out there..AGAIN FACTS ARE AVAILABLE if you care to use them!!!
4.6 million paid just 8.7% of their $25,000 to $30,000 taxable income in taxes!
16.4 million people paid 11.6% of their $50,000 to $75,000 income IN TAXES!
2.8 million paid just 6.% of their $10,000 to $15,000 income in taxes!

Come on you simpletons.. YOU gonna let OBAMA sucker you into that BIG LIE???
YEA... Buffet's $200,000 a year secretary paid 16%..
AND THOSE FILTHY EVIL people that stole $5 million to $10 million or more a year???
those 14,236 people PAID 29.1% of their INCOME in taxes!!!

Why are people so stupid as to fall for that socialist/Class warfare cliche of Obama???

For Buffet's secretary to pay more then 15% which Buffet did in taxes
means she had to make over $100,000 and that's the FACTS JACK!!!!

I would expect Warren Buffet's secretary to earn a good wage. He is one of the richest people in America. She is still under the $250,000 a year level and the point is that he pays less a percentage than she does in taxes.

This is silly, you all can't continue to be this obtuse.

percentage smercentage. the fact is Romney pays more in one year than that funky secretary is likely to pay in her lifetime. Warren Buffet should stop being so damn cheap and pay the woman.

So you don't think we need tax reform at all. Ok.
I would expect Warren Buffet's secretary to earn a good wage. He is one of the richest people in America. She is still under the $250,000 a year level and the point is that he pays less a percentage than she does in taxes.

This is silly, you all can't continue to be this obtuse.

percentage smercentage. the fact is Romney pays more in one year than that funky secretary is likely to pay in her lifetime. Warren Buffet should stop being so damn cheap and pay the woman.

So you don't think we need tax reform at all. Ok.

Yes we do. I've said it before, you are slow so I'll say it again. We need a fair flat tax. Starting at 20%. No exclusions, no exceptions, no exemptions. and no frackin excuses. Either we all need to pull together sic.... or we don't. enough with your bullshit class warfare.

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