Budget Cancelled

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4e1RQcFfdcQ&feature=player_embedded]YouTube - BREAKING NEWS: BUDGET CANCELLED[/ame]
It's the government equivalent of "how can I be broke, I still have blank checks" school of financial management. In the government's case, it's "how can we be broke, we can still print money and raise taxes" version.
It more like:

Hey we can still rob everyone of their savings too! Lets do that!
You're on to something there. Look at how they want to take over 401Ks and IRAs in exchange for a small future annuity in order to bail out underfunded union pensions.
I'm just going to tell the government my nest eggs are on the porch. Let them try to fight the robin on the nest. They'll lose an eye and need a shampoo.

...am I the only one who finds it incredibly ironic that this clip sponsored by House republicans is championing fiscal conservatism, a scant few years after being ousted after several years of increasing the budget in a Congress where they had the majority?

Should I really believe them, and blame Obama and the Democrats when neither party seems to actually practice what they preach?
...am I the only one who finds it incredibly ironic that this clip sponsored by House republicans is championing fiscal conservatism, a scant few years after being ousted after several years of increasing the budget in a Congress where they had the majority?

Should I really believe them, and blame Obama and the Democrats when neither party seems to actually practice what they preach?
That's why the TEA parties have appeared.
...am I the only one who finds it incredibly ironic that this clip sponsored by House republicans is championing fiscal conservatism, a scant few years after being ousted after several years of increasing the budget in a Congress where they had the majority?

Should I really believe them, and blame Obama and the Democrats when neither party seems to actually practice what they preach?
That's why the TEA parties have appeared.

The TP is merely a group of ex bush voters. We know how much wisdom they have showed in the past.
It more like:

Hey we can still rob everyone of their savings too! Lets do that!

I think this describes it best....
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gp_Aj8EjZtI]YouTube - Obama turns on money printing machine[/ame]

...am I the only one who finds it incredibly ironic that this clip sponsored by House republicans is championing fiscal conservatism, a scant few years after being ousted after several years of increasing the budget in a Congress where they had the majority?

Should I really believe them, and blame Obama and the Democrats when neither party seems to actually practice what they preach?

They are the Greatest Hypocrits in the world.
Whose administration was in charge when the economic crisis began? Who bailed out the banks and wall street? Who dispursed the first round of TARP money?

Someone answer those questions please.
Whose administration was in charge when the economic crisis began? Who bailed out the banks and wall street? Who dispursed the first round of TARP money?

Someone answer those questions please.

:(It's all Bush's fault...snifle sniffle:(
Whose administration was in charge when the economic crisis began? Who bailed out the banks and wall street? Who dispursed the first round of TARP money?

Someone answer those questions please.

Keep banging the Boooooosh drum because it makes Dems look weak and ineffectual.
Whose administration was in charge when the economic crisis began? Who bailed out the banks and wall street? Who dispursed the first round of TARP money?

Someone answer those questions please.

If 0bama wasn't in favor of TARP where was his no vote in Congress and campaign talking points?

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