Bryan Fischer


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Never heard of him.


Bryan Fischer's Last Stand Against The Gays

TUPELO, Miss. — The most famous man in Tupelo spends hours each day scrolling through his Google Reader, printing out articles, and stacking them by topic on his dark wooden desk in preparation for his afternoon radio show.

And that’s how the stunning news reached Bryan Fischer one recent Friday morning: Mitt Romney had hired an openly, proudly gay man, Richard Grenell, as his foreign policy spokesman.

“I felt it was a signal from Romney to the homosexual lobby, that you’ve got a friend,” recalled Fischer, the whose formal title is Director of Issue Analysis for the American Family Association.

Fischer sounded the alarm on Twitter: “Romney picks out & loud gay as a spokesman. If personnel is policy, his message to the pro-family community: drop dead.”

Fischer isn’t a Twitter native — he uses it as a broadcast medium, and follows only 26 people — but the clarity and confidence of his views is made for the medium. And that tweet was the spark that set elements of the religious right into an attack on Grenell, one that — in Grenell’s reported view, if not the Romney campaign’s — ultimately led to the staffer’s high-profile resignation and Romney’s first high-profile general election stumble. The story “just snowballed from there.”

“We got Romney’s attention with Richard Grenell,” Fischer said in an interview in his Tupelo, Mississippi office. “We spooked him. Scared him straight.” Fischer sat back in his chair, a picture of Elvis Presley gyrating his hips on the wall behind him.

Grenell’s departure, Fischer told the audience of his show on the AFA’s talk radio network, “a huge win” for religious conservatives.

I can't decide if this guy is a 'heavy hitter' or a legend in his own mind. I read the entire article word-for-word.
Never heard of him.


Bryan Fischer's Last Stand Against The Gays

TUPELO, Miss. — The most famous man in Tupelo spends hours each day scrolling through his Google Reader, printing out articles, and stacking them by topic on his dark wooden desk in preparation for his afternoon radio show.

And that’s how the stunning news reached Bryan Fischer one recent Friday morning: Mitt Romney had hired an openly, proudly gay man, Richard Grenell, as his foreign policy spokesman.

“I felt it was a signal from Romney to the homosexual lobby, that you’ve got a friend,” recalled Fischer, the whose formal title is Director of Issue Analysis for the American Family Association.

Fischer sounded the alarm on Twitter: “Romney picks out & loud gay as a spokesman. If personnel is policy, his message to the pro-family community: drop dead.”

Fischer isn’t a Twitter native — he uses it as a broadcast medium, and follows only 26 people — but the clarity and confidence of his views is made for the medium. And that tweet was the spark that set elements of the religious right into an attack on Grenell, one that — in Grenell’s reported view, if not the Romney campaign’s — ultimately led to the staffer’s high-profile resignation and Romney’s first high-profile general election stumble. The story “just snowballed from there.”

“We got Romney’s attention with Richard Grenell,” Fischer said in an interview in his Tupelo, Mississippi office. “We spooked him. Scared him straight.” Fischer sat back in his chair, a picture of Elvis Presley gyrating his hips on the wall behind him.

Grenell’s departure, Fischer told the audience of his show on the AFA’s talk radio network, “a huge win” for religious conservatives.

I can't decide if this guy is a 'heavy hitter' or a legend in his own mind. I read the entire article word-for-word.

This guy tries SO hard to flash those hetero creds....who does he remind me of......:eusa_whistle:
This is the first I've heard of the guy. I think he's a legend in his own mind.

He's from the American Family Association, the right wing propaganda machine. AFA is fond of using bogus "studies" and "research" to spin anti-gay hate speech.
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This is obviously the real hidden issue in this Presidential campaign. I expect this to become the driving issue as we head into the debates.
Homosexuality/Marriage Equality is certainly not a "driving issue" in this national campaign. Most of us are far more concerned with the economy.
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