Bruce Springsteen's Best Song


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
I'm not a fan, but I think this is far and away his best song.
Lyrics, song, a beautiful piece of work.

I like Springsteen but he did shoot his load with his first album.

Everything since (although good) has not been as good as Born to Run.

He caught the time of life after high school but before marriage perfectly in one song.

And he was blazing haught, too!

Regards from Rosie
Bruce Springsteen's Best Song

There are none...

Actually Moon, there are only 2 by him I like. Born to Run and Glory Days.
He's the most over-rated artist. I find him repulsive in looks to.
Lots of men have "man crushes" on him.
You don't to like Bruce Springsteen to become and American.
I'm fairly sure it's not part of the immigration process.
Born to Run very likely his best. A couple of good cuts from The River but I never got much into that. Born In the USA had some good cuts, but shifted a little poppish for my taste.

Most underrated album, IMO- Nebraska. Some dark shit there, but I still listen to it more than the others at this point.

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