Brown is losing women's votes


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Calling Elizabeth Warren Professor is losing face with women voters. It is a typical GOP backhand. Sort of like Limpballs calling Obama, Magic Negro.

It will be funny for Brown until election day.:clap2:
I saw that too in their debate. ;) Even the moderator brought it up. That appellation is a kiss of death south of the mason dixon line (AKA-in jesusland)
I saw that too in their debate. ;) Even the moderator brought it up. That appellation is a kiss of death south of the mason dixon line (AKA-in jesusland)

He is being Condescending and Cute...He must have some of the same advisers Mitt has...
Elizabeth Warren (née Herring; born June 22, 1949) is an American bankruptcy law expert, Harvard Law School professor, and the Democratic nominee in the 2012 United States Senate election in Massachusetts.

And she was lecturing just before he replied? Professors lecture...

So what's the problem? Is she not a professor?
Elizabeth Warren (née Herring; born June 22, 1949) is an American bankruptcy law expert, Harvard Law School professor, and the Democratic nominee in the 2012 United States Senate election in Massachusetts.

And she was lecturing just before he replied? Professors lecture...

So what's the problem? Is she not a professor?

His use of the term "Professor" is almost as demeaning as Mitt's use of the term "47%" and his other slams. That was biggest blunder in Presidential Campaign history.

Does the GOP think they can continue to demean and chastise anyone who doesn't fit their ideology? Don't they see that they are losing the independent voter?

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