brothers & sisters, either we love each other...or we all die. GREEN NEW DEAL NOW!


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

Not buying it. The fact that the Democrats are behind it doesn't help-they have been lying and making up stuff for three years.
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June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

Not buying it. The fact that the Democrats are behind it doesn't help-they have been lying and making up stuff for three years.

My friends, it’s only when we talk about acting on climate do some ask,“how are you going to pay for it?” As though climate inaction doesn’t have a price tag. As though the Midwest didn’t flood. As though California isn’t on fire. As though 1000s didn’t die in María.
I've ridden the green machine since you were in short pants Basq

It's all predicated on greed and fear cloaked in the guise of saving the planet

But the real truth is, there's nothing sustainable about the human race


June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

Not buying it. The fact that the Democrats are behind it doesn't help-they have been lying and making up stuff for three years.

They've been lying and making stuff up for a lot longer than 3 years. You remember the Obama years, right?
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June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

Low of 7 degrees where I live, Tuesday and Wednesday. That's FAAAAR below average for this time of year. But its WINTER so STFU about global warming and how taxing the poor workers is going to solve ANYTHING
June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

I aint your brother and the green bad deal is yet another bullshit scheme to further empower government.
June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

I aint your brother and the green bad deal is yet another bullshit scheme to further empower government.

And make the left power brokers richer.
I've ridden the green machine since you were in short pants Basq

It's all predicated on greed and fear cloaked in the guise of saving the planet

But the real truth is, there's nothing sustainable about the human race



Yeah, we need to do something about the African population, which definitely does NOT include letting them in Western countries and doing their population explosion here as well. These people are as dumb as leftists, with the exception that they do not want to murder babies.
I remember back in the 1970's the scientists and the media were all about the coming global Ice Age, and how all of humanity would die of starvation and hypothermia.

When that prediction didn't pan put.

They reversed the narrative to today's global warming scam. ... :cuckoo:
June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

It's a done deal. Solar and wind are being added at record levels. The younger generations behind the boomers are all in. There is nothing the current crop of Fox News brains can do to stop it.
June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

The politicians once told us we needed to fear the next ICE AGE, and they were going to save us from that. Now its just climate change, and the price tag we are suppossed to accept. But what it means is more revenue for those in Washington, and at the same time the tax payer is supposed to pay for universal healthcare, child care, on top of everything else. All the while making it impossible for us to create the wealth they want to take from us,The price tag is unlimited because the goals and methods of these people like AOC are not rooted in reality. They will break us and make us slaves to Washington if they had their way. OF course they call it love and compassion, but thats what misguided revolutionaries always do. These people are so high on the revolution because it gives a meaning to their life they never had before, to change the world..... but they will only destroy the US economy and our lives and bring us down to the level of Greece.
June 2019 - hottest June on record
July 2019 - hottest month on record
August 2019 - second-hottest August on record
September 2019 - hottest September on record
October 2019 - hottest October on record

The records are bogus.

We have no idea when the "hottest July on record" was. It could have been 1503 for all we know.

At least back then they weren't taking temperature readings in heat sink cities, claiming those temperatures were world wide and then adding in a fudge factor like they have been caught doing now.
By the way, speaking of records, the coldest temperatures ever recorded in October in the US occurred this year.
The Democrats has been pushing climate change since the 70's and every 10 years they claim we have only so many years left just like this one.
40 something years later we are still here.
This is about power and control over everyone on the planet.
In the mean time we now have synthic oil for cars and filters.
We are doing experiments for other types of cheap fuel alternatives.
The Earths climate has and always will change.
Those who survived them adapted and we are the proof of those in the past.

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