Britain banned and confiscated guns, now, more British police want to carry guns for protection...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Britain is becoming more and more violent...far more violent than the U.S......and their police want to carry guns.......

And it isn't just about terrorism......the criminals over there are becoming less hesitant about shooting and stabbing their victims...

Record number of UK police want to be armed with guns

More police have said they want to be armed with guns than ever before as the UK remains on high alert following a string of terror attacks.

A national survey carried out by the Police Federation of England and Wales found more than a third of officers supported the idea of routinely being armed, compared to 23 per cent when the last survey was carried out in 2006.

Another 55 per cent said they would be prepared to carry a gun if asked to – up more than 10 per cent.
Yup. An epiphany has broken upon them.

What kind of idiot would agree to be an unarmed cop in these times?
yeah well , this is an example of when its time to say , feck the british cops . Also time to call the british cops what they really are which is 'kings' men or 'government men' . They participate big time in enforcing their government anti gun laws on the disarmed taxpayers 2aGuy .
Hold on, are you telling me criminals in the UK did NOT abide by the ban on firearms?

Holy shit, who could have seen THAT coming?!
and to own a shotgun or rifle you need a license and other requirements . I am not of english or blighty blood , never been there but i have read and spoken to english / british gun controllers in 'england' on message boards . Shotguns and rifles need to be stored in separate safes away from their ammunition which is stored in a separate safe . And to me the biggest problem is that 'plod' or coppers can show up at any time to inspect storage . Course old 'queenie' and family and the retired 'tony blair' and other 'british' big shots are guarded by men with guns 24 - 7 at taxpayer expense , --------------------- Any corrections where i made a mistake are welcome .

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