Bringing Home Moscow's Show Trials.


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. In the “Inferno,” canto 20, Dante breaks down crying at one point, upon seeing the horrible punishments of some of the sinners. Virgil, his guide scolds him: "Qui vive la pietà quand’ è ben morta;" -
"Here piety lives when pity is wholly dead; Who is a greater reprobate than he Who feels compassion at the doom divine?"

To feel sorry’ for the damned is to reveal an imperfect understanding of God’s justice.

2. In the novel, “Darkness at Noon,” Arthur Koestler tells the tale of Rubashov, an Old Bolshevik who is arrested, imprisoned, and tried for treason against the government which he had helped to create. He has been arrested on the baseless charge of ‘deviationism.’ The tale is based on the infamous Moscow Show Trials, or ‘Purge Trials’ of the 1930’s. Moscow Trials 1936, August 19 (morning session)

a. The result of the purges was the decimation of the Bolsheviks who had been prominent during Lenin’s reign; more than half of the delegates to the 1934 Party Congress; much of the top brass of the Red Army; and ¾ of the sitting members of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. Exterminated.

b. No intelligent person today believes that the Moscow defendants were actually guilty of the crimes for which they were arraigned, but in 1936, or 1938, left-wing intellectuals in the West spent amazing time, energy, and ingenuity pondering and ‘authenticating’ their guilt.
John V. Fleming, "The Anti-Communist Manifestos."

c. Stalin in these show trials and accompanying purges did not just purge his party enemies, which Hitler had done on a much smaller scale in the Night of the Long Knives, but he compelled these Old Bolsheviks to confess to crimes which defied human imagination. Some of these doctrinaire Marxists were actually spies for Germany or Japan or Britain or France. Others, who had risked their lives for the Bolshevik victory, became “wreckers” who sought to sabotage everything of value in the Soviet economy. The trials were notionally based upon ideological variation, but this too was obviously absurd.
Conservative Truth - The Anniversary of the Moscow Show Trials - Bruce Walker - 2011-08-29

3. “Deviationism” is possibly the worst of crimes to the Left. Not the slightest straying from the orthodoxy can be allowed. To be an accepted member of the Leftist herd, one must behave, not as a human being possessing a God-given intellect…but as an iron filing in a magnetic field.

4. The concept of deviationism, of course, differs in various nations, and cultures, as the same economic system differed slightly in Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy, and FDR’s America.

a. Today, in America, we refer to ‘deviationism’ as ‘political correctness.’ And there are severe penalties for those who deviate.

b. Similar to the charges in the Moscow show trials, the Left wastes no efforts in considering whether or not the charges are true...

"Romney killed my wife!"

"Romney never paid taxes!"

"'ll pay for tax cuts for the wealthy...."

"Ryan wants to take away your Medicare..." they go again:
"Mitt Romney either lied in federal filings that show he worked at Bain Capital through 2002 and could be guilty of a felony,...

...Obama’s campaign hit a new low today when one of its senior advisers made a reckless and unsubstantiated charge to reporters about Mitt Romney that was so over the top that it calls into question the integrity of their entire campaign."
Obama team: Romney committed a felony or lied to voters -

"...Obama: Well, first of all I am not sure that all of those characterizations that you laid out there were accurate. For example, nobody accused Mr. Romney of being a felon."
Obama: "Nobody Accused Mr. Romney Of Being A Felon" | RealClearPolitics
Agreed and political correctness is a consequence of a big omnipresent tyrannical government, which is what the progressives so desire and work to attain.

Can anyone name a nation in all of human history, where a huge oppressive centralized government EVER resulted in good for the people?

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