Bright Light on the Left!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Left-wingers have a new must-view on weekend morns on MSNBC: “Up,” with Chris Hayes.
Sunday morning, 8-10.

Smart, articulate, informed, this male version of Rachel Maddow…if that description isn’t too confusing, is required viewing for our Left-leaning colleagues who want to be au fait…and should be on the radar of Right-wingers who need their ire sharpened.

2. The line-up of guests are way-Lefties, and a lukewarm Rightie, de rigueur for this kind of format. But the level is well above the Olbermann, Norah O’Donnell, Eugene Robinson, Sharpton kind of Leftist-show.

3. The past Sunday, the lion’s portion of the show dealt with the failed “supercommittee.” The thesis put forth is that the committee was designed to fail so as to destine cuts to the ‘safety net' and the closed-door format designed to “insulate the members from democratic accountability.”

4. Another theme was the intransigence of the Republicans, with Grover Norquist as villain-in-chief. There was general moaning over the “fact” that compromise moves the discussion to the right because of said intransigence.

a. Ezra Klein provided graphs to show the popularity of raising taxes on the ‘high income’ individuals. (Every member of the panel was in favor of raising taxes.)

b. All agreed: Obama should veto any attempt to fix the automatic cuts to the military. “…this is so frustrating to real people..” (sob).

c. OK…I added the (sob).

d. Chris Hayes inserted this editorial: “Any relationship between deficits and drags on the growth of the economy are incredibly unclear….and interest rates don’t go up!!” And “Everything you’ve said (about dangers of debt) projections I believe firmly with all my heart about climate change!!” (He said this fervently!)

5. Next, the EU crisis was painted as a contagion, an epidemic…’Germany couldn’t sell bonds!’...and the super-duper not-to-be-doubted expert brought in was Robert Johnson, “leading expert on global finance, …managing director at Soros Fund Management, and at the ‘Institute for New Economic Thinking.”

a. His analysis: austerity doesn’t work.

b. It is a myth that Germans are the ‘worker bees’ of the EU

c. Calvinist morality is to blame for the idea that austerity will solve the problem…i.e. ‘we must pay for our sins: austerity is penitence.’

d. Supercommittees were not set up to represent the debtors…we’re all about the creditors..

6. As a representative of Soros, Johnson went on to state that the US must put up whatever resources it takes to bail out the EU: more stimulus.

7. Next, Paul Starr, former Clinton advisor on healthcare, came on to wring his hands over the idea that ObamaCare may be overturned.

The Show is two hours….and much of it was exhilarating…in a positive or negative direction, depending on your political views….but I recommend it as a prerequiste for
serious USMB members!
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What is up? Lately you have been bringing leftist objects to USMB.

Personally I think that is a good thing. To make a rational decision on anything it is best to know as much from all angles and not base a decision on emotion. Not that you are leaning leftist :) but that at least you have an open mind.
What is up? Lately you have been bringing leftist objects to USMB.

Personally I think that is a good thing. To make a rational decision on anything it is best to know as much from all angles and not base a decision on emotion. Not that you are leaning leftist :) but that at least you have an open mind.

Thanks very much for that post...I agree with it, and it represents my attitude as to both my reason for posting, and my course of study. I read both lefty books and righty, as well. The same with viewing.

The debate I want is with great spokespersons from the other in point, Maddow and Hayes.
Specifically, I hope our lefty members view the show, and come here loaded for bear!

Thanks again, z's.
... Smart, articulate, informed, this male version of Rachel Maddow…if that description isn’t too confusing, is required viewing for our Left-leaning colleagues who want to be au fait…and should be on the radar of Right-wingers who need their ire sharpened....

Personally I consider little on TV leftist, but leftist like so many words is meaningless outside the mind of the user. If these people and topics sharpen the 'ire' of right wingers, they need real help. In America people still have the right to express our opinion, and if you don't agree with their opinion the burden is on you to counter it, not simply castigate it. Labeling is an easy task, I do it all the time, but please, at least try to backup your whys.

I didn't find anything noted so off the wall that every sensible American would not consider them worth a look. Military expenditure is a drain and burden today. Most feel those who benefit most, don't do their fair share. No need to sob, do something, like these people are doing.
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Madow and hayes are boith very bright and very well informed.

I watch both of them whenever I can
What is up? Lately you have been bringing leftist objects to USMB.

Personally I think that is a good thing. To make a rational decision on anything it is best to know as much from all angles and not base a decision on emotion. Not that you are leaning leftist :) but that at least you have an open mind.

Thanks very much for that post...I agree with it, and it represents my attitude as to both my reason for posting, and my course of study. I read both lefty books and righty, as well. The same with viewing.

The debate I want is with great spokespersons from the other in point, Maddow and Hayes.
Specifically, I hope our lefty members view the show, and come here loaded for bear!

Thanks again, z's.

Unfortunately, I don't get up early enough to watch Chris Hayes, but every other time I've seen him on other shows as either a commentator or stand in anchor, he's always seemed to be right on the ball about the issues he speaks of. Besides being smart, he's also got a way of finding the relevant parts of the arguement, and then explaining it simply to the audience.

Yeah........he is kinda like Ms. Maddow in his approach to reporting.
male version of Rachel Maddow…if that description isn’t too confusing
I don't get it....what are you trying to say?

Rachel Maddow, but with a real, not plastic, cock

Yeah..........I'm pretty sure that's what she meant.........not.

Chris Hayes does a good job of reporting what actually is going on (like Ms. Maddow), has a sense of humor, and is also pretty decent at explaining issues and parsing the rhetoric from the truth that politicians spew.

But..............I can think a lot about plastic cocks and strap ons, don't ya?
... Smart, articulate, informed, this male version of Rachel Maddow…if that description isn’t too confusing, is required viewing for our Left-leaning colleagues who want to be au fait…and should be on the radar of Right-wingers who need their ire sharpened....

Personally I consider little on TV leftist, but leftist like so many words is meaningless outside the mind of the user. If these people and topics sharpen the 'ire' of right wingers, they need real help. In America people still have the right to express our opinion, and if you don't agree with their opinion the burden is on you to counter it, not simply castigate it. Labeling is an easy task, I do it all the time, but please, at least try to backup your whys.

I didn't find anything noted so off the wall that every sensible American would not consider them worth a look. Military expenditure is a drain and burden today. Most feel those who benefit most, don't do their fair share. No need to sob, do something, like these people are doing.

"I didn't find anything noted so off the wall that every sensible American would not consider them worth a look."
The explanation is not only simple, but the proof of what I'm about to say is your post itself.

Those of us on the right have no way to avoid the ideas of the Left, due to the control of the media by same.

"How, precisely, would a conservative go about eliminating liberal points of view from his life? You would have to be a survivalist in Idaho to escape the liberal sound chamber
So, we are cognizant of both viewpoints."

You on the Left are inured, self-absorbed and make no effort to see the other side.
As your post documents.

Would you like an example?
1. "Stephanopoulos appeared on The Sean Hannity Show and New York radio station WOR's The Steve Malzberg Show, where both Hannity and Malzberg suggested to Stephanopoulos that he ask Obama about Ayers."
Right-wing radio hosts suggested "damn good" Ayers question to Stephanopoulos day before Dem debate | Media Matters for America
He didn't know about Ayers!!

2. CBS's Bob Schieffer on Sunday said the reason he didn't ask Attorney General Eric Holder about the New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case on last week's "Face the Nation" was because he didn't know about it.
Chatting with Howard Kurtz on CNN's "Reliable Sources," Schieffer said, "This all really became a story when the whistleblower came out and testified that he'd had to leave the Justice Department and so on. And, frankly, had I known about that, I would have asked the question."
His excuse?
"I was on vacation that week. This happened -- apparently, it got very little publicity. And, you know, I just didn't know about it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):
Bob Schieffer: What Black Panther Story? 'I Was on Vacation' - Archive - Fox Nation

Allow me to provide an example from "UP." The Soros-based global finance 'expert' placed the blame for the move toward cutting spending on Christianity...'Calvinist morality.'

And you: "I didn't find anything noted so off the wall that every sensible American would not consider them worth a look."

So, as a representative of the way-tolerant Left you have no problem that swipe at the majority religion of the United States.
You're looking more and more like a dunce.
What is up? Lately you have been bringing leftist objects to USMB.

Personally I think that is a good thing. To make a rational decision on anything it is best to know as much from all angles and not base a decision on emotion. Not that you are leaning leftist :) but that at least you have an open mind.

Thanks very much for that post...I agree with it, and it represents my attitude as to both my reason for posting, and my course of study. I read both lefty books and righty, as well. The same with viewing.

The debate I want is with great spokespersons from the other in point, Maddow and Hayes.
Specifically, I hope our lefty members view the show, and come here loaded for bear!

Thanks again, z's.

Unfortunately, I don't get up early enough to watch Chris Hayes, but every other time I've seen him on other shows as either a commentator or stand in anchor, he's always seemed to be right on the ball about the issues he speaks of. Besides being smart, he's also got a way of finding the relevant parts of the arguement, and then explaining it simply to the audience.

Yeah........he is kinda like Ms. Maddow in his approach to reporting.

I appreciate a sharp, well delivered attack.

On both sides.
Did you ever notice how Libs attempt to sniff out bigotry as pigs sniff out truffles?

pigs are no longer used, as they tend to eat the truffles.

Wouldn't you like a nice, friendly pig in the avi???

i had one of those, it had red boots.

watch it.

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