Brian Kolfage’s GFundTheWall Just Passed $5 Million Dollars (In just 3 Days!)

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
With Nearly Zero National Media coverage, just social networking.

The Podesta/Brock posting bots finally learned of this, and are blasting it with hate on Facebook.

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What percentage of the money goes to the Go Fund Me Site?

Likely none when the author sends all the money back after coming up woefully short of its one billion dollar goal.
Americans are gladly giving their own money for the wall. Keep saying that though. We are ignoring you.
Don't ignore your leader's promise.
You ignored the multiple lies Obama said about obamacare, and even stuck up for him. When it was known, he relied on your ignorance to get it approved. So yes, I'm good. I don't care where the money comes from, build the wall! Oh and the money we would save on entitlements the illegals get. Will pay for the wall in a few years, so in a way Mexico will pay for it. Because they have to take care of their own.

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