Breibart is at it again!


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Breitbart, the top resource for Fake News has expanded it's slime into Europe. Their initial impact naturally was a masterpiece of bullshit.

BERLIN — It was every God-fearing Christian’s worst nightmare about Muslim refugees. “Revealed,” the Breitbart News headline screamed, “1,000-Man Mob Attack Police, Set Germany’s Oldest Church Alight on New Year’s Eve.”

The only problem: Police say that’s not what happened that night in the western city of Dortmund.

The Breitbart report has triggered a backlash in Germany, igniting fresh concerns over the manipulation of information and the societal cost of revenue-generating clickbait.

The report comes amid a rash of misleading rumors and social-media claims about refugees in the aftermath of the recent Berlin Christmas market attack, including one missive falsely linking a refugee who once took a selfie with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to a holiday season assault on a homeless man.

As they did in the United States during the presidential campaign, fake and misleading reports are popping up across Europe, particularly as a string of countries including Germany are poised for major elections. Yet the Breitbart report on Germany, critics say, shows how the disseminators of such tidbits trade not only in pure fiction but also in skillfully sown innuendo steeped in exaggeration.

“We shook our heads in disbelief when we saw how this operation was politicized” by Breitbart, said Gunnar Wortmann, a spokesman for the Dortmund police.

The report was largely aggregated from the local news outlet Ruhr Nachrichten, which also lashed out at Breitbart for “using our online reports for fake news, hate and propaganda.”
‘Allahu akbar’-chanting mob sets alight Germany’s oldest church? Shocking story, if it were true.
How many times has Breitbart been discredited? How many times does it take, before people get a clue?
America's new President to be picked a top Breitbart executive to be one of his primary advisors and is a fan of sucker bait, fake news, and conspiracy theories.
Who said Breitbart is the top resource for fake news? Is there proof of that?
Who said Breitbart is the top resource for fake news? Is there proof of that?
you read it...and look how horribly misinformed you are

I am horribly misinformed? Naw, don't think so. You must be thinking of yourself. ;)
If Breitbart is fake news, then what is NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, Wapo, NYslimes, PBS...etc? They must be really really really FAKE NEWS.
lol........people like the OP always automatically buy the "official" statement from the police. These are the people that can be sold a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if it is packaged up just right. They are what we refer to as the hopelessly duped.......pop on a network like MSNBC and swallow all that shit whole!!

Breitbart has become incredibly popular precisely because it cuts through the matrix presentation......and that sure pisses off the assholes with a snowflake view of the world. Its 2017.........everybody knows where the fake news comes from.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

I am amazed at my place of work.....1,800 many people have no idea about what a "No-Go Zone" is? The reasons are simple........they are either clueless or they get their news from fake news outlets.

To the OP......"No-Go Zones" are makey-uppey stuff............because they are not reported on by fake news outlets!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:
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FNI reporting: according to a source in the new administration, John Barron, folks don't believe anything unless it is on Fox, Newsmax, Infowars, Rush Limbaugh, or you hear it from the dulcet mouth of Anne Coulter. All other sources are to be avoided stay on message people.

And you're all gonna love that wall folks, your taxes will build a great great wall. Thank you for your support.

"“It would be a proposal that would cost billions of dollars to get done, but if it’s an appropriate priority for our country, it’s worth spending that kind of money,” said Rep. Luke Messer (R-Ind.), chairman of the House Republican Policy Committee."

Hill Republicans embrace building of border wall, despite cost

Don't believe this news either. Third lien on Trump hotel brings alleged unpaid bills to over $5 million
lol........people like the OP always automatically buy the "official" statement from the police. These are the people that can be sold a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if it is packaged up just right. They are what we refer to as the hopelessly duped.......pop on a network like MSNBC and swallow all that shit whole!!

Breitbart has become incredibly popular precisely because it cuts through the matrix presentation......and that sure pisses off the assholes with a snowflake view of the world. Its 2017.........everybody knows where the fake news comes from.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

I am amazed at my place of work.....1,800 many people have no idea about what a "No-Go Zone" is? The reasons are simple........they are either clueless or they get their news from fake news outlets.

To the OP......"No-Go Zones" are makey-uppey stuff............because they are not reported on by fake news outlets!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Breitbart has become incredibly popular precisely because it cuts through the matrix presentation......and that sure pisses off the assholes with a snowflake view of the world. Its 2017.........everybody knows where the fake news comes from.-skookerasbil

Well, it figures that skookerasbil would eat up the fake stories Breitbart dishes out to their ever loyal goose-steppers.
So shooks, explain the complete fabrication by Breitbart as described in the linked OP. Breitbart's story was a 100% fake story. Just like all the fake news you brilliant alt-righties ate up during the election. From all of Clinton's fatal diseases, to her mental health issues to Clinton's child sex ring run out of a pizza joint. I wonder how many 100's threads that were started by the gullible far right that were based on fake news. The alt-right ate up every single fake story.
In another thread, I pointed out another fake news story by Zero Hedge claiming that 94% of the new jobs created under Obama were part time. Zero Hedge used a legitimate report by two professors, unfortunately for their readers, they supplied no link to the study and then made up shit that wasn't in the study. Of course. the alt-right posters never investigated the story, they just ate up the BS.
Why is the alr-right so intellectually lazy? I guess they are afraid of the truth, so they eat up fake news because it makes them feel good.
lol........people like the OP always automatically buy the "official" statement from the police. These are the people that can be sold a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if it is packaged up just right. They are what we refer to as the hopelessly duped.......pop on a network like MSNBC and swallow all that shit whole!!

Breitbart has become incredibly popular precisely because it cuts through the matrix presentation......and that sure pisses off the assholes with a snowflake view of the world. Its 2017.........everybody knows where the fake news comes from.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

I am amazed at my place of work.....1,800 many people have no idea about what a "No-Go Zone" is? The reasons are simple........they are either clueless or they get their news from fake news outlets.

To the OP......"No-Go Zones" are makey-uppey stuff............because they are not reported on by fake news outlets!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Breitbart has become incredibly popular precisely because it cuts through the matrix presentation......and that sure pisses off the assholes with a snowflake view of the world. Its 2017.........everybody knows where the fake news comes from.-skookerasbil

Well, it figures that skookerasbil would eat up the fake stories Breitbart dishes out to their ever loyal goose-steppers.
So shooks, explain the complete fabrication by Breitbart as described in the linked OP. Breitbart's story was a 100% fake story. Just like all the fake news you brilliant alt-righties ate up during the election. From all of Clinton's fatal diseases, to her mental health issues to Clinton's child sex ring run out of a pizza joint. I wonder how many 100's threads that were started by the gullible far right that were based on fake news. The alt-right ate up every single fake story.
In another thread, I pointed out another fake news story by Zero Hedge claiming that 94% of the new jobs created under Obama were part time. Zero Hedge used a legitimate report by two professors, unfortunately for their readers, they supplied no link to the study and then made up shit that wasn't in the study. Of course. the alt-right posters never investigated the story, they just ate up the BS.
Why is the alr-right so intellectually lazy? I guess they are afraid of the truth, so they eat up fake news because it makes them feel good.
Okay but what about the left eating up fake news, for at least 50 years?
lol........people like the OP always automatically buy the "official" statement from the police. These are the people that can be sold a bag of dog doo for $1,000 a pop if it is packaged up just right. They are what we refer to as the hopelessly duped.......pop on a network like MSNBC and swallow all that shit whole!!

Breitbart has become incredibly popular precisely because it cuts through the matrix presentation......and that sure pisses off the assholes with a snowflake view of the world. Its 2017.........everybody knows where the fake news comes from.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:

I am amazed at my place of work.....1,800 many people have no idea about what a "No-Go Zone" is? The reasons are simple........they are either clueless or they get their news from fake news outlets.

To the OP......"No-Go Zones" are makey-uppey stuff............because they are not reported on by fake news outlets!!:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface:

Breitbart has become incredibly popular precisely because it cuts through the matrix presentation......and that sure pisses off the assholes with a snowflake view of the world. Its 2017.........everybody knows where the fake news comes from.-skookerasbil

Well, it figures that skookerasbil would eat up the fake stories Breitbart dishes out to their ever loyal goose-steppers.
So shooks, explain the complete fabrication by Breitbart as described in the linked OP. Breitbart's story was a 100% fake story. Just like all the fake news you brilliant alt-righties ate up during the election. From all of Clinton's fatal diseases, to her mental health issues to Clinton's child sex ring run out of a pizza joint. I wonder how many 100's threads that were started by the gullible far right that were based on fake news. The alt-right ate up every single fake story.
In another thread, I pointed out another fake news story by Zero Hedge claiming that 94% of the new jobs created under Obama were part time. Zero Hedge used a legitimate report by two professors, unfortunately for their readers, they supplied no link to the study and then made up shit that wasn't in the study. Of course. the alt-right posters never investigated the story, they just ate up the BS.
Why is the alr-right so intellectually lazy? I guess they are afraid of the truth, so they eat up fake news because it makes them feel good.
Okay but what about the left eating up fake news, for at least 50 years?

Oh, I'll admit the most of the MSM leans left and most of what's left leans to the right.
But slanted news isn't fake news. They present issues backed up with facts the way that appeals to their base. Fox News and MSNBC can cover the same news with facts, yet the products are different, it's all in the presentation.
Fake News is just plain making up shit to rattle their believers entire world.
That's a pretty big difference.

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