BREAKING NEWS: Commerce Secretary’s Offshore Ties to Putin ‘Cronies’


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
bad, bad, nasty news ...Crony cancer got deep , deep right in the center of The Free world, in Washington. so whats new?



After becoming commerce secretary, Wilbur L. Ross Jr. retained investments in a shipping firm he once controlled that has significant business ties to a Russian oligarch subject to American sanctions and President Vladimir V. Putin’s son-in-law, according to newly disclosed documents.

The shipper, Navigator Holdings, earns millions of dollars a year transporting gas for one of its top clients, a giant Russian energy company called Sibur, whose owners include the oligarch and Mr. Putin’s family member. Despite selling off numerous other holdings to join the Trump administration and spearhead its “America first” trade policy, Mr. Ross kept an investment in Navigator, which increased its business dealings with Sibur even as the West sought to punish Russia’s energy sector over Mr. Putin’s incursions into Ukraine."

Commerce Secretary’s Offshore Ties to Putin ‘Cronies’

Один из министров администрации Дональда Трампа имеет деловые связи с людьми из окружения Владимира Путина
"SIBUR is Navigator's second-largest client.

And one of SIBUR's owners is Gennady Timchenko, a Russian billionaire who is considered part of Putin's inner circle, NBC stated. Since 2014, Timchenko has been barred by the Treasury Department from entering the United States, according to NBC News.

A second SIBUR owner is another Putin associate, Leonid Mikhelson, whose other company, Novatek, was placed on Treasury sanctions list in 2014, NBC noted.

A third shareholder in SIBUR, and its deputy chairman, is Kirill Shamalov, husband of Vladimir Putin's daughter, Katerina Tikhonova."

Leaked documents reveal Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross's business link to Putin friends: Report
Is the Donald under the influence o' the Muckity-mucks?...

Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia links
Mon, 06 Nov 2017 - Leaked documents show Donald Trump's commerce secretary has business ties with key Putin allies.
Donald Trump's commerce secretary says there is "nothing improper" about his business links to Russian figures who are currently under US sanctions. Wilbur Ross was accused of misleading senators after leaked documents showed his interests in a firm in which some shareholders have ties to the Kremlin. He told the BBC that the US had not sanctioned the company, Sibur, so "there's nothing wrong with that". Mr Ross also denied he had failed to disclose the information. Earlier, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal called the revelations of the Kremlin links "inexcusable". They come as part of a huge leak of financial documents, dubbed the Paradise Papers, revealing how the powerful and ultra-wealthy, including the Queen's private estate, secretly invest vast amounts of cash in offshore tax havens.

What did Wilbur Ross do, according to the leaks?

The leaks show he has investments in shipping firm Navigator Holdings, which earns millions a year transporting oil and gas for Sibur. Two major Sibur shareholders have been sanctioned by the US:

* Russian billionaire Gennady Timchenko, who has at least 12 companies connected to him
* The Russian natural gas company, Novatek, belonging to Leonid Mikhelson


Another key Sibur shareholder is President Vladimir Putin's son-in-law, Kirill Shamalov, who holds a 3.9% stake in the firm. While he is not subject to sanctions, his father, Nikolai, is. Mr Ross has not disputed the revelations, telling the BBC: "There's nothing whatsoever improper about Navigator having a relationship with Sibur." "If our government decided to sanction them, that would be a different story," he continued.

He said he had disclosed the business links to the office of government ethics, and denied misleading the confirmation hearing committee when he took office. He said he had never met any of the figures concerned. The US imposed some sanctions after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Others were imposed last year for alleged interference in the US presidential election. The commerce department earlier said Mr Ross had "been generally supportive of the administration's sanctions of Russian and other entities".

What's the problem then?
It never ends does it? Two or three bombshells a week ..

Sessions, Flynn, Flynn Junior, Page, Stone, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Kushner, Donald, Don Junior, and now Wilbur all with deep Russia ties and lying about them unceremoniously initially - 100% of the time.

This is an incredibly bizarre chapter in American History that is not likely to end well.

But i must admit, this "Nothingburger" is certainly filling! :uhoh3:
Is the Donald under the influence o' the Muckity-mucks?...

Paradise Papers: Wilbur Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia links
Mon, 06 Nov 2017 - Leaked documents show Donald Trump's commerce secretary has business ties with key Putin allies.
Donald Trump's commerce secretary says there is "nothing improper" about his business links to Russian figures who are currently under US sanctions. Wilbur Ross was accused of misleading senators after leaked documents showed his interests in a firm in which some shareholders have ties to the Kremlin. He told the BBC that the US had not sanctioned the company, Sibur, so "there's nothing wrong with that". Mr Ross also denied he had failed to disclose the information. Earlier, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal called the revelations of the Kremlin links "inexcusable". They come as part of a huge leak of financial documents, dubbed the Paradise Papers, revealing how the powerful and ultra-wealthy, including the Queen's private estate, secretly invest vast amounts of cash in offshore tax havens.

What did Wilbur Ross do, according to the leaks?

The leaks show he has investments in shipping firm Navigator Holdings, which earns millions a year transporting oil and gas for Sibur. Two major Sibur shareholders have been sanctioned by the US:

* Russian billionaire Gennady Timchenko, who has at least 12 companies connected to him
* The Russian natural gas company, Novatek, belonging to Leonid Mikhelson


Another key Sibur shareholder is President Vladimir Putin's son-in-law, Kirill Shamalov, who holds a 3.9% stake in the firm. While he is not subject to sanctions, his father, Nikolai, is. Mr Ross has not disputed the revelations, telling the BBC: "There's nothing whatsoever improper about Navigator having a relationship with Sibur." "If our government decided to sanction them, that would be a different story," he continued.

He said he had disclosed the business links to the office of government ethics, and denied misleading the confirmation hearing committee when he took office. He said he had never met any of the figures concerned. The US imposed some sanctions after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Others were imposed last year for alleged interference in the US presidential election. The commerce department earlier said Mr Ross had "been generally supportive of the administration's sanctions of Russian and other entities".

What's the problem then?
"Ross says 'nothing improper' about Russia links"

Ross must be joking or too old whats going on, right? or he is just a Putler´s spy ...
It never ends does it? Two or three bombshells a week ..

Sessions, Flynn, Flynn Junior, Page, Stone, Manafort, Papadopoulos, Kushner, Donald, Don Junior, and now Wilbur all with deep Russia ties and lying about them unceremoniously initially - 100% of the time.

This is an incredibly bizarre chapter in American History that is not likely to end well.

But i must admit, this "Nothingburger" is certainly filling! :uhoh3:

+2. its just pure bizarre story ...people in the USA administrations do "business" with the Kremlin thugs who are at war with the USA , and say that its 'nothing improper'....
+2. its just pure bizarre story ...people in the USA administrations do "business" with the Kremlin thugs who are at war with the USA , and say that its 'nothing improper'....

But wait there's more - We now now that Flynn & Son are about to be arrested, and there's Kushner news afloat (coming).

I'm about to hurl from too much of this Nothingburger.
America first trade policy is the three card monte of the GOP and Trump...

Trump Gets Visas For 70 Foreign Workers At Mar-a-Lago Despite 'Hire American' Pledge

Now that is just too fucking funny. You regressives keep saying illegals are doing jobs Americans don't want to do, then when the Trump organization brings people in legally, you bitch. You're not pissed because he's not hiring Americans, you're pissed because he's not hiring your pet group, illegals. Here's a little hint, illegals aren't fucking Americans. Hypocrite much? LMAO

America first trade policy is the three card monte of the GOP and Trump...

Trump Gets Visas For 70 Foreign Workers At Mar-a-Lago Despite 'Hire American' Pledge

Now that is just too fucking funny. You regressives keep saying illegals are doing jobs Americans don't want to do, then when the Trump organization brings people in legally, you bitch. You're not pissed because he's not hiring Americans, you're pissed because he's not hiring your pet group, illegals. Here's a little hint, illegals aren't fucking Americans. Hypocrite much? LMAO


No, we’re pissed that he didn’t even interview the Americans who applied, much less hire them. He also buried the legally mandated ad he posted in the back pages of the local paper.

And it did it during Made in America week.
America first trade policy is the three card monte of the GOP and Trump...

Trump Gets Visas For 70 Foreign Workers At Mar-a-Lago Despite 'Hire American' Pledge

Now that is just too fucking funny. You regressives keep saying illegals are doing jobs Americans don't want to do, then when the Trump organization brings people in legally, you bitch. You're not pissed because he's not hiring Americans, you're pissed because he's not hiring your pet group, illegals. Here's a little hint, illegals aren't fucking Americans. Hypocrite much? LMAO


No, we’re pissed that he didn’t even interview the Americans who applied, much less hire them. He also buried the legally mandated ad he posted in the back pages of the local paper.

And it did it during Made in America week.

Exactly who is he? Don't just say Trump, there are three of them and specify if one of them actually did it, or was it a locally hired manager. All these BS blanket statements are are getting old, details matter.

After becoming commerce secretary, Wilbur L. Ross Jr. retained investments in a shipping firm he once controlled that has significant business ties to a Russian oligarch subject to American sanctions and President Vladimir V. Putin’s son-in-law, according to newly disclosed documents.

I'm shocked -shocked, I tells ya- that a Trump appointee would have shady business dealings with Russia. I'd be more shocked if someone didn't have a tie to Russia. I think the only one in Trump's Admin that doesn't is Ben Carson, and that's because he's so fucking clueless, he'd have no idea.
America first trade policy is the three card monte of the GOP and Trump...

Trump Gets Visas For 70 Foreign Workers At Mar-a-Lago Despite 'Hire American' Pledge

Now that is just too fucking funny. You regressives keep saying illegals are doing jobs Americans don't want to do, then when the Trump organization brings people in legally, you bitch. You're not pissed because he's not hiring Americans, you're pissed because he's not hiring your pet group, illegals. Here's a little hint, illegals aren't fucking Americans. Hypocrite much? LMAO


No, we’re pissed that he didn’t even interview the Americans who applied, much less hire them. He also buried the legally mandated ad he posted in the back pages of the local paper.

And it did it during Made in America week.

Exactly who is he? Don't just say Trump, there are three of them and specify if one of them actually did it, or was it a locally hired manager. All these BS blanket statements are are getting old, details matter.


Given that Donald J. Trump Sr. isn’t supposed to be doing ANYTHING in regard to his business interests, it had better not be him. But since he is doing such a good job promoting his businesses while President, it’s hard to believe he didn’t know they were doing it, especially since he spends so much time there.

One would think with his Made in America campaign he’d put Jr. on notice that appearances matter but I guess he’s not that smart.
After becoming commerce secretary, Wilbur L. Ross Jr. retained investments in a shipping firm he once controlled that has significant business ties to a Russian oligarch subject to American sanctions and President Vladimir V. Putin’s son-in-law, according to newly disclosed documents.

I'm shocked -shocked, I tells ya- that a Trump appointee would have shady business dealings with Russia. I'd be more shocked if someone didn't have a tie to Russia. I think the only one in Trump's Admin that doesn't is Ben Carson, and that's because he's so fucking clueless, he'd have no idea.

And yet the only ones with ties to the russians are the clintons. Astounding, yet true.

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