Breaking News...Clemancy denied for "Tookie"Williams



Gov Arnold Swartzenegger rejects clemancy for convicted killer Stanley "Tookie" Williams...

Good for Arnold he was not swayed by the "Hollywood" elites!

Of course the Reverend Jackson is again on tv(CNN) stirring the pot for discourse(Maybe riots) in California!

see: "Breaking News" article
cp's thread in chat...I suppose we both hit it about the same time...!
archangel said:
Gov Arnold Swartzenegger rejects clemancy for convicted killer Stanley "Tookie" Williams...

Good for Arnold he was not swayed by the "Hollywood" elites!

Of course the Reverend Jackson is again on tv(CNN) stirring the pot for discourse(Maybe riots) in California!

see: "Breaking News" article

Is LA going to burn?
It's a typical liberal mindset. In time, people will forget all the bad things you ever did as long as you felt bad about them and did some good things in the mean time.

The man was sentenced to death for the murder of 4 people. Nothing good that he has done in the last 20+ years on death row can make up for the taking of those 4 people's lives. The real crime of this situation is that it has taken this long.

Countdown before Riots in LA? I'd give it till 1am PST, 4AM EST. The gangs will stir the pot from comments by Jesse Jackson on TV and the violence will begin.
He is dead. And the libs at yahoo are going nuts. I just dont understand some people.
The media has been portraying the last several days with "fate of tookie williams is in Gov. Schwartzneggers hands"

what a crock.

His fate was in his own hands years ago when he decided to use them to MURDER some people.
and it agains shows the orwellian nature of the left.

They will vehemently defend the right to live of someone who commited brutal murders, yet allow millions of the most innocent and helpless be slaughtered wholesale, all in the name of "compassion"
All upset over the execution of a quadruple murderer and founder of a vicious gang. But not a tear to shed over the crushing of the skull and extraction of the brains of an innocent 8-9 month old baby in utero.

Yeah, libs make a lot of sense.
This is almost totally unrelated to the Williams thing, but it shows the left's lack of concern for human life. I was trying to watch the Comedy Central Last Laugh '05 show the other day, and it's Comedy Central--home of Dave Chappel, John Stewart, etc.,--so I expected the humor to bemostly coming from the left side of the spectrum. But as per usual, there was one that wasn't just liberal, he crossed the line right into Not Funny territory. It wasn't a stand up act so much as a Micheal Moore screed. Therein was the argument that abortion should be legal because if it wasn't there would be more homeless children. Now there's an idea. A new way to take care of those panhandlers, that's for sure. :puke:

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