National Survey Released Shows Americans Agree With Trump On National Anthem And NFL Protests


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
I anxiously await being informed by CNN and MSNBC that this proves that racism is alive and well in the United States.

Behold The Patriotic Silent White Majority

National Survey: Americans Agree with Trump on National Anthem and NFL Protests - Breitbart
Of course they agree with Trump, that's why fans are booing the players. This is an old trick from the liberal media, LIE and spin that the American people overwhelmingly support the liberal view, its a lie.

Liberals and the liberal media are filthy liars its not rocket science.
Have a nice big cup of Nope.

Poll: 61% Oppose Firing NFL Players Who Refuse to Stand for National Anthem, but 65% of Republicans Say Players Should be Fired

Today we’re releasing one question from the forthcoming national Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey of 2,300 Americans conducted by the Cato Institute in collaboration with YouGov.

The national survey finds that a solid majority, 61%, of Americans oppose firing NFL (National Football League) players who refuse to stand for the national anthem before football games in order to make a political statement.

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