BREAKING E-NEWS: Sec Kerry and Pres Obama Suspected of Empathy with MH17 Bombers

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
BREAKING E-NEWS: Sec Kerry and Pres Obama Suspected of Empathy with MH17 Bombers

We all know liberals and Democrats have empathy whereas conservatives and Republicans have spine, so it goes without saying that both Kerry and Obama should be impeached for having empathy with terrorists worldwide. Our founding fathers must be turning over in their graves knowing America's leaders have empathy with fighters who hide behind bushes and trees while shooting...oops!

never mind

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Granny says, "Dat's right - the Russkies always behind sumpin' nefarious...

Ukraine says MH17 probe proves Russia's 'direct involvement'
Thursday 29th September, 2016: Kiev said Wednesday (Sep 28) that a Dutch inquiry into the downing of Flight MH17 over rebel-held eastern Ukraine proved Russia's "direct involvement" in the death of the 298 people on board.
"This information once again points to the direct involvement of the state-aggressor in downing the aircraft," the Ukrainian foreign ministry said in a statement. Ukraine labels Russia an "aggressor" that planned and backed a 29-month pro-Kremlin separatist war that has claimed more than 9,600 lives - accusations Moscow bluntly denies. "This puts an end to all of Russia's attempts to discredit the activities and conclusions of the Joint Investigation Team by spreading distorted or fabricated information," the Ukrainian ministry said.

A criminal inquiry in the Netherlands found Wednesday that the missile that shot the Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 out of the sky was snuck out of and back into Russia. The investigators also confirmed that the missile that slammed into the plane was fired from a field in a part of eastern Ukraine under the control of the separatists at the time. But the Dutch-led investigation did not directly accuse Moscow of supplying the BUK missile and its transporter system - and the Russian government has repeatedly denied any involvement.

The passenger jet was shot down in July 2014 on its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. The incident came at the most heated point in the war, straining tensions between the West and Moscow even further.

Ukraine says MH17 probe proves Russia's 'direct involvement'

See also:

Missile which downed MH17 transported from Russia, inquiry finds
Thursday 29th September, 2016: The missile that downed Flight MH17 over eastern Ukraine was transported from Russia, a criminal inquiry revealed on Wednesday (Sep 28), adding that more than 100 people were under investigation for the 2014 disaster.
The investigators also confirmed that the missile which slammed into the Malaysia Airlines plane was fired from a field in a part of eastern Ukraine under the control of pro-Russia separatists at the time. But the Dutch-led investigation did not directly accuse Moscow of supplying the BUK missile and its transporter system - and the Russian government has repeatedly denied any involvement.

The Malaysia Airlines passenger jet was blown from the skies in July 2014 during a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, killing all 298 people on board including 196 Dutch citizens. "Based on the criminal investigation, we have concluded that flight MH17... was downed by a BUK missile of the series 9M38, that came from the territory of the Russian Federation," said Wilbert Paulissen, the head of the Dutch police investigation. Afterwards the missile launcher system "was taken back to Russia," he added.

Using photos, videos, witness statements and telephone conversations, the investigators have retraced the route taken by the convoy which brought the missile system into eastern Ukraine. But to the frustration of relatives, the investigators did not name any suspects at their briefing in the central town of Nieuwegein, near Utrecht. The BUK was fired from a field in Pervomaiskyi which at the time "was in the hands of the Russian separatists," said Paulissen. The joint investigation "has identified approximately 100 people" believed to have had an "active role" in the transporting of the missile system used to bring down the routine flight, chief investigator Fred Westerbeke said.

A civilian investigation by the Dutch Safety Board also concluded last year that MH17 was hit by a BUK missile fired from eastern Ukraine, but Moscow denied that pro-Russian rebels were responsible. Repeating those denials on Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: "First-hand radar data identified all flying objects which could have been launched or were in the air over the territory controlled by rebels at that moment." "The data are clear-cut ... there is no rocket. If there was a rocket, it could only have been fired from elsewhere," he said. The investigators said they had not had access to the new radar images on which Moscow was basing its latest statements.

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