Breaking! Colin Powell dies

Hmmmm, when a person has cancer (especially at 84), and he or she is being treated for said cancer, well they say when the white blood cells go to low, then a patient could catch a common cold and check out.

Even though the diagnosis of death was or is being touted as COVID-19 associated, it is an opportune time for political animal's to ignore the cancer, and focus on the Covid as if Colin Powell would have survived if he didn't catch that ole dreadful disease called COVID-19, the worst and real danger in the situation instead of the cancer.

I'm not buying it.

I think cancer took him out, and we could be seeing a situation where because Colin Powell was a prominent figure, then the Covid could be sensationalized yet again by the political machine that is working today.
This is true.

However, it appears, you are more likely to be taken out by an already existing disease, or other disease, by taking these "medications."

Look into the work of this guy, "Dr. Ryan Cole." Do a search of his name, watch videos from YouTube, then watch banned videos. The man is quite well educated, and before the pandemic, well regarded and respected. But now? Now that the consortium's agenda is being threatened, this is the heart of the matter.

The medical and political establishment doesn't want folks to know the truth, so they call truth lies, and folks that spread it, enemies of the STATE. Gen. Powell, because of his pre-existing condition, by taking the jab, he was signing his own death warrant. And that? According to the research, is the truth. These are meant to kill of the old and the weak.

Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses​

GW Bush knew more and was quoted as being dead set regarding getting Saddam Hussein for his prior attempt on Bush Sr.’s life. Cheney? A war monger that influenced a few unfortunately. I am still doubtful about Powell (considering his lengthy military experience and honorable behavior) knowing what and when, but lean on believing his words stated years after the fact. Sure, CP wasn’t interested in continuing the stain on his record and would have liked to have been able to remove it, but that wasn’t a possibility and he knew it.

We have to remember that this wasn’t 2021 but 2001, a huge difference in availability of digital information that Powell could’ve tapped into beyond words from Bush, Cheney, and faulty intel. Hindsight too plays into it.
I don’t think so. Powell knew it was a lie when he told it.
ok, but nonetheless legal. Govt lies, always has always will
And your point about it being "legal?" When the Nazi's gassed the Jews? That was "legal." When the cavalry butchered the Natives, that was "legal." When America enslaved the black man, that was, "legal." When FDR rounded up the Japanese, and stripped them of their liberty, that was, "legal." Go lick boot some where else. Real Americans are more interested in what is moral, ethical, and reasonable, not what the kakistocracy will fool the sheep giving them leave to commit.

USA: World Police

"We'll kill any bad world leader we please except our own,
& leave any country we choose in ruins, including our own!"
frankly i would be happy if we stopped being the world police.

Leave the UN too.

only get involved if it’s in our interest. As far as leaving them in ruin…so be it. It’s not like life with Saddam was sunshine and apple pie
And your point about it being "legal?" When the Nazi's gassed the Jews? That was "legal." When the cavalry butchered the Natives, that was "legal." When America enslaved the black man, that was, "legal." When FDR rounded up the Japanese, and stripped them of their liberty, that was, "legal." Go lick boot some where else. Real Americans are more interested in what is moral, ethical, and reasonable, not what the kakistocracy will fool the sheep giving them leave to commit.

Exactly right. In the mind of a statist, the state can do anything.
You are not police, police answer to a court. You are world capo.
fine with stopping doing that. We’d save a ton of money not supporting the defense of numberous nations as well, or giving the aid.

Let them fend for themselves
Starting with all of Europe. They can easily defend themselves against Russia, is they wish to, without our help.
agreed…Germany first…they purposely undermined NATO and handed Putin a massive money maker. Let Putin have them
agreed…Germany first…they purposely undermined NATO and handed Putin a massive money maker. Let Putin have them

They can either increase their military spending or live their lives at Putin's mercy.

Either way works for me.

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