Brave Conservative Negro Tells The Truth About Fake Tulsa Massacre


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

He looks quite black to me Biff. Obviously an up and coming young man who speaks very well.

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

Of corse he is right, and there is proof of it:


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These details remain sketchy. When pondering the original alleged event, one must remember that this was undoubtedly a manual elevator which could easily be stopped between floors for as long as desired, and nobody could do anything about it. So it is possible that the white woman was raped by the Black kid.

And it is one thing to say that the "official" number of deaths was understated, but it is quite another to assume that the real number was virtually ten times as many as the official reports. Indeed, for the President to quote the number of 300 is nothing but an unsubstantiable lie. Perhaps we need to introduce the concept of BidenDerangementSyndrome, referring to when the President says something preposterous and the Media just takes it in as though it were plausible or real.

In any event, this was no "massacre." A "massacre" is an unprovoked attack on un-armed people, resulting is massive deaths. Here we had dueling mobs in which the larger, better armed white mob prevailed, then committed a little mayhem for dessert. Not a happy course of action, but not a massacre either.

And of course we now have the usual race hustlers trying to squeeze money from the government for events that the government had nothing to do with, and which impacted relatively few people (a couple dozen) in the actual event.

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

Of corse he is right, and there is proof of it:

How does that prove he is right? Do you know how many have spent countless years is prison over a lie.

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

Of corse he is right, and there is proof of it:

How does that prove he is right? Do you know how many have spent countless years is prison over a lie.

That's where they belong. Black people can't be trusted outside of prison. Guilty or not.

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

Of corse he is right, and there is proof of it:

How does that prove he is right? Do you know how many have spent countless years is prison over a lie.

Yea you’re right. I’m sure he tripped over his shoe and accidentally tore her clothes and scratches her face while falling. He then realized she would lie and accuse him of rape or something, so he ran for his life. Then some random white man that was near who saw him, was eager to conspire with her and claim he assaulted her. The police came and arrested him, and they both falsely identified him. Although the negro admitted to being there and admitted to touching her, he assures us he didn’t mean to attack her. Negroes never lie about such things, besides I’m sure he was coerced into this false confession.

But then the police refused to hang him immediately so the KKK showed up to lynch. Thankfully some righteous black fellows showed up to peacefully prevent any such lynching, but they were attacked by the mob of white Republicans, so they defended themselves and shot ten of them dead. The white Republicans couldn’t stand it so they burned down “Black Wall Street” and massacred 3000 hapless negroes in a fit of rage.
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I mean, it’s not like a black man attacking a white woman, scratching her face and hands and tearing her clothes,means he’s trying to rape her or anything. Maybe he was an aspiring doctor and wanted to just give her a free examination.
Now connect that with murdering hundreds of people and destroying a city.
These details remain sketchy. When pondering the original alleged event, one must remember that this was undoubtedly a manual elevator which could easily be stopped between floors for as long as desired, and nobody could do anything about it. So it is possible that the white woman was raped by the Black kid.

And it is one thing to say that the "official" number of deaths was understated, but it is quite another to assume that the real number was virtually ten times as many as the official reports. Indeed, for the President to quote the number of 300 is nothing but an unsubstantiable lie. Perhaps we need to introduce the concept of BidenDerangementSyndrome, referring to when the President says something preposterous and the Media just takes it in as though it were plausible or real.

In any event, this was no "massacre." A "massacre" is an unprovoked attack on un-armed people, resulting is massive deaths. Here we had dueling mobs in which the larger, better armed white mob prevailed, then committed a little mayhem for dessert. Not a happy course of action, but not a massacre either.

And of course we now have the usual race hustlers trying to squeeze money from the government for events that the government had nothing to do with, and which impacted relatively few people (a couple dozen) in the actual event.
Its just as likely that she raped him. You are utterly shameless.

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

Of corse he is right, and there is proof of it:

How does that prove he is right? Do you know how many have spent countless years is prison over a lie.

Yea your right. I’m sure he tripped over his shoe and accidentally tore her clothes and scratches her face while falling. He then realized she would lie and accuse him of rape or something, so he ran for his life. Then some random white man that was near who saw him, was eager to conspire with her and claim he assaulted her. The police came and arrested him, and they both falsely identified him. Although the negro admitted to being there and admitted to touching her, he assures us he didn’t mean to attack her. Negroes never lie about such things, besides I’m sure he was coerced into this false confession.

But then the police refused to hang him immediately so the KKK showed up to lynch. Thankfully some righteous black fellows showed up to peacefully prevent any such lynching, but they were attacked by the mob of white Republicans, so they defended themselves and shot ten of them dead. The white Republicans couldn’t stand it so they burned down “Black Wall Street” and massacred 3000 hapless negroes in a fit of rage.

There are thousands of black men who have spent decades in prison for rape because a white woman said, "he did it" and that's all it took. Come to find out the black man had never even saw her or you had those who were sneaking with a black man got caught and then screamed rape.

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

Yep, and after that he'll prove MLK shot himself, right?
I mean, it’s not like a black man attacking a white woman, scratching her face and hands and tearing her clothes,means he’s trying to rape her or anything. Maybe he was an aspiring doctor and wanted to just give her a free examination.
Now connect that with murdering hundreds of people and destroying a city.
It was 3000. To say it was anything less is covering up genocide.

This guy is spot-on....there was never any real massacre where blacks were killed and their businesses burned least, not for a good reason....

And since this is a black guy who is saying it; you better believe it is true....what he says is what has long been the truth all of these years; until libs came in and tried to twist the narrative and found a bunch of darkies to repeat that lie.....

As this guy points out....the black man who started this whole thing, Dick Roland -- he really did rape that white girl....but the liberals running the police department at the time tried to protect this guy from justice; even allowed armed darkies to intervene...and this is what started the riot....basically these darkies had it coming....and like I said, a black guy said it -- so it is definitely true...

I look forward to his next video when he claims Emmett Till really did deserved to be murdered for whistling at that white woman

Of corse he is right, and there is proof of it:

How does that prove he is right? Do you know how many have spent countless years is prison over a lie.

Yea your right. I’m sure he tripped over his shoe and accidentally tore her clothes and scratches her face while falling. He then realized she would lie and accuse him of rape or something, so he ran for his life. Then some random white man that was near who saw him, was eager to conspire with her and claim he assaulted her. The police came and arrested him, and they both falsely identified him. Although the negro admitted to being there and admitted to touching her, he assures us he didn’t mean to attack her. Negroes never lie about such things, besides I’m sure he was coerced into this false confession.

But then the police refused to hang him immediately so the KKK showed up to lynch. Thankfully some righteous black fellows showed up to peacefully prevent any such lynching, but they were attacked by the mob of white Republicans, so they defended themselves and shot ten of them dead. The white Republicans couldn’t stand it so they burned down “Black Wall Street” and massacred 3000 hapless negroes in a fit of rage.

There are thousands of black men who have spent decades in prison for rape because a white woman said, "he did it" and that's all it took. Come to find out the black man had never even saw her or you had those who were sneaking with a black man got caught and then screamed rape.

That’s so true. Because black men have been falsely accused, that means this guy was innocent. The witnesses lied and the police forced a confession. I’m still confused why the police didn’t hang him or hand him over to the mob, but I guess in this case the police were the good guys in a system of systemic racism.

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