Boys falling further behind in K-12 girl centric schools


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Interesting video. And very true, today students are disciplined more (70% are boys), most activities and equipment have been removed/banned from school yards. Reading material in today's K-7 is extremely girl centric, poetry, touchy-feely self discovery books etc. etc.
What do you think?

oh, we're definitely raising a generation of faggots. And I don't mean homosexual, I mean pussies.

If in my older years we suffer another Pearl Harbor, we are fucked. Can you imagine expecting today's pussies to be the next "greatest generation?"
I see it too.
Take crying, I will be 50 in march. The last time I cried was when I was 37. My father had lung cancer and I was the first to go in ICU right after they removed his upper left lung. He was in terrible-terrible pain and was screaming. He was not fully awake. Seeing my father in that weakened state...I couldn't help it. The time before that was when my grandfather died in 1980.
Today - these little girl boys cry as much as any girl does. WTF?
It's totally true, and it disgusts me. The people at the top of our education system and our society in general are attempting to remove all means of separating boys and girls in society. Anyone with two brain cells or more can see what "Feminism" has done to this nation in the last century, and this is the next step.... total feminization of American society. Removal of ANYTHING even possibly masculine in society.... Look at the NFL and NHL for a great example of that beyond the schoolyard. It's utter lunacy.
It would be entirely unsurprising if female humans had an easier time learning--just as with other primate species.
It would be entirely unsurprising if female humans had an easier time learning--just as with other primate species.

If so, what on earth would that have to do with anything? The point is the education system is systematically removing everything that has to do with the male child, while increasing things that boost the female child.
The system is so anti-male that no wonder they're saying, "FUCK IT!"

The less men the system has, the faster our educational system has collapsed...22nd in the world for math and science currently. WAS 17th in 2009.

Keep on being anti-male and watch us become a third world asshole!
It would be entirely unsurprising if female humans had an easier time learning--just as with other primate species.

If so, what on earth would that have to do with anything? The point is the education system is systematically removing everything that has to do with the male child, while increasing things that boost the female child.

Really? And literature has not always been part of the curriculum?
I have said it many times - feminism is a destructive force. Liberals are aligned with feminist values, so it is actually a small wonder that this has not happened earlier.
The male child is getting left out in the cold, especially in K-8.
School play equipment is disappearing all across America. In our school system - kids are not even allowed to play tag!!! In high school phys-ed it is all co-ed!! That is asinine. The play needs and interest of girls and boys couldn't be any further apart - and our schools have simply removed all of the things boys want to do.
My son is 20 now, but when he was in High School - VOLLEYBALL was the only "contact" sport in phys-ed. They did "stretching", they did aerobics, in swimming they are even co-ed now!
It would be entirely unsurprising if female humans had an easier time learning--just as with other primate species.

If so, what on earth would that have to do with anything? The point is the education system is systematically removing everything that has to do with the male child, while increasing things that boost the female child.

Really? And literature has not always been part of the curriculum?

:eusa_eh: - you didn't watch the video did you?
Schools have removed books that interested boys and replaced them with books that clearly are meant for girls.
Virtually every single book in school libraries that had an ounce of "violence" - gone, to be replaced by 1000 books on "acceptance" and self discover etc. Boys are never going to read this. Advanced vocabulary is learned primarily from reading. Almost exclusively. The importance of children learning a good vocabulary is more important than the desire of the idiot educators trying to forward an agenda with pansy feel good books that boys cannot stand.
The educational system simply follows what parents and society reflect. I blame lack of parenting, decline in family, television, and on and on with schools being very far down the list. We worship NFL players. They are big and manly..... true role models... yes... wife beaters, child beaters, etc. If I had to do it all over again I would NEVER let my son play football. Its not worth the risk of concussions affecting their lives. There is no educational agenda where I live other than to prep kids for college which is their only chance at success and not having to work for $15 an hour for some lousy ill begotten company who expects everything of them and pays nothing. If we have become less manly then to find the problem.... look in the mirror.
so you'd make your son more manly by not letting him play football???

For me it's because of the injury factor for young kids in football.
Also, notice all the fights after high school sports games like football? Doesn't seem to happen after a high school concert. The wind section duking it out with the string section in the parking lot after a concert probably won't happen.
so you'd make your son more manly by not letting him play football???

For me it's because of the injury factor for young kids in football.
Also, notice all the fights after high school sports games like football? Doesn't seem to happen after a high school concert. The wind section duking it out with the string section in the parking lot after a concert probably won't happen.

Odd, I was all state in high school football, I never started any fights Both my sons were all state in high school football,never started any fights.
If in my older years we suffer another Pearl Harbor, we are fucked. Can you imagine expecting today's pussies to be the next "greatest generation?"

Sure, I can. The latest generation of Americans to go off to war have acquitted themselves very admirably. Americans will rise to whatever occasion presents itself.
so you'd make your son more manly by not letting him play football???

For me it's because of the injury factor for young kids in football.
Also, notice all the fights after high school sports games like football? Doesn't seem to happen after a high school concert. The wind section duking it out with the string section in the parking lot after a concert probably won't happen.

You are completely missing the causal relationship involved, but in any case what of it? A boy should get into at least a few fights growing up. It's part of learning how and when not to fight.
The educational system simply follows what parents and society reflect. I blame lack of parenting, decline in family, television, and on and on with schools being very far down the list. We worship NFL players. They are big and manly..... true role models... yes... wife beaters, child beaters, etc. If I had to do it all over again I would NEVER let my son play football. Its not worth the risk of concussions affecting their lives.

Until and unless someone competes at least at the college level, it is extremely unlikely they will be at more life-threatening risk playing football than doing many other things a teenager does.

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