Boy, Five, Begs Soldiers Not To Take His Dad

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]Five year old Palestinian boy begs Israeli soldiers not to take his Daddy away (PL subs) - YouTube[/ame]
Boo fucking hoo. Don't do the crime if you don't want to do the time. Under fakestinian regimes, they just kill you. Go back to Saudi Arabia where you came from, fakestinian trash

[ame=]Applause - YouTube[/ame]
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And the propagandists will say that the kid learned to hate Israel in school.:cuckoo:
This boy is lucky.

[ame=]Story of a Palestinian Girl - YouTube[/ame]
A 27-year-old mother of five was bludgeoned to death with an iron chain by her father last week in Gaza in what human rights groups report was an honor killing.

According to police in Gaza, the father, Jawdat al-Najar, heard his daughter Fadia, who had divorced in 2005, speaking on the phone with a man. He believed she was having a relationship with him. Police say al-Najar became enraged and beat her to death; her body was brought to a hospital where officials said she died of a skull fracture

The woman was beaten to death in the northern Gaza neighborhood of Jebalya on Thursday night. The father called police and confessed to the murder.

According to investigators for the Gaza-based Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, the father and his three sons were taken into police custody. They said the killing "was carried out on grounds related to 'preserving' the honor of the family."

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights, another Gaza-based organization, said hospital forensic reports show the woman's body showed signs of torture and that she suffered a skull fracture from being hit by an iron chain.
Rights groups decry Gaza 'honor killing' - CNN
Story of a Palestinian Girl :lol:

Former PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen :lol:
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Story of a Palestinian Girl :lol:

Former PLO Leader Zuheir Mohsen :lol:
The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct Palestinian people to oppose Zionism.
Zuheir Mohsen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You would think that is funny, dirtbag.
And the propagandists will say that the kid learned to hate Israel in school.:cuckoo:

Dr. Wafa Sultan, Human Rights Activist, Among "Time magazine's 100 heroes and pioneers whose power, talent or moral example is transforming our world"

Wafa Sultan - The 2006 TIME 100 - TIME.

Islam Teaches Hatred and Murder Of Jews
When I emigrated to the United States of America from Syria, another Arab country that today is undergoing a turbulent political earthquake, never did I imagine that one day I would stand outside the United Nations to oppose its perverted conference, to defend against its malicious attempt to single out Israel -- a country that I was taught to hate. But here I am today, proud to stand for light in the midst of darkness. This darkness brought about by the multiple Muslim countries and their international enablers, who have dishonored the initial objective of the United Nations, only to vilify, and eventually to destroy Israel - the one and the only free democratic country in the entire Middle East.

For the last 1,400 years, since its inception, Islamic ideology has attempted to deprive the Jews of their three most cherished possessions -- their Bible, their Lives, and their Land of Israel. During my school years, I heard my teachers, family members, neighbors, and the media all bombarding us daily, throughout the Arab world. We, as small kids and young adults, were indoctrinated to share the anti-Semitic vitriol -- to despise and denigrate Jews. God condemned the Jews because they falsified the Torah. How did I know it? That is what I was taught. Since Jews forged the Bible, they were despised and depicted as pigs and apes. How did I know it? That is what I was taught. Jews killed our prophets and were the enemies of Allah. How did I know it? That is what I was taught. Therefore, the Jews represent an existential danger to all humanity, so their annihilation, as individuals and as a people, was and would be a legitimate service to God and mankind. How did I know it? That is what I was taught.

Yes, killing Jews was always presented to me and my classmates as a religious obligation. We absorbed this evil propaganda with our food and water, and with our school books, each and every day. As a trained psychiatrist, I assert that seeds of hatred planted in the mind of a child, lead to immense hatred as the child grows into adulthood. Tragically, this hatred generates dangerous actions and even death.
The United Nations and Human Rights Abuse | EuropeNews
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Yes, killing Jews was always presented to me and my classmates as a religious obligation.

Palestine has the most scrutinized education in the world.

Could you post some examples?
Yes, killing Jews was always presented to me and my classmates as a religious obligation.

Palestine has the most scrutinized education in the world.

Could you post some examples?

Er, "Palestine" was the Roman Empire's nickname for Israel. Last time I checked, the Roman Empire was no longer. :lol:

Maybe, open a history book?

Biblical Historian and Scholar Dr. Paula Fredriksen, Ph.D, History of Religion, Princeton University, Diploma in Theology, Oxford University...
The Judean revolt against Rome was led by [Jewish messiah] Bar Kochba in 132-135 CE. The immediate causes of this rebellion are obscure. Its result was not: [Roman Emperor] Hadrian crushed the revolt and banned Jews from Judea.

The Romans now designated this territory by a political neologism, "Palestine" [a Latin form of "Philistine"], in a deliberate effort to denationalize Jewish/Judean territory. And, finally, Hadrian eradicated Jewish Jerusalem, erecting upon its ruins a new pagan city, Aelia Capitolina.
Could you post some examples?

I didn't think so.

Can you show us where this fictional palestine is in the Bible? I didn't think so.

How about finding palestine in the Quran? Nope, you can't

[ame=]Sound-Effects - Crowd Laughing - YouTube[/ame]
Off topic.

Could you post some examples?

You're the boss of me? Could you post some examples of this alleged palestine in the Bible and Quran?

I'm beginning to think this palestine is just one big crock of "shiite" :lol:

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