Bows and wrapped gifts now offensive on campus


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
An academic department at the University of Minnesota declared that “bows/wrapped gifts” are “not appropriate for gatherings and displays at this time of year.”
‘Bows’ and ‘Wrapped Gifts’ Now Offensive on Campus

The mental illness is getting more severe by the day , and if I had a kid in one of these colleges that kid would be yanked out of this snowflake pos indoctrination cult so fast . When people realize what abuse is going on with these cultist fkn morons maybe when those dollars being to lessen these colleges will wake up. Doubtful though. Hopefully they just tank right out of existence.
I dont get why someone that thinks of bows and wrapped gifts as being offensive turns you into a snowflake? You do realize that no matter where you go in the world someone is going to disagree with you right? Instead of pulling a child from a school why dont you toughen them up so they wont be a snowflake? From your link.....(Info Wars) :laugh:

“Consider neutral-themed parties such as ‘winter celebration,’” the flyer suggests, adding that “decorations, music, and food should be general and not specific to any one religion.
^^^ Amen to this. If they don't like the way that the rest of us live our lives, they are free to leave whenever they are ready to.

God bless you always!!!


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