Botched Cosmetic Surgery


Trump/Vance Ticket-- Too Big to Rig
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 16, 2010
Central Coast
It happened to my friend, who was told on a daily basis how much she looked like a young Liz Taylor. A few years later she had a facelift and wanted to meet me at a dark bar to show it to me. Fifty percent of her face was uneven with the other 50%. She did have to point it out to me, for it was so slight, but it was there and she was naturally devastated. Many surgeries later, it was even, but the stress and the surgeries had taken their toll on my naturally beautiful friend. She no longer resembled a young Liz Taylor or even herself.

Has this happened to you or anyone you know? A botched cosmetic surgery?
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A better strategy for happiness is just to take good care of oneself and accept the aging process as a natural part of life. It's sad to see someone butcher herself in a desperate attempt to avoid reality.
Growing older gracefully might be the answer to botched surgeries

Drinking water, exercising and eating right is key to good health. The skin IS the largest organ of body after all. And what you put in the body shows with the skin
I love my greying hair and wrinkles.

I dont fear aging I embrace it.

If you chase your past you foul your future.

Live in the moment and free yourself from trying to impress people.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and making your life a competition with others is a reciepe for pain.
[ame=]When I Grow Up[/ame]
It happened to my friend, who was told on a daily basis how much she looked like a young Liz Taylor. A few years later she had a facelift and wanted to meet me at a dark bar to show it to me. Fifty percent of her face was uneven with the other 50%. She did have to point it out to me, for it was so slight, but it was there and she was naturally devastated. Many surgeries later, it was even, but the stress and the surgeries had taken their toll on my naturally beautiful friend. She no longer resembled a young Liz Taylor or even herself.

Has this happened to you or anyone you know? A botched cosmetic surgery?
I'll decline elective surgery at this time, nor do I plan on any in the future.
I have never really seen one that wasn't botched. I have seen many many over my career. Guess where they come when it gets botched? Right. To psychiatry. Where they should have been to begin with.

I never take their word the surgery was botched. Some people have body dysmorphic disorder, and will never be pleased with the result. I have seen a tummy tuck that didn't heal for 6 years - open weeping wounds on the belly the whole time. I've seen uneven, distorted boobs, hair falling from the scar tissue requiring hundreds of hair transplants to correct the damage. I've seen the 'tucks' showing like a pleated skirt. You name it. It can get really bad.

The worst though is that gastric bypass shit. That's a craps shoot. Some people are never able to be healthy again. I have a friend who had that and she can't even lie down to sleep any longer.

The rationale to get grown adult people to pay for this shit: You would spend it on a car so why not on yourself! Of course, anything that goes wrong is your baby, your insurance won't care.
I love my greying hair and wrinkles.

I dont fear aging I embrace it.

If you chase your past you foul your future.

Live in the moment and free yourself from trying to impress people.

Life is meant to be enjoyed and making your life a competition with others is a reciepe for pain.

Hey, that was actually very good!

Did you write that yourself???

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