"Born in Kenya"..Another "Trick and LIE" approved by Obama


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
IT IS A FACT that Obama APPROVED an OUT RIGHT LIE used to further his own gain.
Further his OWN financial gain!

Obama had to approve of the following LIE.
"Born in Kenya"

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii'

He HAD to approve the picture. He HAD to approve the text and the distribution.
He KNOWINGLY approved a LIE "Born in Kenya" is a lie!

NO mincing, no nuancing, no "depends on what 'is' is".. outright deception!

Now...For all you Independents that voted for Obama...
Remember you voted for him to prove to others you weren't racist.
Certainly smart people KNEW Obama was an out and out liar as Obama he wrote in his own words from his autobiography pages 94-95 of "Dreams of My Father".. [brackets mine]:
"...one day [Obama's white mother] had marched into my room, wanting to know the details of [my friend] Pablo's arrest. I had given her a reassuring smile and patted her on the hand and told her not to worry, I wouldn't do anything stupid.

It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned: People were satisfied as long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied; they were relieved--such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

You independent voters..."Fool you once SHAME on Obama... Fool you twice by voting SHAME ON YOU"!
This huge glaring acceptance as a FACT and passed on by Obama to promote Obama should be a major example of why independent voters who fooled by Obama ONCE should NOT be proven FOOLS by voting for Obama again.

YOU independents.. YOU consider yourself above party ideology???
THEN you were FOOLED once by Obama don't become an Obama Fool again!
You're a little late with this "breaking news", champ.

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